Pioneer A05 and LEDA dvd-r's from shop4tech
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13. February 2003 @ 11:13 |
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i was just wondering if the LEDA dvd-r's workin in the pioneer-a05, cause i bought 75 bulkpaq purple tops and they are all crap, also if anyone knows any other place to get cheap dvd-r media for the pioneer-a05 please tell me brand and there to get it. thx
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14. February 2003 @ 07:27 |
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I'm fairly new to this whole DVD thing, but...
I have an A05 and I just got some leda's last night. They seemed to work fine for me. I haven't had a chance to check capacity yet since I read on their website that they are only 3.? Gig. (I don't completely trust it though since the contact phone number gets you a Leda furniture manufacturer)
Mine have a white top instead of a purple top. Are yours General Purpose or Authoring?
Also, you might want to check and see which firmware you have on your drive. I read that the latest update will prevent you from using cheaper media.
Otherwise, the last batch I got were Ritech from Shop4tech. About $1 each, but they all worked.
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14. February 2003 @ 13:00 |
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I use bulkpaq 2 speed with the green tops made 50 movies the all work pefect when i burnt them at 2 speed with my pioneer 105 using the new firmware the purple ones didn't work.
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14. February 2003 @ 15:33 |
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Bulkpaq? What site did you get those from? How much were they?
Guy I work with has an 05 and he tried US Digital Media (Silver tops? $0.63ea last night and said that they ran at 2x for him. Don't know if it's the media or the burning program he's running, but that might be worth looking in to.
20. February 2003 @ 13:21 |
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I used Leda from with a Pioneer A05. Over 90% came out of the burner with spots on the dye, mostly on the second half of the discs. The spots caused pixellation and freezes on my Panasonic RP62. I will try the Ritek 4x. I had no problem with Pioneer 4x discs, but they are still too expensive.
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20. February 2003 @ 14:37 |
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I don't know that the Ritek does 4X, I could only get 1x out of it. Given, it was solid and the only disks I had to trash were ones I made the mistake on. Right now they look to be about $1 each.
Thanks for the heads up on the Leda I will pay attention and see if I have the same problem. Did other people with the 05 have the same problem you did?
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20. February 2003 @ 15:56 |
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I have used datawrite 4 speed with the ritek dye the one's you can print dvd-r with succes
at 4 speed but there was a problem the pritable layer came off I think it was the heat I'm going to try the other datawrite disks without that layer. and WhiteLabel 1 speed work also it is strange that the purple bulpaq 1 speed don't work becouse the whitelabel and bulkpaq dvd-r come from the same factory the are both manufactured by princo. for more info look here
And there are more people with dvd-r and pioneer dvr A05 105 compatibility problems at
21. February 2003 @ 15:45 |
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I ordered some Ritek 4x from All Media Outlet Corp. The invoice I received lists the item code "P-DVD-R-4X25" (for 25 discs), the discs are unbranded, and Nero reports media ID "RITEKG04," so they must be an OEM version. My Pioneer A05 burns them perfectly at 2x, with absolutely no defects up to the disc edge. At 4x, I see shadows in the first half of the disc dye, close to the center. Luckly, they play correctly on the Panasonic RP62. I wonder if anyone else has looked carefully at the dye after burning them at 4x.
Junior Member
22. February 2003 @ 11:09 |
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i got bulkpaq purple tops too and they're all crap avoid at all costs.i got them at
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28. February 2003 @ 18:54 |
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I bought a 100 pack of Leda white/purple bulk pack from Shop4Tech. Started off okay, then I hit 7 discs (so far) that my 105 can't write the initial tracks. Errors out using 3 different programs. Now I'm also getting 75% of my discs freezing up in both my 105, Pioneer 106S, and set-top player. I've noticed some spots on the dye too. Writing the same image to my Memorex DVD-RW plays fine. I'm waiting for an RMA for the rest of these, otherwise I'll be contacting my credit card company, these are CRAP!
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1. March 2003 @ 03:40 |
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1. March 2003 @ 18:46 |
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To all of you who bought Leda and got "burnt": contact Jenny Lien [] at Shop4Tech (which is the name under which Leda is doing business), and ask her to take back ALL of your discs, including the recorded ones. Remember that Shop4Tech claims that the Leda are compatible with the Pioneer 105, which is not true. Then get Ritek 4X (Media ID RITEKG04) and live happy ever since. If you buy 200 of the Ritek, ask for a discount on top of the advertised price. Chances are you'll get it. (I am not affiliated with Shop4Tech - I got burnt with the Leda pretty bad and fought back).
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4. March 2003 @ 05:12 |
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So who manufactures these Leda DVDRs then? I know Leda CDRs used to be made by Postech, are the DVDs the same?
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4. March 2003 @ 05:21 |
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Leda DVD-Rs are made by Princo. I'm beginning to think my problems might be with my 105. When I started I had pretty good luck with Leda (80-90%). I thought I hit a bad spot in the spindle when I started having problems. The thing is though that the playback freezes (in the 105, Pioneer 106S and Apex set-top) will occur in approximately the same area (within a chapter or two) when I retry on another disk. Same problem with a Memorex DVD-R last night. I'm going to pick up a couple other brands today at CompUSA. If I continue to have freeze problems I think it is the drive. My Memorex DVD-RW isn't a good test factor as DVD-RW is different material.
burnedout - What kind of problems did you have exactly?
4. March 2003 @ 23:56 |
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I purchased a total of 200 Leda discs. I burnt about 70, and they played OK on my first Panasonic RP62. Then the Panasonic stopped working, and I replaced it with an identical new unit. The new unit did not read a single disc until the end without errors. All errors occurred in the last GB or two, and were quite severe. At that point I started looking at the dye and discovered several spots on almost all discs. I was able to recover most of the discs simply by reading some on the Pioneer 105, and some on my BTC DVD-ROM. In a few extreme cases, some files could only be read in one of the two DVD drives.
Interestingly, a couple of discs showed no spots, yet the Panasonic could not read them, nor could my DVD drives. The problem was again towards the end of the discs.
After switching to the Ritek 4X, the Panasonic had no problem. I think that either my first Panasonic was mechanically/optically more tolerant of media defects, or the Leda dye is unstable and decays over a very short period of time. I think that the first hypothesis is more likely. That also means that you must be careful when choosing the media, because the day you change your player, you may not be able to play some or most of your discs. In this respect, it's better to have a "picky" player rather than a forgiving one.
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5. March 2003 @ 07:29 |
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I only noticed a few occasional spots. The bad ones never played beginning to end on any of my players including the 105, Pioneer 106S DVD-Rom, Apex AD-1000, Apex AD-2500, and Panasonic CP72. Usually they would freeze in the last 3rd of the disc, but some were even in the first few chapters. The odd thing was that another try resulted in freezing in nearly the same spot, which led me towards thinking the drive was having issues. But I tried a couple various brands yesterday from CompUSA and had no problems.
Did you mean recover as in you were able to read and reburn onto another disc? I assume you are burning the Ritek at 4X and not having any playback issues?
5. March 2003 @ 10:38 |
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I was able to recover all but one of the bad discs to other discs (Ritek 4X). So far, I have played very few Ritek's on my Panasonic, and found absolutely no defects. To be on the safe side, and considering that I can burn a disc in less than 15 minutes, I use Nero with the verify option checked. This ensures that I'll always be able to read the discs on my Pioneer, in case of troubles with the Panasonic, and transfer them to better media if any of the Ritek's were defective.