kryptview, sv6, eurovox, dreambox n3 solution
Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 02:48 |
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All, some of you will be familiar with the level of experience I bring to the Afterdawn forum. The rest will just wonder what my grievance is. So I will lay it straight on the plate. In the good old days we had the various boxes that decrypted channels using keys and all was good. A simple matter of entering new keys and all the channels cleared once again. So this was great and all were happy. But do understand one thing about the keys solution. It was impossible to track any box user. You could simply stick up an MMDS dish or connect your box to a cable/satellite system, enter the keys and voila, the channels were opened.
So now we have the infamous SV6, Kryptview, Dreambox etc.. solutions. Did you all notice that you must now be connected to the internet to open channels. The reason is because you must be connected to a public share server to get the decryption keys necessary to unscramble channels. Have any members seen in recent past the amount of public servers that have been shut down by our police forces. Are these members aware that their IP address are sitting on these public shares, and by IP addresses I mean in effect your postal address.
As my final say I would like for you, the user, to understand the danger you are putting yourself in. For starters there is no question that this forum is policed by UPC, Sky and the likes. The fact that the 1 year guarantee on the SV6 turned out to be some very short months of service proves this. The Kryptview will last little longer. But it is not a matter of how long they last. It is more a matter of the worry associated with individuals private details being stored on these large public share computers.
My warning is simple. You share with who you know if you know how to do so. Otherwise you buy a valid subscription. Else you pay the penalty. The good days are over. You are no longer anonymous. Having spent years studying this area I now subscribe to a a full TV package. I hope you have the sense to do likewise. If you wish to continue and flaunt the laws by posting your participation in illegal shares on such an obvious site as Afterdawn then this is your choice. You have now been warned. If you do not wish to take this warning seriously you do so at your own peril.
Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 04:25 |
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Thanks for this post Fintan, I trust this is not some way of saying you are no longer posting on the forum ??
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 06:53 |
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This is the end of Afterdawn for me my friend. It has been fun but not so now. Catch you around mate.
4. July 2010 @ 15:23 |
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untill n3 is cracked (if it ever happens) you won't be safe, simples.
xbox360 (LT+ 2.0) - revo r3610 (xbmc 11) - vu+ duo - 2x skybox f3
4. July 2010 @ 15:31 |
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Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 17:31 |
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read what piopat writes and you will understand how to share safely!
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
4. July 2010 @ 17:51 |
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sat is no different same principle ip still out there you can always use a dongle or change your bb provider simple as
Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 18:54 |
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i will enjoy my final words on afterdawn. e45, i have put up with your petty comments and complete disregard for all other members for the final time. you truly, as many other members will agree, a case apart. your abusive comments and disrespect to many i will not miss in the slightest. considering your limited knowledge base i do understand and accept a level of your childishness but you continue to bring it to new levels. being someone who already has children years in excess of your age i find it encouraging that they do no exhibit your level of tantrums.
Junior Member
4. July 2010 @ 19:18 |
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Originally posted by fintannl: i will enjoy my final words on afterdawn. e45, i have put up with your petty comments and complete disregard for all other members for the final time. you truly, as many other members will agree, a case apart. your abusive comments and disrespect to many i will not miss in the slightest. considering your limited knowledge base i do understand and accept a level of your childishness but you continue to bring it to new levels. being someone who already has children years in excess of your age i find it encouraging that they do no exhibit your level of tantrums.
Are you putting money on your staying quiet ?
Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 19:46 |
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Sound words of advice there Fintan. Ridiculous comment overhill, cos I would bet he knows more than you ever will.
Please, please, please use the search box at top right of site before asking a question that has already been answered.
Senior Member
4. July 2010 @ 21:47 |
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mooley,thanks. i take overhills point. i have being waiting to lash out at e45 for some time simply because i do not agree with his viewpoint in any and every post he has published on this site. however i did not answer e45s post correctly. e45, there is one huge difference. with a private share you are not printing your address on a huge public share computer. the bandwidth required for a private share is negligible. so you are completely under the radar. also there is a requirement for a valid subscription before you can share. what you promote will eventually get people into trouble and i will show no support for such actions.
as a final comment (and I mean final, there will be no further response from me to this thread or any other thread on afterdawn) i do believe that this site could be moderated in a better fashion. i have always believed that there is no reason why users should not investigate potential avenues. however the moderator must take a stance when the information published on this site is likely to lead to legal proceeding against many of its members.
there is a very fine line between what is obviously illegal and what is legally punishable. this line has been crossed in afterdawn. and this has been allowed simply by very poor moderators.
Junior Member
5. July 2010 @ 03:32 |
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If you're worried about your personal details being stored on the update server, you can always route your outgoing communications from your router or modem through a proxy. It would be, therefore, the Proxy's address which is stored, and not yours.
Proxies have been around for decades, and are still the easiest way of preventing your details from being passed around the internet. Though most good ones do require a subscription to use (with Socksify (SOCKS/HTTP) and Proxify (Web) being the two most recommended). I would not be tempted to use a free one.
I've been looking into the feasibility of this recently after having spent a lot of time researching and debating whether or not to purchase one of these new boxes.
It does mean you have to spend an additional £60 on a year's sub or £40 for 6 months to the proxy, but you get the peace of mind of having your details secure from any unscrupulous individual who happens to be monitoring the traffic utilising these services.
After subscription, it's simply a case of setting up your router to forward all outgoing and incoming traffic through the Proxy, you're never in direct contact with the server you're accessing.
Even at £220 for a box and a year's proxy subscription, it's still far less than a 12 month sub from VM or Shy would cost, for a full package.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
5. July 2010 @ 08:34 |
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in order to have a private share one needs the rsa keys plus other stuff so without this the cable share is not possible
and you can always use a VPN service to cloke your ip obliviously fintannl you have not done your homework or you would have known this so not all doom and gloom for cable share and as fordez has also said above there is plenty of ways to protect oneselves plus if the server is out of the reach of the authoritys unlike the servers that had been raided in the Uk and eire there is no problem just a matter of people protecting themselves and im sure that the people that set the ones that where caught did not put the right security in place and took greed over protecting there servers
fintannl this is for you to have a READ of might help your knowledge base
Senior Member
5. July 2010 @ 21:38 |
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honestly e45 you simply frustrate me so much. in all the years i have being playing this game do you for one second think that i have no understanding of proxies. i have worked in IT admin for close on 25 years at this stage. in fact (for your benefit) i managed the deployment of the first european wide ip telecoms network in existence.
i find myself not very technically challenged in what you say. however i would like to point out a reality. that is that many users are technically not as adept as you are. as such they will connect their system direct to public shares without any understanding of the dangers.
i would like to explain to such users that what they do is madness. if you wish to support their behaviour then you are no friend to any of them.
Senior Member
6. July 2010 @ 02:31 |
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Originally posted by fintannl:
as a final comment (and I mean final, there will be no further response from me to this thread or any other thread on afterdawn)
Ah come on now..................
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
6. July 2010 @ 07:48 |
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one think you have to understand no matter what you me the man in the moon say people will go there own way as has been seen on here.
if you tell someone to try something they will always try there own way first then they will try your way so if your not going to post dont but no matter if you post or not its not going to make a blind bit of a difference life will still go on and people will still come on here.
and no im not having a go either all im saying is not much point in not having your say
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
6. July 2010 @ 09:11 |
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if someone wants to use a particular system, they are adults, let them, its not my concern if someone doesnt understand the risks that go along with them, we are here to offer advise, not to hold someones hand or chastise em if someone dont want to listen to what you have to offer, thats their business, simple as, the risks have always been mentioned, never hidden,
Some people get terribly wound up on here when they feel like they are not being adhered to, even if they are right. You make your point, you offer your opinion and just leave it after that, if folk dont want to take it on board, thats their business, dont go on a crusade to convert them to your way of thinking,
6. July 2010 @ 10:32 |
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sorry lads is the KRYPTVIEW 780 working in ireland yet
thanks lads footy season starting soon HELP????????????
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
6. July 2010 @ 10:37 |
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not at the present time but keep your eye open ya never know what will happen ;-)
Senior Member
8. July 2010 @ 19:14 |
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my issue e45 is that in times past this game could not hurt anybody. the keys game was simple and anonymous. the new system is anything but anonymous. i do not believe that users understand the difference. i truly hate the sv6 and kryptview solutions because i know that the majority of users will be put in harms way, in return the standard user simply thinks they are replacing old box with new box but the solution is much more and indeed much more deadly than just that simple switch
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
9. July 2010 @ 04:56 |
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I agree with your points Fint, but as I said above mate, folk know the risk as its been explained how it works, whats involved etc, its been to openly discussed if anything, so as always, buyer beware and what someone wants to do is down to them, we are not here to police the risk's for em, the case has been stated for and against these lan boxs at length since they appeared and people vote with their feet and wallets.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
9. July 2010 @ 11:49 |
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as mick has said and he is right up to the people to do their homework we can only advice the route what they do after that it there business
11. July 2010 @ 04:24 |
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I dont want to pick any fights here since its my first post with this account, but i wanted to say that whenever something happens, like the switch to nagra3, or i would also say the banning of hacked xbox 360 consoles from xbox live, i always read messages from users saying... 'the gig is up, its over, its not safe, everyone can get caught now, the good old days are behind us' and so on. I think its a normal thing for people to do when they suddenly lose out and so they want other people to stop their activities too, thats just how im seeing it from here since nagra3 started rolling out. Im not looking for a fight, but i know the comment prob wont go over well.
I do have something to say tho. i dont think its fully over because of the upgrade, i just think the options now are still too weak. fintannl is right, you try to get decryption keys through the internet and you might bhe putting yourself at risk considerin your IP address might be logged by the server and if your internet provider is the same provider as with the tv service, they wud prob be monitoring traffic to known public key servers.
however, as pointed out before, the solution is not that hard. Virtual private network. Ok so you won't get by without having to pay something, but take IPREDATOR for example (its named after the European IPRED law, and run by pirate bay guys) it costs 15 euros for 3 months and its not bad at all for bandwidth. in fact, for football games I dont get on my sky sports package, like if they are on one of the other couple of channels i dont have or if they arent on tv in uk, i use ipredator vpn to route a live stream online and it performs fine on most shares, only starts getting problems for the really high bandwidth shares but even at that not always. considering people use ipredator for bittorrent downloads i dont think bandwidth is really a prob.
if it can share a stream online with sopcast or whatever im using at the time, it can defo download text keys. the only problem is boxes providing a solution to do this. i dont use vpn all the time, just when i want to anonymize myself.. oh and the reason i dont get football shares on my internet connection without vpn is its exactly like p2p file sharing, you upload and download so the crackdown will come sooner or later courtesy of the FA or prem league (ufc is already monitoring in states).
so if a box would have built in support for being able to use vpn by itself, then happy days. im sure its not that hard to code a solution for that. the only other problem is maintaining public sources for keys, but thats a problem that will get worked on. until then, if a game is on sky sports, im good, if not then i'll have to get it online and use vpn to mask myself.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
11. July 2010 @ 09:26 |
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what planet is this guy from ?? lol
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AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
11. July 2010 @ 14:08 |
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I tought there was some good posting advice there not only from LUHG but this whole thread
as it would be a good read for people just starting out on the new boxes
just to let them & others know what there getting themself`s into
and how they could protect themself a bit more IF they are interested in doing so
Also welcome to the forum LUHG
and fintannl well if you are done here, good luck on your journey and remember if you do change your mind you know where we are :)