u.s cod 1 & 2 on pal ps2
Junior Member
18. February 2010 @ 15:12 |
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Hi, I just bought call of duty legacy for ps2 which is cod 1 and 2 off ebay. The thing is its a north armerican game and I bought my ps2 in australia Do I have to have it chipped or modded.
AfterDawn Addict
19. February 2010 @ 12:26 |
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Originally posted by sydneyfc: Hi, I just bought call of duty legacy for ps2 which is cod 1 and 2 off ebay. The thing is its a north armerican game and I bought my ps2 in australia Do I have to have it chipped or modded.
Yes you would need a modchip, or use Swap Magic,or fmcb 1.8 to play imports.
Your TV may not support NTSC, so if it doesn't you would also need to backup those games using imgburn to an ISO image, then patch the ISO image with NTSC>PAL converter
Then burn the ISO image with imgburn and use Swap Magic, fmcb 1.8 or modchip to play it
YOu could also get an RGB Scart adapter to be able to watch NTSC on your PAL tv.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
Junior Member
19. February 2010 @ 16:38 |
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Do I just buy swap magic and do it or do I have to backup the game then use swap magic. And by the way do u know a good place to buy swap magic for ps2 I live in Australia and their are none on ebay.
Junior Member
19. February 2010 @ 18:04 |
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wait my other tv is a new hd tv soniq it supports 50hz-60hz will that work without having to mod my ps2.
AfterDawn Addict
19. February 2010 @ 18:46 |
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Originally posted by sydneyfc: Do I just buy swap magic and do it or do I have to backup the game then use swap magic. And by the way do u know a good place to buy swap magic for ps2 I live in Australia and their are none on ebay.
I back the disc up first, then use Swap Magic with the backup
It is supposed to work without doing that, but doesn't always work
The only place I know in Australia is Ozmodchips.com
Originally posted by sydneyfc: wait my other tv is a new hd tv soniq it supports 50hz-60hz will that work without having to mod my ps2.
With that TV then, you wouldn't have to patch the ISO, but yes you will still need Swap Magic to play the import.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2010 @ 18:46
Junior Member
19. February 2010 @ 19:50 |
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so I just have to get swap magic to play the game on my ps2. Could u tell me how to do this.
AfterDawn Addict
19. February 2010 @ 20:49 |
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My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
Junior Member
19. February 2010 @ 21:33 |
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okay I had a look at the flip top thing and magic swap disks but is there any other way to play imported games without having to pull any screws and bolts out. I really don't want to have do pull anything apart and its quite expensive. I mean I have already paid heaps for my games why should I have to buy all this other stuff is there just something like a cheap cable or something, thanks.
Junior Member
20. February 2010 @ 00:41 |
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hang on this action replay max does that let u play imported games I know it does with movies I saw something mentioning it.
AfterDawn Addict
20. February 2010 @ 01:24 |
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Originally posted by sydneyfc: hang on this action replay max does that let u play imported games I know it does with movies I saw something mentioning it.
The Swap Tools aren't really hard too place depending upon which version PS2 you have.
Action Replay only works if you get the version with the media player, which is really hard to find these days.
And even if you do find it, it would require more swapping than Swap Magic.
Your easiest method with no swapping would be to get someone too install fmcb 1.8 to a memory card. You then use ESR to play backups
This would require you too back up your discs first, then patch, then burn
There are free volunteers to do it for you
fmcb 1.8 faq
ESR faq
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
Junior Member
20. February 2010 @ 01:32 |
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does it have to be a backup I really just want to play my games straight from the cover instead of waiting ages and buying all these disks. It says that he only does this in the U.S I live in Australia, thanks for replying. oh and my ps2 is 70002 slim
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. February 2010 @ 01:39