Okay, I have been looking at a lot of discussions about the CodeBreaker for PS2, and I was COMPLETELY lost. All I basically want, is to play Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy [PAL] with CodeBreaker cheats on my Slim PS2 (I think it's quite old, a few years or summat) I DO have a ModChip, but I don't know what model, since I bought my PS2 modded. Or, well my dad bought it...
So, I just optained a CodeBreaker 10 file, which is 3.6 MB in size, so do you guys think it's a good one? Also, there is no .elf extension, so I am kind of skeptical.
Alright, so. Aside from getting a CB file, what do I do? I read something about a uLaunchELF app, which I have NO idea of what is, so basically what I am asking in this discussion, is:
What is uLaunchELF?
What is the fuss all about with memorycards, USB flash devices, and all that bollox? I am very confused..
A step-by-step guide which is n00bpr00f. (As I said, I know absolutely NOTHING about all this stuffs..)
Alright, so first, I need a valid CB file, right? Is it a .elf file?
Then, do I need to burn it to a CD/DVD, or some other stuff with a memory card? (Confusion applies here)
Whats with that "R1" on bootup?
Hahah, I don't hope you are completely fed up with my newbieness, eh? :P
EDIT: I stumbled upon something called Free McBoot + a vid of a dude showing how he uses it, although I can't seem to figure out exacly what he does ..