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Is princo dye dvd-r 4x real 4x media?
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Junior Member
29. May 2003 @ 11:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been burning 4 of White top Princo dye DVD-R 4x media with my New Pioneer 105 with Nero software. I burn Behind the XXX movie it tooks 27 min and try with the my 104 Dvd-wr it tooks 23 min!!!. I dont know what the wrong with media or my new Pioneer 105 (fw 1'30). Does anyone know what is wrong with media or burner? I need help and thanks in advance.
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29. May 2003 @ 11:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried princo 4x and it burns well on my drive. where did you get the media? Do not get media from those samll company.

Amy Jung
Junior Member
29. May 2003 @ 12:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is your drive Pioneer 105 or A05. I have A05 with f/w 1.30. I bought Ritek x4, a while back, and they were supposed to burn at x4, but my A05 never allowed the Ritek media to be burned more than x2. So I think Pioneer doesn't want cheap no name brand media to be burn'd at high speed, because of licencing issues or something. So i think you are having the same problem, where Princo media is not allowed to be burned more than x2 in the 1.30 firmware. But i guess if you tried your x4 princo in Sony DVD burner drives then maybe you can get the x4 speed that Princo media was designed.

Or maybe if you had the 105 or OEM version of the drive, that might also allow you to be burned at x4. Or maybe you got ripped off, and they sold you x2 media instead of the x4 media that you wanted to get, (but probably less likely) since i had experience with my a05 drive.
30. May 2003 @ 04:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I recently purchased 50 Princo 4x-R media and I am experiencing alleged reads of 4x by nero but when I burn it takes sometimes over an hour with latest firmware in Sony DRX-500ULX. I can only think its the media cause although 2 speed media is recognised as only 2x it takes less time to burn. Why software says its burning at 4x I'll never know. The results are not showing it. Frustration is making this cheap media expensive as I rip them out of the drive mid stream as I try to increase performance. Maybe the Princo media is faulty not sure. Anyone else experiencing better results.!!?
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30. May 2003 @ 06:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have DRU 500A, and bought 50 of Datawrite red top 4X speed, and none of the disk will run it fails after 40 - 45 %, does anybody had the same problem ?
Junior Member
30. May 2003 @ 13:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
U r correct Sanctuary!! I have very bitter experience with Prico 4x. It tooks 45 min sometime to backup a 4gb movie(!). Nero shows the 4x but time is longer than 2x..Funny!

My 105 pioneer has got probs i think or the Media. Trying to find out the probs as soon as I get my Datawrite 4x. I test with other media too like Bulqpak 4x same probs.:((
AfterDawn Addict
31. May 2003 @ 10:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The problem is both with the firmware on the Pioneer and possibly the recording program you are using. Princo 4x will burn at 4x on a Pioneer A06/105.
31. May 2003 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have been having probs with the latest batch of princo myself where befor princo burned at 4x no prob think but not sure that they have changed the die ritek still burn at 4x no probs
a mate has a teac (105 guts)teac released a new firmware the other week now his teac write a 4gig disc on princo in about 13 min so lets hope that sony upgrade theirs so i can get mine sorted
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5. June 2003 @ 02:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeh, the Princo didn't work for me either, bought Ritek 4x from for 99p no problems, 4x on my Pioneer A05, great!

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5. June 2003 @ 17:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Princo media is garbage.
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7. June 2003 @ 04:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I use exactly the same burner and disks i had the same problem to, A technican guy told me that certain burning programs don't regonize the device buffer properly, i had to re-install OP and only put nero,dvd decrypter and dvd shrink,roxio and dvd one back on and this sorted it out, i'm now buring at about 12mins for full dvd-r, but to be honest i don't know why it was so slow at first?
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7. June 2003 @ 04:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Forgot to ask, does ur device buffer stay between 90-100 or does go down low and back up again constanly cause mine was goin down to 2% then back up to 100 and it would do this troughout the whole process, but eversince i done wat i said above it stays between 90-100.
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7. June 2003 @ 18:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Princos are nothing but problematic. In the short run, you'll get quite a few that work well, but in the long run you'll loose more than you can achieve with Princos.

Be afraid, be very afraid...
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7. June 2003 @ 18:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've burn'd hundreds of white top with poineer 105 and had no problems and there cheap over here the uk at £1 each
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7. June 2003 @ 18:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I should add that the DVD player you use plays an important part. I have Sony & Panasonic DVD Player and they play all my movies perfectly. Have an X-BOX and that plays even crappily burned movies great. I mainly watch movies on my PS2 cause they have crappy lasers. Basically, if it plays perfect on the PS2 I know I have a perfect burn.

Just my 2 cents.

If you have really good DVD Player like Sony or Panasonic (there are some others), you will avoid alot of problems with cheaper media...
Junior Member
8. June 2003 @ 07:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This post is a little in left field but....

If you're getting good burns but having trouble playing them in your DVD player the, as boriqua pointed out, it could be a crappy laser. I was having this problem with 2 older dvd players. At they have a $50 dvd player by Mintek that, in my experience, will play ANYTHING!!! Even store bought DVD's that are too scratched for my other DVD players to read. It's not very ergonomic and the remote is fairly user unfriendly. But it will play the cheapest, most scratched up media with out a problem.

Just thought I'd bring it up since a $50 DVD player is cheaper than experimenting wih $2+ media or getting a new burner.

Windows XP Pro
Sony Dru-500AX w/Veritas RecordNow DX 4.6 & Nero Burning Rom
DVDShrink, DVDDecryptor, DVD2One, DVDXCopy
Denver, CO USA
Perfer Ritek and Verbatim or FujiFilm when local computer store has them on sale.
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8. June 2003 @ 11:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Vetty good point corngrits...

<--Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light? I ask that of all my friends--><--If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards!-->
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19. June 2003 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had 100 Princo 4x disc and burned the w/ Nero and could only get them to wotk at 1x. 4x would crash on lead out or crash all together. I downgraded my firmware to 1.0e (can be d~f). And burned like 75 disc at 4x (13Mins.).

Why? I dunno!

I don't remember why I had to switch it back to the 2.0f firmware but I did and can no longer find the old Firmware anywhere.

I am planning to buy some DVX-Tech 4x media from they claim to be for the Sonu DRU-500ULX. Have you guys heard of this brand? If so how was it.

What is the best cheap brand for the Sony-500 type drives?
AfterDawn Addict
19. June 2003 @ 17:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'd like to change my orignal reply:
Princo 4x will burn at 4x on a Pioneer A06/105
Like hell they do....
2x is all i get outt them now, both Yellow 4x and Red 4x. Datawrite are releasing a new Silver 4x G04. Im gettin that!!!

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19. June 2003 @ 20:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I get 2x out of 47 from a 50 batch...

Oriphus, what do you think about Datawrite Silver 4x g04 as compared to ritek g04?...
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20. June 2003 @ 00:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am getting a batch of gauranteed Grade A Princo discs this week. Anyone in the UK who wants a sample for free send me your details by email and we will send you one out - I will also send people a Ritek grade A also - you can then compare the two - both discs will be 4x.

Limited to the first 50 people to email me.

You all can then give your opinions on the two types!

Do people not realise that certain lesser brands use lesser quality media - it is still the case in the DVD business "You get what you pay for" ... a certain brand might claim to be Princo based media but is it Princo A grade! Princo do produce A grade but it's never as good as Ritek A grade - even Ritek B grade is better than Princo A grade (or so experience tells me)._

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2003 @ 05:14

20. June 2003 @ 03:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry for delayed response.
Thanks to all who have assisted me in not feeling completely incompetent. The Princo media used in Nero, as I was asked, does show the buffer riding constantly up and down. Im still having fun with 3GB movies taking sometimes 1hr 20mins to burn from HDD. Getting value for money here I'll tell you. Im about to partition my drive and reload another O/S and dedicate to buning. Will update results. In a nutshell is where you belong if you use Princo I believe. Cheap they are not considering the time you waste. If you enjoy watching your PC defrag from start to finish this medias for you.
AfterDawn Addict
20. June 2003 @ 03:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mr Yang, im having big problems emailing you and when i try to PM you it freezes. Consider me willing to test DVD's, i've tested at disc world and was trying to point out to frum here that we need a facility of testing discs.
I will use CD Speed to test and all check on 6 Standalone DVD Players. Results will be posted on the web and a url will be provided to that page.

Boriqua: I presum you are talking about the Ritek G04's that are manufactured solely by Ritek? I find them very good. I also hope that the Datawrites will be just as good. For me the Datawrites offer an advantage due to the labelling on the disc, i prefer it to the plain silver. plain silver is great for thermal printers though...
Honestly, i would expect them to be the same. Ill test some and post results!

20. June 2003 @ 08:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


24. June 2003 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have tried to burn various media at 1x, 2x, and 4x usnig dvd x copy, xcopy express and dvd decryptor. I recently re-installed windows XP and istalled the latest firmware listed on the Sony sight for the DRX-500UL burner.

All media seems to burn at the same speed. I have had good success with Princo White top/purple (1x media very inexpensive)about 75 of 77 successful burns. I recently bought 20 TDK 2x -R's with no coasters but still very slow. I also have tried TDK 4x +R's good success no increase in speed. I've had good success with Sony -RW's and Memorex as well.

Princo has gotten a bad rap according to many users, however, I havent seen an increase in performance with any of the name brand media even though the cost is 2x - 2.5x versus the Princo media. Any suggestions on how to get an increase in burn speeds? > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > is princo dye dvd-r 4x real 4x media?

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