I need tools
20. December 2004 @ 12:47 |
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Sorry about this post but I'm new and cant seem to find many sites with tools can anyone tell me where i can find some I have looked in different forums and post and didnt find much thanks for you help
Junior Member
20. December 2004 @ 15:41 |
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well, im not sure what tools you need! LoL :) What do you want?
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Senior Member
20. December 2004 @ 18:56 |
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what kind of tools like gamecube ripper or bios.
20. December 2004 @ 20:16 |
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the tools i need are loaders save hack rippers anything else you think I might need any link would be great or loaders
20. December 2004 @ 21:53 |
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man... I can't find Gamecube ISO Ripping Server PLEASE I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR 3 HOURS! *eyes bleeding* !_!
Junior Member
24. December 2004 @ 08:54 |
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I can't find Gamecube ISO Ripping Server either. Any help???? Thanks!
Senior Member
24. December 2004 @ 15:20 |
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Junior Member
24. December 2004 @ 20:35 |
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philipman ... thank you for the help, but i've been down that road and the ripping server is no where to be found. I have scoured that site and hit every possible link, I think. Can you be more specific if it doesn't violate the forum? or PM me? thanks a ton!
25. December 2004 @ 17:07 |
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Same here I can't find the ISO Ripping server download anywhere, I looked for nearly 4 hours today and yesterday. Tried Google, Yahoo, MSN, some the other nondescript engines, but still no site where you can download it from. Lots of articles though.
26. December 2004 @ 00:20 |
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Found it. Albeit an older version ( but I did find it.
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Junior Member
26. December 2004 @ 14:25 |
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thanks weirdo (he he he .. sounds like sarcasm, but it's not!) 8-) Got it to stream to my PC finally! WOO HOO
26. December 2004 @ 16:45 |
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Hehe! No prob my friend, here to help. :)
Junior Member
26. December 2004 @ 18:01 |
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okay ... so the next question is: Is there any way to improve how ridiculously choppy the games stream back to the GameCube? Some tweaking within Disc Server perhaps? What is the best program to stream to the GC?
30. December 2004 @ 08:13 |
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ya I agree I would like a good reply from that question too :)
31. December 2004 @ 11:01 |
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Not sure. This question has to do with bandwidth. Most NIC cards are capable of 100Mbps transfer speeds, which would negate the choppiness that you get when you stream using PSO. The problem is that Sega, in all it's infinite wisdom, figured that nobody would really "Need" that fast of a transfer rate to play PSO with streaming so they locked it at 10Mbps, or so I hear. I've heard there is a way around it, either via the NIC card itself or some other way. I'll keep looking.
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Junior Member
31. December 2004 @ 20:11 |
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I've seen a few posts about 100Mbs, but nothing that reallly says anything. Also, the Nintendo Broadband Adapter SAYS it's only capable of 10Mbs ... so that is why I ask ... is it possible????? Does it work??? 8-) Thanks!