whenever i put any of my old ps1 cds in my new "premodded" ps2, it either gives me "no disc data" or "playstation 2 disc, press x to enter" or give me a cd with 2 tracks, the second is selectable, but does not do anything when i press X.
is there a step i need to perform before i can run ps1 games on ps2 ?
Originally posted by aseaudi: the model is 90004
i do not know the mod chip used, but i think it is probably dms
I don't think the DMS works with the 90004...but I might be wrong.
I know that some of the 90004 units have a glitch with PS1 games (this has to do with Sony's "FIX" of the bios). If this is the cause of your problems, it can be gotten around as follows:
1.) Insert game, turn on system, wait for it to boot as far as it will go.
2.) Quickly tap the power/reset button twice.
ps1 cds don't boot at all, they just get me to the browser screen, with the mem card, and cd, when i press x on the cd, nothing happens, just returns again to the same screen.
so, i put the ps1 cd in, waited for the screen to show up, pressed reset twice quickly, and the only difference i noticed is that now i got a red screen saying "please insert a playstation or playstation 2 disc", it just sits there, even though the cd is in the console.
so you see, it is as if the console does not detect that it is a ps1 cd at all.
i tried searching for the glitch of 90004 on sony website and elsewhere without luck.
is there something else i could try ? does the toxic bios have a setting that will enable running ps1 cds ?