i need to know how can i play my ps2 games from my USB flash memory
what software do i need to the hall process
if there is any one can explain to me all the steps and to give me the links to the software needed
Originally posted by sahir1982: since it can read the 40G HDD ..then it's reasonable to read any thing less than 40G even if it was a flash memory...
No, it is reasonable to believe that it would read anything more than 40G, not less. I have personaly tried it with 3 different 8GB sticks and a 16GB SD card in a USB adapter...none were detected.
Originally posted by sahir1982: since it can read the 40G HDD ..then it's reasonable to read any thing less than 40G even if it was a flash memory...
No, it is reasonable to believe that it would read anything more than 40G, not less. I have personaly tried it with 3 different 8GB sticks and a 16GB SD card in a USB adapter...none were detected.
no man!!
it's reasanable to read any thing less cuz the address is printed in the ps2 bios...
for example
ur pc can read a 80GB HDDas a maximum..which means that it can read any HDD 80GN and down to 1GB.
i hope u got the idea
i've personally did a 8gig, but that was a IDE HDD.
if it can't read it, it can't read it. move on. besides i wouldn't even use the usb port, it's only usb1.1, which is extremely slow. even if you had a fast flash drive, you'd be bottlenecked to 1.5MB.