Nero error - 'Failed to Reallocate Video Files'
2. November 2002 @ 16:20 |
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Hi guys...
My latest project was to split a DVD-9 onto two DVD-R's... I chose The Sum Of All Fears.
All the splitting and stripping was successful.
But when I came to burn disc one using Nero, by placing all the necessary files into the Video_Ts folder, as it commences the burn I get an error message: 'Failed To Reallocate Video Files'
However, Disc 2, which has basically the same line up of files, burned perfectly, and played fine without any hassles.
Why would this be... I tried moving the Disc 1 folder to another drive, I tried emptying the Disc 2 folder, and putting all the Disc 1 files in there...
But nothing works!
Any ideas on how to beat this?
Additionally, I cannot seem to create an image of Disc 1 using ImgTools. It says 'Image Successfully Created', but the resultant image is only 1Mb.
What could the problem be?
Anyway... I hope some of you can help!
3. November 2002 @ 05:41 |
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Never mind guys...
Got it sorted. Apparently I needed to use VobExtras in IfoEdit to readjust the .ifo files to concurr with the adjusted chapter information (since the remaining five chapters are on disc 2).
I have re-read the guides numerous times, and I just never really deduced this instruction from what I read.
Anyways... it now works, mission accomplished, and I can now start my next challenge... to transcode the video to fit a 120+ movie on a single DVD-R!!!! Expect cries for help soon!
- R.
Senior Member
4. November 2002 @ 13:56 |
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I have the same prob with Imgtool on occasion. Let me know if you find out WHY.
6. November 2002 @ 04:53 |
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Was it it telling you you were missing VOB files as well? I'm having the SAME problem exactly ripping Star wars - Episode 1. Disc 2 works like a charm, but Nero keeps saying FAILED TO REALLOCATE VIDEO FILES
MISSING FILE VTS_06_4.VOB - so if I change the # of chapters back down to 17 I should have no problem?
Senior Member
6. November 2002 @ 05:19 |
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I had the same prob with Episode 1. It's because so many bs titles are played before the movie on disc 1. I solved the problem by deleting all the precommands in Ifoedit and writing one precommand to jump to to the chapter menu vts.
6. November 2002 @ 09:43 |
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Still a newbie at this, where do I find those all to delete them? :) I'm going to assume they're in the VTS_06_0.IFO file??? I dunno, I'll have to look for them. This if my first attempt at a dvd-9.
Senior Member
6. November 2002 @ 09:58 |
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In VIDEO_TS.IFO, subdir VMGM_MAT, subdir 'first play pgc', scroll down to 'precommand. Right click on precommand and follow prompts.
6. November 2002 @ 10:24 |
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Is this process automated, or am I going to need to learn HEX :) I just glimpsed at it a second ago and my maching froze when I was looking at precommand 4.
So basically, I just go in, delete them all, and make a new one to go to the title menu, which I believe was title 15? By the time I learn how to do this, DVD's will be obsolete! :)
Senior Member
6. November 2002 @ 10:47 |
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When you right click on any of the precommands it gives you the option to 'edit'. So just edit the 1st precommand to jump to the movie title and delete the rest.
6. November 2002 @ 11:44 |
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*Puts on Dunce cap* Ummm... how would one tell it to jump to the movie?? (I really feel silly on this one)
Senior Member
6. November 2002 @ 17:13 |
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You need to find out which title is the movie vts by looking at VIDEO_TS.IFO in Ifoedit. It will tell you which title number relates to which set of vts files.
Then when you right click on precommand and select edit, simply choose 'jump to title' and select the movie title.
6. November 2002 @ 20:58 |
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I don't know how many times I want to say thank you at this moment, but it's alot. I still haven't gotten episode one taken care of, because I got frustraded and deleted it off my HD earlier... However... thanks to that piece of advice, I got around an illegal navigation command error and am now burning my girlfriends favorite movie for her. :) (now if only I can get starwars to work...) No matter what I do with it, it says I'm missing the VOB files from the main movie title set. *shrug* I'll figure it out tomorrow :)
Senior Member
7. November 2002 @ 05:40 |
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No problem. Good Luck.