Hello, I've come here because I've had a problem with the ulauncher not booting.
First, here's what I got:
ARMax (one without media player)
PS2 SCPH-300001 R "Chubby"
8MB Memory Card
USB Stick by Dela Elec
Crash Bandicoot 2 PSX CD
Ok, so I got the titleDB all set up using Titleman (didnt work) then I used TitleDB Generator (Also didnt work) I got the right title from the CD. Then I put that and the BOOT.ELF from uLE 4.40 into the Save using the PS2 Sava Builder. Anyway I formatted everything off of the PS2 Mem card, launched ARMax, and uncrushed the max save to the memory card and it was successful. I also named it BADATA-SYSTEM.max
So after that was done, I restarted the PS2, put the PSX CD in (Crash Bandicoot 2) and it just loads the game... I've tried this 10 times so far, and I used 3 different PSX games, but Crash 2 is on the list of Trigger CDs so....
What do I do? Am I doing something wrong or what? It's getting kind of frustrating.