I am using a 8MB memory card (MC) for my PS2. It was working fine till last night when I saved GTA: San Andreas on it. Now when I woke up this morning it says no data found. I cannot save any game on that MC as well and all the saved files of GTA: SA and other games are gone from that MC. But when I go to the browser option of PS2...MC displays 1456KB memory free. Does this means that the card has gone bad or what? Please help me as I was in the middle of GTA:SA missions after playing it for a month.
Just like all flash memory, PS2 memory cards die from time to time without warning. You can use uLaunchELF to try to browse the card...you might be able to get some of the files onto another card. If you don't have another card (and don't wanna buy one) you can backup the files to a flash drive, format the card, and copy the files back.
BTW...sometimes these cards appear to have died because their contacts are dirty or worn. Make sure the connections are clean (the ones on the card and the ones in the system). If they are clean, you could try inserting the card, then sliding a thin piece of cardboard on top of it to make the connection tighter.
Can you please let me know how to use this uLaunchELF software and where can I find this software? I tried googling, but found different versions each time. Please let me know how to use it and do I need to burn the software onto a CD after downloading it?
Originally posted by hiphop03: Thanks for the info.
Can you please let me know how to use this uLaunchELF software and where can I find this software? I tried googling, but found different versions each time. Please let me know how to use it and do I need to burn the software onto a CD after downloading it?
Thanks once again
Your card is not dead.
It got corrupted data and needs to be formated.
Your ps2 alone can´t do it.
Just lok for the freeware "mckiller", download it, burn on a cd (that´s just a few Kb), run it with your ps2 with memory card inserted, and do what is said in thr "mckiller" menu.
If you have the ESR free mcboot, you can format the memory card with it.
To find the "mckiller", just look at google, you´ll find it for sure
You´ll lose all your saves, but is better than have an useless memory card.
Your MC will be totally blank like when you bought it.