Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion
The intention of this forum is to discuss about Nintendo Gamecube mods and backup issues.
Note! This forum has been shut down. You can still read messages, but you can't post to this forum room.
What the best (mini) media to burn backups?
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antsmalls |
26.03.2005 @ 13:52 by phoenixau |
GameCube Ripping
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ñññññññññ |
26.03.2005 @ 10:41 by ñññññññññ |
Mega stupid problems!
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scotswahe |
26.03.2005 @ 08:34 by scotswahe |
Gamecube USB/ATA interface!
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ssjowowo |
26.03.2005 @ 06:37 by shujinko |
About Burning GC , ISO
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wdx30022 |
26.03.2005 @ 03:59 by wdx30022 |
Princo 4,7gb dvd
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darkradd |
26.03.2005 @ 03:28 by Ize |
how to take of gc cover
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sljusevi |
26.03.2005 @ 03:25 by Ize |
Streaming with a Mac
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minimoose |
25.03.2005 @ 15:12 by minimoose |
Ripping games help!!!!!!
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0MAR |
25.03.2005 @ 11:01 by Quezacotl |
Can viper have diff bios loaded?
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phoenixau |
25.03.2005 @ 08:52 by gulliver |
svenska mini dvds
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sljusevi |
25.03.2005 @ 05:17 by sljusevi |
mac burn
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sljusevi |
25.03.2005 @ 04:29 by sljusevi |
GBA Movie Player
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tmfloria |
24.03.2005 @ 13:35 by Betatestr |
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boki2002 |
24.03.2005 @ 12:41 by Quezacotl |
Poll Thread: Anaconda, Cobra or GCos, which bios is best?
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indienemo |
24.03.2005 @ 09:18 by gulliver |
Viper GC Distributor
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mkprk |
24.03.2005 @ 07:35 by indienemo |
PSO Question
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boki2002 |
23.03.2005 @ 23:56 by boki2002 |
new gamecube modchip
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Warini |
23.03.2005 @ 22:25 by L-Burna |
Download hub for Afterdawn NGC fans....
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indienemo |
23.03.2005 @ 22:06 by gulliver |
Action Replay (from datel) with viper
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neonikngc |
23.03.2005 @ 19:27 by neonikngc |
Any1 else having probs with johs tracker?
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jamjars |
23.03.2005 @ 17:12 by jamjars |
can I do image for GC disk ( original)
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wdx30022 |
23.03.2005 @ 15:33 by Ize |
What is Animal Crossing Loader ?
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0MAR |
23.03.2005 @ 14:26 by 0MAR |
AR max and AR max pro
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maddenart |
23.03.2005 @ 11:03 by maddenart |
Viper Problem
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SyCoVeNoM |
23.03.2005 @ 09:28 by gulliver |
ugh, my gamecube does nothing when i put a game in, and no i do not have a viper chip.
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xboxthug |
23.03.2005 @ 05:40 by gulliver |
Theory on Swap-Disc free bios..
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indienemo |
23.03.2005 @ 04:10 by Squished |
resident evil 4 fans come and talk
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mitch87 |
23.03.2005 @ 03:50 by indienemo |
Viper GC
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SnipesXxX |
22.03.2005 @ 22:59 by gulliver |
Chip Installation (Viper GC)
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antsmalls |
22.03.2005 @ 20:57 by gulliver |
No more DRES
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WindWaker |
22.03.2005 @ 11:50 by SuperTed |
PSO episode III Card Revolution?
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0MAR |
22.03.2005 @ 09:49 by Squished |
PSO or Animal Crossing
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0MAR |
22.03.2005 @ 09:41 by Squished |
Problem with disc spinning after Viper Mod
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mrrman |
22.03.2005 @ 08:36 by gulliver |
how do u copy game cube disk (noob alert)
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Doulley |
22.03.2005 @ 07:52 by gulliver |
gamecube discs
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ninja234 |
22.03.2005 @ 07:40 by Squished |
DRE the real problem is not a software fix....
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Ize |
21.03.2005 @ 23:09 by indienemo |
Help! I've .pff-ucked up my backup of Res Evil 4..
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indienemo |
21.03.2005 @ 23:05 by indienemo |
A way to play PAL on my USA GC
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murph1083 |
21.03.2005 @ 21:31 by Quezacotl |
Check out the Full size DVD mod
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Kafluke |
21.03.2005 @ 08:51 by Ize |