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Junior Member
13. June 2010 @ 08:54 |
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thanks just hope its done before the season starts autumns not the same without my box lol
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 09:03 |
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hopefully it will be before the footie starts
Junior Member
13. June 2010 @ 10:09 |
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Before anyone else PM's me for help setting up boxes or their home network. If you bought a box from me whether a Starview or Kryptview or any other, if you're having problems then drop me an e-mail with your order number. Support is included in the price.
If you bought it elsewhere, I suggest you either contact your supplier or e45, he says he can help Starview users in particular.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 11:33 |
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dont think so the problem is a fault with the box and only starview suppliers can fix that so as you are a starview supplier you would be in a better position than me to help them as you would have access to starview contacts that i would not
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2010 @ 11:42
Junior Member
13. June 2010 @ 11:55 |
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You posted claiming to be helping Starview users with problems:
Originally posted by e45: ok people im just going to ask this once so if you want your boxes sorted i need the serial numbers off the back of your boxes right so this is excatly what i need information wise.
Right info required BY PM only do not POST on the forum OK
1 Serial number from the back of the box
2 name of person to who owns the box
3 What box it is either combo or Sv6 lan
all pm will be answered by return
thats it so the rest is up to the people to send the pm i will leave this till tuesday after this your on your own
Are you now saying this is not true?
I support my own customers whether they bought Starview or Kryptview or whatever. If someone has bought a box from another seller, then it's up to that seller to offer support, some choose not to and can sell the boxes a little cheaper - something to consider when you buy a box.
13. June 2010 @ 12:02 |
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Originally posted by lincsat: You posted claiming to be helping Starview users with problems:
Originally posted by e45: ok people im just going to ask this once so if you want your boxes sorted i need the serial numbers off the back of your boxes right so this is excatly what i need information wise.
Right info required BY PM only do not POST on the forum OK
1 Serial number from the back of the box
2 name of person to who owns the box
3 What box it is either combo or Sv6 lan
all pm will be answered by return
thats it so the rest is up to the people to send the pm i will leave this till tuesday after this your on your own
Are you now saying this is not true?
I support my own customers whether they bought Starview or Kryptview or whatever. If someone has bought a box from another seller, then it's up to that seller to offer support, some choose not to and can sell the boxes a little cheaper - something to consider when you buy a box.
you have done all you can do let them read the posts it s all there
13. June 2010 @ 16:44 |
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Originally posted by lincsat: Before anyone else PM's me for help setting up boxes or their home network. If you bought a box from me whether a Starview or Kryptview or any other, if you're having problems then drop me an e-mail with your order number. Support is included in the price.
If you bought it elsewhere, I suggest you either contact your supplier or e45, he says he can help Starview users in particular.
so lincsat if some bought a box from some1 else that u yourself
supply u wouldnt help them ? now its great u offer support to payed
customers - but shows your lack of interest to not help people who
ask you who didnt buy from you .
thankfully im glad im not like that , i supply internet tools
for surfing anonymously but unlike you. if a person comes to my
forum and posts a question for advice or tips - just because they
didnt buy from me - doesnt mean i wouldnt spare them a few mins
to offer tips advice or a link or 2.
so i say this - E45 all the way -
sorry link no offence your only motivated by
people who pay u - but u have no time to help thoes
who didnt .
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 16:58 |
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he he lol
anyone got a job for me???
13. June 2010 @ 17:03 |
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hooter u can be the ref
and bring on the drinks
at half time lolz
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 17:19 |
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oh noo
keep me out of this mate
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 17:27 |
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Originally posted by lincsat: You posted claiming to be helping Starview users with problems:
Are you now saying this is not true?
I support my own customers whether they bought Starview or Kryptview or whatever. If someone has bought a box from another seller, then it's up to that seller to offer support, some choose not to and can sell the boxes a little cheaper - something to consider when you buy a box.
yep that is true i did post that but that post is from last week i done as much as i could with limited access the people that did contact me i tried my best to get sorted thru another third party.
unlike you i dont have direct access to starview support like you do so as said i dont even sell the box and i try my best to help you actually supply people and you wont even want to try so much for that at least jammo hit the nail on the head
Originally posted by jammo2002: thankfully im glad im not like that , i supply internet tools
for surfing anonymously but unlike you. if a person comes to my
forum and posts a question for advice or tips - just because they
didnt buy from me - doesnt mean i wouldnt spare them a few mins
to offer tips advice or a link or 2.
so i say this - E45 all the way -
sorry link no offence your only motivated by
people who pay u - but u have no time to help thoes
who didnt .
13. June 2010 @ 19:16 |
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good customer service yes is to service your payed
customers first - that i agree with
but the art of generating a good vibe on a product
is also to help thoes a little who may not have
your product but will benefit from your knowledge.
from that you generate word of mouth its called
reputation from that u also generate sales by showing
as much as your motivated to help paying customers
your also just as willing to spare a few mins for thoes
who arnt.
to even have the balls to say you only help thoes who
have payed you - and anyone else goto e45 shows a lack
of respect for people and if anything will cost you
product sales because your attitude shows unless a person
pays you - you have no time or interest in them.
reputation when u sell a product is all you have
when you openly show yourself not to give a dam
well it will cost you more than you no.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2010 @ 20:31
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 19:29 |
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nice one m8 and yes when you sell something or you know you can help others even if they did not buy from your shop website you dont say well i will help the people that just bought from me the rest can feck off i dont sell the boxes yet i went out on a limb myself to help as much as i could on the starview problem but unfortunitly i dont have the contacts that a supplier has and there fore had to use a third party to try and get the help for people that contacted me what had i to gain from helping these people actually nothing but that is what these forums are about give out the best information available and the best advice even if it is to hurt suppliers people are entitled to the truth after all people are spending money on a product that should work and people that sell these boxes yes i know they are sold as FTA receivers BUT would they sell if they did not do what they do the answer is NO they would not.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 19:39 |
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oohh love that, especially the way you got your company name in,lol
only taking the piss
but yeh your right about reputation and word of mouth generation sales for you
AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2010 @ 19:40 |
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funny i never asked where a person was and who he bought it off if he needed a fix and i could help i would ,the same as in any where else,this forum is for helping everyone.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 19:51 |
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Originally posted by lincsat: Before anyone else PM's me for help setting up boxes or their home network. If you bought a box from me whether a Starview or Kryptview or any other, if you're having problems then drop me an e-mail with your order number. Support is included in the price.
If you bought it elsewhere, I suggest you either contact your supplier or e45, he says he can help Starview users in particular.
not if you looking for help from above ya not get any because ya not buy from them thers customer service for ya regardless if you purchased a box from them they still know more than the avarage joe soap as i have said i did try help the best i could but without the contacts i had to go thru a third party where the supplier would have direct contact with the people in the know.
13. June 2010 @ 20:15 |
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sorry hooter i thought i had taken my
site name out - but i had to edit alot
to do it - i missed 3 instances -
there all now removed i think .
see i only ever came here when i had a
problem with my sv3 that only happened
1 time in dec 2008 when all boxes went
down for about a month and we waited on
a new fix rom for the box - after i got
my update i posted a thanks and left it
at that. i see no point to jump in threads
on topics i no nothing about.
hence when my box went down i came back and
started reading again - asking the odd question
to get some idea of what was new and what was
happening. so far i have to say e45 or oil of noway
as well call him was great with info closely followed
by hooter . as for the other guy --- as usless as a
chocolate fire guard - def wouldnt buy from him
even if he offered a 2 for 1 deal woth 0% finance lolz
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2010 @ 20:22
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 20:23 |
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he was only pulling your leg jammo but nice post m8 as you say reputation is what you build business on you dont have that you have nothing and sales go down but if you can help by all means help if ya dont want to dont BUT dont make a statment saying well if ya bought from me ill help if ya did not on your bike people should remember without sales they dont have a business.
Junior Member
13. June 2010 @ 20:23 |
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I have helped plenty of people, I am saying that if you buy a box from someone, you shouldn't expect a competitor to help you.
If you bought a TV from Comet and then went into Currys for support, what do you think they would say?
@jammo2002 - I get good feedback from paying customers as well, I do keep it confidential though, I don't post on forums who my customers are
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 20:30 |
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no need to appologise to me m8 :), im just here to help when i can if i can
we all have bits of knowledge that can be shared, and id hate to think some people would intentionally hold back on it without good reason
13. June 2010 @ 20:35 |
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as i said all self self me me me
keep it up lincsat your doing more
dammage to your rep here with every
post - u dont need our help
your doing just fine.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2010 @ 20:38
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 20:45 |
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Originally posted by lincsat: I have helped plenty of people, I am saying that if you buy a box from someone, you shouldn't expect a competitor to help you.
If you bought a TV from Comet and then went into Currys for support, what do you think they would say?
@jammo2002 - I get good feedback from paying customers as well, I do keep it confidential though, I don't post on forums who my customers are
if that is the case why come here at all and why should you not help others regardless if they are sold by competitors or not you dont see them on here giving it loads so maybe it would have been wiser to say nothing instead of saying what you did
And we are not talking about shops here we are talking about forums where you are posting im sure if they had forums im sure there members would not say ohh if ya bought from currys im not helping you on yer bike.
ok i might like Kryptview because i think they have the best support but i still help out others as well regardless of it been digivox eurovox replay starview i dont say feck you did you buy a kryptview if ya did not your not getting my help
people expect the truth regardless if it hurts sales tell it as it is you will get better results if people want to buy your boxes great if they go off well you where up straight and honest with them but dont go fooling them as they wont come back if your straight ok you might lose some but a lot of people like starview and wont change but they will if you mislead them you wont get them back
13. June 2010 @ 21:04 |
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several people i no had sv b4 the shut down
i never had a problem with mine in 2 yrs
but the n3 has changed things up.
new boxes new pitfalls .
hay - oil of noway - i mean e45
1 thing bothers me with either box
having to have your router and modem on
all the time your box is on - bit of a drag
or is that a myth .
how safe is it using an n3 box compared to
the old n2 boxes - is it wise to use your
main connection on the box or get 1 of thoes
pay as u go dongles and slap that in it
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2010 @ 21:05
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 21:09 |
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no unfortunitly you have to have the box connected all the time you are watching it if ya dont you get no picture you dont have to have it on all the time when you go to bed of course but i do recommend if you have the kryptview box that you put it into standby before bed that way if any of the channles move freq for what ever reason you wont have a problem of missing channels as that box power scans while in standby mode unlike any of the other boxes on the market that feature is unique to that box
its safe enough to use any broadband supply as all they can see is packets going back and forth just like you on a website all day yes they can find out what and where its coming from but that is against the law for them to do that and would not look good for them in court so i would say that will not happen what they could do if they wanted to would be to block that ip from there server but that would mean that other sites using close enough to that ip would also be blocked but it would not take long for a new ip to be generated and its also against the law for the provider of the BB service to invade your privacy unless ordered to by the police or the magastrates which can you see happen ??
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2010 @ 21:16
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
13. June 2010 @ 21:10 |
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dont use 1 of them dongles it may work and then it may not
and yes you have to have your box connected to your router/modem as long as you have it on