Hi....I am having problems backing up PS2 dvd's with decrypter, and hoping someone might help. I am getting coasters, and Decrpter is highly recommended on this forum.
I can't adjust my read speed, it runs at 9x to 12x and I can't slow it down.
Does it matter which aspi layer I use, "SPTI Microsoft" is selected by default.
Thank's in advance to anyone offering assistance.
Reader: Toshiba SD-M1402
Writer: Sony DWU-18 -/+ DVDR/RW
O/S Windows 2K
Thank's sly,
The media I am using is a product called Smartdisc. I haven't had any problems with movies or programs, just the PS2. Do you think that's all it is. Would be nice if it's that easy. Cheer's.
Thank's sly,
You got it in one my friend. Verbatim media did the job.
I hope all my visits to this forum are as rewarding. Sure is nice to have someone interested in helping newbies like myself, instead of talking down to them like a lot of other places I visit.
Anyways, thank's again for your time.