Please HELP...I'm new in ps2 modding. i made a connection of my ps2 fat v4 SCPH-30004 with a board od GH-010 using modbo 3.0 as what i read to several pages. I tried to run not original cd and it works fine. But when i put the HDD to the expansion bay it wont work. Acctually i cannot find any seating configuration for the modbo 3.0.
Is my clip ok using this version? How to setup system configuration and activate dev2. Please help.
Ok it sounds like you installed your modbo 3.0 and it works fine.
I am not sure what you mean about your hdd not working.
It just connects to the Network adaptor, and then plug the Network adaptor to your PS2 in the expansion bay.
To install Dev 2, just check here for the installers - link
And a Matrix Tutorial with instructions on installing are here - link
Hello... i just follow the steps in SKS APPS tuturial in burning infinity manager but the problem is when i put the burned cd to ps2 player it shows only the memory card and the cd icon. I tried for how many times by executing the cd but did not open. Did i wrongly follow the procedure? As what i understand in activating dev1 is 1st downloading infinity manager to mc0 to activate to its system configution. Please help if my understanding is wrong.
Thanks Smokyrain, i run my hd when i accedentally install UluanchELF and a full drive copy from my friend ps2. Could you please tell me what are the funtions and uses for the following below.
The infinity manager lets you manage your memory card, transfer ELF files from CD-ROM and configures your modchip.
Ulaunch.elf is actually better for managing memory card, USB hdd, and IDE hdd
But the configuring the Matrix Menu is good to have, as pictured below.
If you have a friend with working laser and a cheat disc, you can install Dev 1
Read Alternate DEV1 Installation in this thread - link
Its the only other way if your laser is not working that great.
Once that is installed, then you can launch ELF files from the memory card, or install Dev 2 to your hdd ( the tutorial for that is below the Dev 1 method)
The only other solution I have for you is too get someone to install fmcb 1.8 to a memory card for you and then you can launch ELF files from the memory card.
Homebrew is basically any applications wrote to use on the PS2, or emulators, ELF files etc.