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After encoding?
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16. November 2002 @ 06:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can someone please tell me what i have to do to burn a dvd after i have encoded it? If i am correct about this i should end up with an .m2v video file, but what do it need to do to it to burn it?

Thanks in advance
16. November 2002 @ 06:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not really interested in creating menus or anything like that, i just want to have the movie on the disc.
Junior Member
16. November 2002 @ 09:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Open up your VTS01_0 in Ifo edit(main movie) , click on vob extras , make sure you have a final destination folder in your C: drive , I just call mine VIDEO_TS , make sure that remux is ticked off and that you you have your m2v file in the bar for remux and your destination directory(VIDEO_TS), once this is done click ok and you should end up with your final vob files in that folder(VIDEO_TS).Then start up Ifoedit open up your VIDEO_TS folder, click on video_tsthen click get vts sectors , click ok a few times and hey presto you should now have a movie that Ifoedit will play with its dvd player , move the whole folder and an empty folder called AUDIO_TS and burn them to disc
16. November 2002 @ 10:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you :)
Junior Member
16. November 2002 @ 12:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the cretins guide is the easiest to follow and helped me ,there are a lot of guides out there and a lot of methods , try to get one that is easy for you , try this one at:

worked for me , once you get the hang of it and youve burned a couple of discs you can then calm down and try other guides

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. November 2002 @ 13:41

16. November 2002 @ 12:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok the dvd that i was encoding was only slightly too big to fit on a dvd after i had split the streams, but after encoding i didnt end up with an m2v file, but i had a vinf file that is around about 3.7 gigs. Is this correct? I thought that it would be just slightly smaller than the original size.
16. November 2002 @ 14:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've remuxed the movie now by selecting the vinf file and the total size of all of the vobs is 4 gigs now. After i clicked get vts sectors and tried to preview it i got an error that my system couldn't find the specified file, so i tried to burn to a disc to see if it would play anyway, but none of my burning programs will let me burn it. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
18. November 2002 @ 04:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So no one can help then?
Junior Member
18. November 2002 @ 08:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it sounds to me as though you have closed rempeg after it had proccessed your rempeg cffl file , this is wrong ,once rempeg proceesses the cffl file you then press the second tab at the top, cant remember what its called .

its possibly called options, anyway click on this , press match source , select the highest frame size 720 x 540 ( I think) and adjust your sliding scale to the percentage that you require the vobs to be shrunk by .

click the main tab and seleck encode, a window will pop up and you will have to select a destination for the m2v file to be written and you will also have to name it
eg folder name :- M2V
file name :- harry_potter.m2v

clikc ok and rempeg will start to encode your movie , this will take about 12 hours approx quicker if you have a mega fast proccessor
18. November 2002 @ 10:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mike i did everything that you said, but when it had done with the cffl file, i set all of the options i needed (bitrate and whatnot), and then went back and clicked encode but it had nothing to encode. Then i had a look in my folder and opened the vinf file, and it would encode from there. After that process was complete, i had no m2v file, only a 3 gig vinf file, so i selected that file for remux with IFOedit and it all seemed to be going smoothly. After i had done the get VTS sectors thing, i tried to preview the movie, but it said it couldn't find the file i selected (ifo). And i couldn't burn the folder onto a dvd-r either for some reason.
Junior Member
18. November 2002 @ 12:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
did you open up your main movie ifo file ?

I had a similar problem when i was starting out ,rempeg would do nothing , the cffl file was empty ,

open up your cffl file with notepad and see what it say's
it should look something like this



or it should be very similar , if it only has


you must have selected the video_ts ifo file and not the main movie
Junior Member
18. November 2002 @ 12:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
tell me what you have done from the start and did you check out the cretins guide at

this is an excelent guide for newbies and what version of rempeg have u got , I have rempeg2 the latest version which creates your cffl file

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. November 2002 @ 13:41 > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r for newbies > after encoding?

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