I just thought I would throw my two cents in for anyone who was considering picking up this console (The One bundled with SingStar Pop + 2 Microphones nowadays) and wanted to use Swap Magic 3.6 with it. I searched ALL over the Internet (I Believe, heh) but couldn't find a definitive answer as to whether Swap Magic 3.6 or the Magic Switch Pro V4 will work with this version.
The answer is YES it will work, although I encountered a slight problem some other users might not have/will. When it comes to Part E (The only metal piece that you slide in between the two metal pieces next to the lens), no matter how much I fooled around with it I could NOT get it to trigger the sensor that allowed the discs to spin with the console open. Instead I had to void my warranty (Which I didn't want to do, but oh well) and insert Part D. I also had a little trouble getting Part B in correctly (The one that stops the disc brake) and had to fool around with it SEVERAL times to finally get it right, and now I'm reluctant to move my console much, just to ensure I don't dislodge it. Besides that - Swap magic 3.6 is working GREAT on my console - Tested PS2 CDs with the CD disc, and been playing all the international Final Fantasy Games with the DVD Disc (My only complaint about the DVD Disc [could be just mine], is that I have to place it into the console HARD to make sure it clicks into place right so it spins correctly. Aside from that though - I'm really, REALLY pleased with my product! (Tried to mod my Fat PS2 and fucked it up, so I was looking for a risk free method and found it! LOL). I ordered mine from Overstockdistributing.com, which had a base cost of 19.99 (But rather steep shipping - starting at $12.00 up to $20.00 for overnight) - so I paid the overnight, and although it shipped JUST under the 24 hour mark that they promise, It arrived to me a day later.
Once again, I recommend Swap magic and Magic Switch for anyone looking for a Risk free, EASY Solution to playing import/backup games!
And sorry if this was already posted somewhere, I saw some posts confirming the silver model worked, but i just thought i would confirm the CW 79001 works.