Hello everyone I am having a difficult time trying to get Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 to run on my PS2. I already own a copy of Persona 4 (NTSCU version) and I'm trying to back up the game just in case I lose the original. I already used a lot of different programs to get the ISO file on my computer and I have burned it using the imgburn program and when I play it in the PS2 the game will only load if I constantly move the PS2 up and down. Here is a list of all the specifications/programs of the PS2 and every method I tried:
-The PS2 is an american/NTSCU version, older model (the fat one)
-I used VerbatimDVD-R, 4.7 GB, 16x speed (wasted about 4 or 5 already)
-As previously mentioned, I used imgburn to burn the ISO to the DVD-R and I used different burn speeds like 2x, 8x, and even the AWS (Automatic Write Speed) setting
-My PS2 uses FreeMcboot v1.8
What really confuses me is that every other backup I burned like Killzone, Dynasty Warriors 6, etc worked like a charm and Persona 4 just won't work. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
Persona 4 should work fine with fmcb 1.8 and esr r9b. I burned mine at 4x using imgburn on DVD-rVerbatim
If still no go, then try cleaning your laser using rubbing alcohol and a q-tip
Clean in a circular motion, gently but firmly for about 30 secs
Using dry end of q-tip, dry in same manner for about 6-8 secs.
Originally posted by smokyrain: Persona 4 should work fine with fmcb 1.8 and esr r9b. I burned mine at 4x using imgburn on DVD-rVerbatim
If still no go, then try cleaning your laser using rubbing alcohol and a q-tip
Clean in a circular motion, gently but firmly for about 30 secs
Using dry end of q-tip, dry in same manner for about 6-8 secs.
Thanks for the reply man. I cleaned the laser and burned the game at 4x on imgburn like you said, but there are still a few problems. The good news is that the game boots up much more faster than my previous ones, but the bad news is that the game still tends to lag. It runs smoothly up until the main screen, but during the gameplay when the characters talk to each other, the music in the background suddenly stops and the voices suddenly stop as well. In order to make the game progress, I have to tilt the PS2 constantly. Should I burn the game at a slower speed, a faster speed or does the problem lie in the burner I use? I must say that I have never come across a problem like this when burning PS2 games so any feedback would be helpful.
If you look for the tab 'Search this forum' , and type in 'Persona 4' you can check some posts on it.
I just got finished using the SM 3.8 elf file but there are still some problems. First I checked some posts on Persona 4 with the link that you provided to me but nothing there seemed to help. I did some research afterwards on the SM 3.8 elf and came across a thread were you explained how to use SM 3.8 elf.
The original PS2 game I used to boot up the system was Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the fast boot was off in the fmcb settings. Then I launched the SM 3.8 elf and this screen showed up.
Then I swapped the original disc for my burned copy of Persona 4 but the option for pressing normal, then choose your region doesn't appear. This is the screen that we are stuck at. Any ideas?
If you look for the tab 'Search this forum' , and type in 'Persona 4' you can check some posts on it.
I just got finished using the SM 3.8 elf file but there are still some problems. First I checked some posts on Persona 4 with the link that you provided to me but nothing there seemed to help. I did some research afterwards on the SM 3.8 elf and came across a thread were you explained how to use SM 3.8 elf.
The original PS2 game I used to boot up the system was Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the fast boot was off in the fmcb settings. Then I launched the SM 3.8 elf and this screen showed up.
Then I swapped the original disc for my burned copy of Persona 4 but the option for pressing normal, then choose your region doesn't appear. This is the screen that we are stuck at. Any ideas?
Yes for some reason you launched SMS player and not SM 3.8 elf
You need to start the fmcb configurator
Then go to OSDSYS options and change the Item 4 (I think it is) from sms.elf to sm 3.8 elf
Alright so I started the fmcb configurator and went to OSDSYS and changed all of the three paths in item 4 that said sms.elf to sm 3.8 elf (I have the packed version on my memory card). After all the settings were changed I put the original GTA: Vice City in and held the L2 button to get swap magic to start up but it didn't so I manually started swap magic by selecting Simple Media Launcher from the Free Mcboot menu. The swap magic menu came up fine and it read the grand theft auto TOC fine. I then swapped out the game for the burned copy of Persona 4 and selected normal, then chose NTSC for the setting. The problem is that the game doesn't start at all and I even tried selecting special instead of normal and tried default instead of NTSC but it was still a no go. Any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong here?