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Anybody every try Mitsui DVD-Rs?
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29. May 2003 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wanted to know if anyone has ever tried Mitsui DVD-Rs? They go for about $5.00 a pop. Wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with these discs. Thanks!
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30. May 2003 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mitsui is the BEST media, bar none. I have used there media for a while now and with the price its just what its worth to you. Still 5 bucks a game or movie is cheap and if you expect to live to be 100 or so you should be able to enjoy them with no problems! Mitsui is king!

Do it right anytime, everytime-
AfterDawn Addict
31. May 2003 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That is the biggest load of rubbish i have ever hear in my entire life. Mitsui are not great, they are possibly the worst DVD-R makers around. us a Ritek branded dye for best results. For example, Ritek G04's are apparently the best to get. Also if you are going to use princo dyes, such as Datawrite reds, make sure they are H04's or H06's. Wait fo the new 4x Datawrite Yellow if you ask me
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31. May 2003 @ 20:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Flame out! Consider your reason to use DVD-R media and then get what seems in your price range. Mitsui makes most of the medical grade media out there and yes they do make the best dvd-r media there is available to you and me. Just get what seems right to you. I have just finished a study of the leading brands of DVD-r media and most are manufactured in one of only a handful of plants in the world, much like CDR. Mitsui tested the highest in all trials but alot of media was close. Again whats right for me may not be right for you but then again even at 5.00 thats still a bargin. Also I just love it when someone says "rubbish" sounds so, well educated.
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31. May 2003 @ 22:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
riteks do the trick for me, i can get 4 of them for the price of 1 mitsui, so thats all that matters to me
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1. June 2003 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also use ritek and they are the best in my opinion because they are cheap and they work excellent Ive had no problems with movies or games (ps2 and x box) my advice save yourself the money and go with ritek's your getting 1 for 5 bucks I am getting 1 for 1.30 and I guarente there is no difference in quality

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