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Read this if you install your own mod chip
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17. August 2004 @ 18:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you are thinking about soldering your own mod chip in with little experience in soldering. DONT DO IT!!! I tried and i have a pretty steady hand and some experience. in two spots my hand slipped and i spread a line of solder over 8 pins on the side of one of the chips. A PAIN to fix. Then i accidentaly bridged a solder point, when i tugged on the wire after i fixed it to see if it would hold, i ripped the pin off. im pissed. there is like no way in hell for me to fix that. It wont turn on now and im giving it to my friends dad to work on (he works on cell phones). By the way. I bought a xbox. they r better.

too lazy.....
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17. August 2004 @ 20:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
keep the x-box shit to the x-box forums....and by the way the x-box sucks big time ass..:)
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17. August 2004 @ 21:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A modded xbox is MUCH better than a modded ps2. the ps2 is only better because it has slightly better games. But that is quickly changing. Halo 2 anyone?

"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
18. August 2004 @ 04:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
keep the xbox shit to the xbox forums????? I was talking about my ps2 dumbass. So since i said xbox once in the entire post i have to move it to an xbox forum. and halo 2 is coming out nov.9 so ps2 can suck on that.

too lazy.....
18. August 2004 @ 04:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
why else would i post it in a ps2 forum?

too lazy.....
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18. August 2004 @ 08:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sure it was about a ps2 issue to begin with, but there was just a little bit of xbox fanboyism there for a moment. But as for the pS2 problem. my first mod attempt on a PS2 went pretty bad. System starts up with no picture or sound. On my second PS2 mod attempt it went very well after I learned the joys of solder flux. So... we learn 3 things here. Solder flux makes the job LOTS easier. Never tug on soldered wires, and xbox fanboyism doesn't belong in a PS2 forum. (BTW I have 2 xboxes, one modded and one not so... no I'm not a PS2 fanboy either.)

"Madness is the genius of the fallen."
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18. August 2004 @ 12:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ya same here first attemt sucked ass second was a charm same thing i lerned that fulx is the secrete and the type of wire u use when i bought my magic v it came wit a big ass role of 24 gauge wire... i asumed i was soposed to do whole chip wit it... not knowing that its really only sososed to b used for pwr and gnd.... ne ways use smaller wire like 30 awg and some flux and it isnt so hard... o ya that and a big work place with proper lighting, magnification, and organized...
18. August 2004 @ 13:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yea, i think it would b easier on my second try. Anyways, my friends dad works on super tiny stuff like cell phone boards and im gonna try to get him to fix it for 20 bucks. then ill pay him like 30 bucks to install the chip. Not a lot but to him this would be easy as cake. I wish i knew what his job was before i tried to install the chip. lol. And no more posts about the xbox thing. please.

too lazy.....
18. August 2004 @ 13:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
by the way, what is the secret to flux? I tried using it but i probly didnt use it right and it didnt make much difference. how do you use it?

too lazy.....
Junior Member
18. August 2004 @ 14:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
here's how I use it.
Take a toothpick and apply a little spot of flux to the contact point on the board you're going to solder to.
Then dip the tip of your wire to be soldered into the flux. add a bit of solder to the tip of the wire (it should coat over nice n smooth)
Then dip the coated wire back into the flux paste again. Heat the flux covered contact point on the board and touch the tip of the wire to the point. remove the iron and wait a couple of seconds. test the wire with a light tug and all should be fine.

"Madness is the genius of the fallen."
18. August 2004 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whoa.. does it stay hot longer than it normally would or what? This information would have been very useful beforehand. im stupid.

too lazy.....
18. August 2004 @ 17:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nm i just looked it up. i get how it works now. When i did it i didnt heat the flux. i coated the wire then put solder on it then put a dab of flux on the contact point then tried to touch the wire and solder iron to the contact point at the same time. Kinda hard.

too lazy.....
18. August 2004 @ 17:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my last question is... how long do i hold the iron on the contact point. The two things i want to avoid is heat damage to the board and burning the flux. Any tips?

too lazy.....
Junior Member
18. August 2004 @ 17:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
depends on how strong your iron is. I personally use a 10watt iron. I've held the iron to my board for as long as 10 seconds with no real damage. Once I held it on longer and one of the pads to the bios chip came off o.O so be careful with that... and make sure you're using the fines point possible.

"Madness is the genius of the fallen."
18. August 2004 @ 19:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks man. i got a 15watt so ill just hold it for about 8 sec. Ill mess around with it and find it out.

too lazy.....
Junior Member
27. August 2004 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
8 sec?!That's far too long..I have a 15w and 2-3 sec max should be more than sufficent..If you hold it too long you'll mess up the flux..
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28. August 2004 @ 13:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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29. August 2004 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
kain you need to relax. remember this thread ? they said next time you did this shit you will be banned.

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30. August 2004 @ 01:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
KainX2: Bye.

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
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