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11. January 2006 @ 18:57 |
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_______________________________________ This link takes you to:
Crazy Frog: " POPCORN " ( long clip )__2005
Duration: 2 min. 36 seconds
Loads instantly in Windows Media Player
After you arrive, click on: CRAZY FROG ORIGINAL POPCORN VIDEO
NOTE: This long clip leaves you with wanting more !!
Some very fine animation here. Cool robots dancing
for the frog is funny indeed !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Wednesday January 11, 2006__11:57 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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13. January 2006 @ 17:29 |
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________________________ This link takes you to:
" Video Art: JOURNEY OF MIRACILLA " 2005
By: Motion Graphics Chicago ( Ed Cookson & Nick Sweetman ).
Duration: 5 minutes
( loads instantly in Quicktime ).
After you arrive, just click PLAY.
NOTE: This work seems to be telling the story of
how animations are created ( but in a postmodern
context with humor ). It puzzles me why the title
at the end says: " The Journey of Mircalla l ". Mistake ??
Regardless, I consider this animation a postmodern masterpiece.
Also, I love the high-tech audio !!
POSTMODERNISM ( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ).
If you're up for a challenging read this is it:
Signed: Robert Singletary__Friday January 13, 2006__10:29 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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19. January 2006 @ 18:40 |
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___________________________ This link takes you to:
Duration: 2 min. 8 seconds
After you arrive, scroll down and click on:
Windows Media ( 9.6 Mb )
[ located under the heading: Download a two minute video
of excerpts from 2004 perfornances: ].
It loads instantly. This link takes you to another video by John Walt Adamczyk:
" AUTOCOSM: GARDENS OF THUBAN "__Duration: 10 min. 18 seconds
( at Siggraph 2005 in Los Angeles ).
After you arrive, click on: Windows Media ( 24 Mb ).
It loads instantly.
NOTE: Both of these works will expand your knowledge of
advanced animation. They sure opened my eyes to
new possibilities !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Thursday January 19, 2006__11:40 P.M
(eastern standard time) USA
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Senior Member
20. January 2006 @ 09:09 |
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This is Another Escuse for a spam thread. No one cares.
PS2 Slimline + Swap Magic + Fan
PS3 60gb Version 1.90
PSP 3.52 M33 EUR Black Version + Logitech Hard Case + Logitech 3 Sound Speakers + 2gb Sony Memory Stick
Nintendo Wii + 3 Wii&Nunchuck Controllers
NDS Original + M3 Simply + 1gb Kingston MicroSD
NDS Lite + M3 Simply + 2gb Sandisk MicroSD
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20. January 2006 @ 20:42 |
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This link takes you to:
" ROBOTA__Reign of Machines " 2004 by Doug Chiang
Duration: 35 seconds
After you arrive, click LARGE ( 15 MB )
under the headline: ROBOTA TEASER 111 2004
( loads instantly in Quicktime ). This link takes you to another clip from this same animation.
Duration: 2 min. 10 seconds ( loads instantly in Quicktime ).
After you arrive, click LARGE ( 21 MB ) under the
headline: NEW! Teaser lV__2005.
NOTE: Both clips show some awesome animation !!
@ 3dluis,
I have discovered over time that those who complain the
most are the ones who can't find a great animation to post.
I wish you better luck in the future !! Besides, how can
one single member speak for all the people of the world
who come to this thread to view great animations ??
Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday January 21, 2006__1:42 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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21. January 2006 @ 05:52 |
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Why don't you check out some of the animation ZCONCEPT posts. There's some good stuff - you may be surprised. What's the harm anyhow of ZCONCEPT sharing some things others may enjoy?
Senior Member
21. January 2006 @ 09:06 |
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Wow, they animate, Amazing
PS2 Slimline + Swap Magic + Fan
PS3 60gb Version 1.90
PSP 3.52 M33 EUR Black Version + Logitech Hard Case + Logitech 3 Sound Speakers + 2gb Sony Memory Stick
Nintendo Wii + 3 Wii&Nunchuck Controllers
NDS Original + M3 Simply + 1gb Kingston MicroSD
NDS Lite + M3 Simply + 2gb Sandisk MicroSD
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21. January 2006 @ 14:56 |
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______________________________________________ This link takes you to:
" EVERYTHING'S JUST BEACHY " 2004 ( updated version )
By: Bruce Monahan
Duration: 10 min. 20 seconds
( loads instantly in Quicktime ).
Just click PLAY to start this fine animation.
NOTE: This animation is a bit slow paced but still fun
because of all the sound effects. Also, the extremely
simplistic style is perfect for this work.
@ binkie7,
Thanks for the support !!
Actually, I think 3dluis is trying to say HE doesn't
care for animations in general. Thus, all others should not
be interested either. Yet, there are millions of animation
lovers out there !! In fact, animation art is being used
more and more these days ( especially for adverts
and website designs ). This thread is needed more
than ever !!
Maybe 3dluis is just extremely, I'd like
to see the fantastic animation he posts in the near future.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday January 21, 2006__7:55 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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22. January 2006 @ 08:13 |
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Not a problem on the support. I enjoy some of the links (haven't checked them all out though). Some of the graphics are amazing and so well done. Keep posting!
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22. January 2006 @ 18:23 |
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_______________________________ This link takes you to:
" RockPaperScissors " ( updated on July 8, 2004 )
By: Matt Rhodes
Duration: 5 min. 39 seconds
After you arrive, click PLAY to start this great animation
( loads instantly in Quicktime ).
NOTE: A rock, a sheet of paper and a pair of scissors
do battle. This film was shown in the screening room
Thanks again binkie7 for your support of this thread.
Hope you get a chance to see more animations here.
I usually look through about 200 animations before I post
the best one found. I don't post just any old animation
because I'm trying to keep the quality high.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday January 22, 2006__11:22 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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2. February 2006 @ 10:29 |
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__________________________________ This link takes you to:
" CLIK CLAK " 2005 ( loads instantly ).
Duration: 5 min. 15 seconds
Directed by: Frechinos, Moulin and Wagner at SUPINFOCOM ARLES
I consider this work to be a masterpiece of animation
and extremely clever conceptual art !!
NOTE: The above animation was my favorite but I can't
stop you from clicking on these other fine works:
( both appear on same page of ).
Signed: Robert Singletary__Thursday February 2, 2006__3:29 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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5. February 2006 @ 07:21 |
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_________________ This link takes you to:
" CARBOT " 2005 Directed by Neill Blomkamp
Animators: Neill Blomkamp, Simon Van De Lagemaat,
Winston Helgason and Trevor Cawood.
Duration: 30 seconds of high-impact animation ( loads instantly ).
After you arrive, click on: this Citroen spot.
NOTE: This animated advert short is a masterpiece !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday February 5, 2006__12:21 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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9. February 2006 @ 11:55 |
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__________________________________ This link takes you to:
" ANJYU " 2001 by Yasuo Ohba
( Tomoko Tatsuta composed the mellow music ).
Duration: 3 min. 35 seconds
After you arrive, scroll down a little and click on:
MPEG1 ( 40MB ) to start animation
[ download time is 3 min. 30 seconds for this 40MB version ].
I guarantee this large high-resolution version
will WOW you and your friends.
NOTE: This animation won the GRAND PRIZE at the
2001 Japan Media Arts Festival. I agree this is
one awesome animation masterpiece and it's a
treasure to behold !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Thursday February 9, 2006__4:55 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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14. February 2006 @ 00:05 |
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I am pleased to give Moose ( a 3DBuzz member ) full credit
for originally finding this great Flame Fractal animation.
Thank you Moose !! This link takes you to:
" APOPHYSIS ONE " 2006 by Karsten Keppel
Duration: 3 min. 37 seconds
( with great music from Vangelis-Spiral 1977 ).
After you arrive, click on MORE MOVIES and then click
on DOWNLOAD ( Optimized version: 3:37 min. 38.7 MB ) to start
animation. Approx. 3 min. download time for this work
but it's worth your time because it's awesome !!
P.S. After I watched " APOPHYSIS ONE " four times I decided
to click on MOVIES under the Terragen section while I was there.
Then I clicked on thumbnail for " LABYRINTH " 2004 by Karsten Keppel
Duration: 4 min. 12 seconds ( download time was 5 min. but this
digital animation is fantastic ). Great fly-throughs with
mountains growing and flattening, rivers appearing and
disappearing !! This is the first time I've ever seen such a
great digital-landscape animation. I must say, it was
a big thrill !!
Music for this work: Tangerine Dream__White Clouds
from `Green Desert` 1973.
Hope you enjoy both of these great animations !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Tuesday February 14, 2006__5:05 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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19. February 2006 @ 04:47 |
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____________________________________ This link takes you to:
" BATMAN_New Times " by Dave School Student Production.
Duration: 10 min. 20 seconds...and it loads instantly
( with additional 1:15 min. of credits at the end ).
After you arrive, click thumbnail to start animation.
I love the simple LEGO-block animation style of this
work because it adds a lot of humor. It fits the
funny lines spoken. Dang good story and lots of action
within this 10 min. 20 seconds of pure delight.
On this same page of thumbnails click:
" DRAGON FELLOW " 2005 by Dave School Student Production.
Duration: 6 minutes
and I recommend you allow half of this work to load
before you click the start button on left side
( there is additional 1 min. of credits at the end ).
This is a very charming animation with somewhat of a
corny folk song. If you have any young kids ( 4 to 8 yrs. )
in the house I'm sure they'll love this one. They may
even make you play it a dozen times !! I'm 60 years old
and it made me smile ( plus, I loved all the bright colors
and details throughout ). This is a masterpiece of pure charm !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday February 19, 2006__9:47 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2006 @ 04:55
Senior Member
20. February 2006 @ 07:10 |
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Can't you just edit the first post you made???, If you read the forum rules, it says do not bump the thread to keep it alive, Just edit the post you made, Especially if you keep posting after the post you made
PS2 Slimline + Swap Magic + Fan
PS3 60gb Version 1.90
PSP 3.52 M33 EUR Black Version + Logitech Hard Case + Logitech 3 Sound Speakers + 2gb Sony Memory Stick
Nintendo Wii + 3 Wii&Nunchuck Controllers
NDS Original + M3 Simply + 1gb Kingston MicroSD
NDS Lite + M3 Simply + 2gb Sandisk MicroSD
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23. February 2006 @ 01:39 |
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____________________ This link takes you to:
After you arrive, click on BNS Summer 2005
( located under the word: Current ).
Duration: 3 min. 30 seconds ( loads instantly ).
Music: Snazzy tune !!
NOTE: My other favorite on this same page is: BNS Fall 2003
Signed: Robert Singletary__Thursday February 23, 2006__6:39 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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25. February 2006 @ 22:43 |
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________________________ This link takes you to:
" PLAY " by Dustball ( real name is DUSTIN McLEAN ).
Duration: 1 min. 40 seconds ( loads instantly ).
After you arrive, click WATCH THIS MOVIE !
( when screen appears, click PLAY to start animation ).
NOTE: The idea is more important than any fancy
CG Animation technique or style
( idea as art = conceptual art ).
It's simplicity works but it's concept is awesome.
I consider this work a masterpiece short !!
Over 408,000 people have already viewed this
animation on the NEWGROUNDS.COM site.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday February 26, 2006__3:43 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
26. February 2006 @ 01:17 |
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Please, just leave this thread be. You have made your point, now just move on.
People like you nitpicking and provoking flame wars are the reason good members of this forum keep leaving.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. February 2006 @ 01:18
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26. February 2006 @ 08:26 |
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@ 3dluis,
I think it's funny and a bit strange how you keep
posting stuff to bump this thread. Thanks, but
I don't need it.
I do look forward to the day when you
post a fantastic animation we can all enjoy.
Come on now, you must have run across SOMETHING
that turns you on.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday February 26, 2006__1:26 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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3. March 2006 @ 19:30 |
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____________________ This link takes you to:
SPONTANEOUS__a creative workshop.
" Original of the species " by U2
Duration: 4 min. 30 seconds
After you arrive, click REEL
and then click U2 ( top left corner ).
It loads instantly.
NOTE: " U2 " is my favorite but you should also
click: COMMONWEALTH while you're on this page.
It's oh so shweet, loads instantly
and lasts a short 30 seconds.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday March 4, 2006__12:30 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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8. March 2006 @ 18:17 |
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____________________________ This link takes you to:
" I LOVE SKY " 2004 by RG Animation Studios
Duration: 4 min. 2 seconds ( loads instantly ).
NOTE: It gets to be a prickly affair toward the end.
Amazing what animals will go through to enjoy their
favorite sport !!
P.S. If you'd like to see high-resolution version go to: Then click ENGLISH, click Animations, click Short Film
and finally click on thumbnail for " I LOVE SKY "
( loads fast in Windows Media Player ).
Signed: Robert Singletary__Wednesday March 8, 2006__11:17 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
Senior Member
10. March 2006 @ 12:21 |
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Quote: 3dluis.
Please, just leave this thread be. You have made your point, now just move on.
People like you nitpicking and provoking flame wars are the reason good members of this forum keep leaving.
People like you nitpicking and provoking flame wars
Firstly, I'm not trying to start a flame war, I'm just pointing it out that in the rules it says he should just edit his first post. Secondly, I didn't start a flame war, you made me by posting. Thirdly, 'Good' member's leave this forum cause they have no more use for it or they have accomplish what they have set to do. I'm not trying to have a go at you and I will leave this thread but if you coment about me than obviously I'd reply back.
10. March 2006 @ 12:32 |
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Quote: I will leave this thread
Thanks -- That way, everyone stays happy. No harm done, 3dluis.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. March 2006 @ 03:14
AfterDawn Addict
10. March 2006 @ 22:33 |
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ZCONCEPT isn't doing any harm or insulting anybody else, and this is the only thread he posts to, so let him be and let him do his own thing.