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tungsten e video help
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22. June 2006 @ 18:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have done alot of research for putting videos on the palm. i have tried tealmovie, kinoma, and MMplayer. all have failed to either get video or sound or both to work correctly. i have tried like every option on to converting it to the 320x240 or something like that. i have managed to get the video to be descent on tealmovie but i cant get the audio to work. tried all formats available to be put on there. and all audio options to at least hear it.please help if u have had a workin vid and the quality and sounds is decent. thanks.
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2. September 2006 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been trying to get video to play on my tungsten e2 for the past few hours and have had no luck aswell. please help us!
2. September 2006 @ 12:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dude i still havnt got that shit to work. i just gave up cause i couldnt get either the video or the audio to work correctly together. apparently nobody knows the answer or just wont bother to respond. im still lookin for an answer someone please help.
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2. September 2006 @ 13:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, i figured it out. I downloaded a palm program called CORE which is a tcpmp player and i also had to download 3 different codecs for that work, then i used another program to reformat the original .avi file on my PC and then just synced it to my palm. I will get back to you and let you know the codecs i used and the other name of the program to convert the .avi file. (im on a different pc right now) I only downloaded the trial version which only allows you to convert like 7 minutes at atime. but youcan buythe software for like $28, But it does work ,no problems with the audio.
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2. September 2006 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
alright, here you go.
you need a program called pilot install which allows you to transfer files from your PC to your palm pilot with the hot sync option. you can get that here

you need the proper codecs to allow the .avi to play on your palm pilot, you can get that here
select the second one, which is for the palm OS

you need pocket DVD wizard which reformats your .avi file from your PC and will allow you to watch it on your Palm. you can get that here

once you install everything just go into the pocket dvd wizard and open the movie file you want to convert, i just temporarly saved mine to my desktop. after thats done open up the pilot install program and on the top left select File, and then Add to card. This sends the file to your palms SD card instead of the RAM (this is where i was stuck for awhile because i kept trying to send the file to the RAM of the pilot) once you click on "add to card" select the path of wherever you temporarly saved your coverted movie file. in the middle of the window there is a port selection box, set that to USB, and then simply hit the hot sync button on your palm plug and it will transfer.

after its done to into the applications folder in your palm and open up the CORE tcpmp player, select open files on the top right, select your movie and play it. you can go into the EQUALIZER settings and i just maxed everything out since the speaker is quiet and on the back of the palm (horrible placement) hope this all works for you, it may sound like alot of BS, but trust me, once you get figured out its simple. took me like 4 hours of downloading countless programs that didnt work for me.
2. September 2006 @ 20:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey thanks for the thread i cant try it right now but if it works thanks again. hopefully itl work on my tungsten e. > forums > archived forums > pda discussion > tungsten e video help

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