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Just Successfully Softmodded Your Xbox? Great!.. Now read this before you do ANYTHING!
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12. December 2006 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thnx again for this great tut... but I have one problem. When I FTP from the xbox to the pc and transfer the E: drive, only one file doesnt copy over: NoisyCamera. Is this normal, as I plan to upgrade the HD and transfer everything back over? The dash I used was UnleashX if it helps any
AfterDawn Addict

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13. December 2006 @ 08:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If it's from the disc to the HD, sounds as if it's having trouble reading it from the disc. Try cleaning it or finding another copy of the game.

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

13. December 2006 @ 12:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Mik3h:
If it's from the disc to the HD, sounds as if it's having trouble reading it from the disc. Try cleaning it or finding another copy of the game.

thnx, I tried it again and the FTP worked... now I set it up w/ evox, and i cant play CDs, DVDs or data discs? did i do sumthing wrong? at this moment i am building a new hd, but cant figure why the discs dont work?
AfterDawn Addict

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13. December 2006 @ 14:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Definately sounds like the drive then. Will it load originals on a cold boot? ie. Game already in Xbox and power on?

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

15. December 2006 @ 13:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
everythings good now... re-modded to unleashx so i can manage the saved files... I tried the hotswap yesterday and lets just say im glad my pc started up again! thnx for ur help, the drive loads xbox games but thats really it. even now in unleash, audio CDs wont even load! i supose i can re-search for how to load skins and all that stuff.
15. December 2006 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yo everyone!! im buying 16X DVD-R, but my burner is DVD-R 18X.

( )

my burner on that site

will i still be able to burn games even though the cds and burner have different write speeds?

15. December 2006 @ 16:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry, wrong site.. my burner is on this site

21. December 2006 @ 13:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have 1 more question... do I have to make a floppy disk if I want to build a new drive? I have a floppy in my pc, but it never works (just freezes and wont format any disks) so thats why I tried the hotswap...
can I just make a bootable CD? I'd like to add this 40gb drive so I can save games to the box (btw is Unleash able to copy games directly with no other apps installed?)
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22. December 2006 @ 23:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone, happy holidays...

Im hoping this isnt a dead thread and I can solve this little delema. I wiped my 30 gig clean, and reformatted it according to this tutorial, however when I put the new HD in the box, I get the dreaded "service message."

What did I do wrong

Sorry my post is so sketchy...

The only details I really have about the drive is a Western Digital 307AA IDE HD. The model number is WD307AA-00BAA0

Any help - anything at all would be much appriciated! Thanks again everyone!

Learning to mod his box
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22. December 2006 @ 23:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So I looked into it a bit further...

If I locked the HD and the HD on my XBOX wasnt locked originally then perhaps that may be an issue.

However when I went into the XBOXHD program to format the HD, I had went to option 3 I believe it was, where I could attempt to unlock the drive with the master password XBOXSCENE... however it says the drive rejected the command.

Learning to mod his box
AfterDawn Addict

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22. December 2006 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ajammer - Yes, you will be able to write speeds on those discs upto 16x but I reccomend you don't. Burn at 8x or games will probably skip.

nanospyda - Floppy drives are very very cheap these days, and you will have to FTP your games to your PC before you can play them. - More info

PhoenixB - Not all HD's can be locked. Look at this - compatability chart

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

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23. December 2006 @ 00:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you sir/ma'am for the speedy response. I have reviewed my HD's model number, and several people found it compatable. Same size, same model number.

I think the problem may be that the drive is "frozen."

Any ideas on what that means or how I can fix that lol :D

Learning to mod his box
23. December 2006 @ 03:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Stupid question, removed from me :-)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2006 @ 11:03

AfterDawn Addict

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23. December 2006 @ 04:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ask away, I have no problem answering, now I'm off school I have more time :)

Ok, there may be some bad sectors on your HD, so try "disk check" or "disk defrag" using Windows, then try again.

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

23. December 2006 @ 11:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hm.. ok,

1. Before FTPing the backups from my xbox, I have noticed that there is no any backup_linux folder. It's just a c:/backup/ folder and I can see my eeprom.bin located there. This is the same folder, right?

2. Also, you mentioned somewhere this. "Alternatively you can choose option 3 at the main selection.....".
When you say "alternatively", to which option do you refer? In other words in pure English you say Do Step 1. Alternatively do step 2. Which step does your 'alternative' option skip?

(sorry If I have not explained this clearly, english is not my mother language) :-)

Hey mike, any chance to add you to my MSN (or Skype) for 'Live Support' when I will do this upgrade? hehehehe

thank you very much, your tutorial really rocks! :-)

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23. December 2006 @ 11:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Mike thanks for the heads up. I was a busy bee all night and I figured out how to lock it. Apparently my Bios was set to "auto detect" so i screwed around with it for a bit and I was able to lock the drive.

But now instead of error message 5 I get error message 6 LOL! Making progress though! What does 6 mean?

Learning to mod his box
AfterDawn Addict

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23. December 2006 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmm, good to hear you made some progess.. error 6 is - "unable to unlock hdd" I'm not sure why this is, is there any way you can try another HDD? If not let me know and I'll refer you to someone else who is a little more experienced at xbox hard drives.

Giorgic - Yes it means you can skip the other. If you want my MSN, then PM me and let me know your addy so I can add you :)

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2006 @ 13:38

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23. December 2006 @ 18:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had some old hard drives buried in the closet... None really worth putting in my Box... an old 3 gig and an 8. But it was worth testing the process on them. However they were so old, they did not support hard drive locking, and xboxhdm let me know so.

Whats unusual is that xboxhdm tells me that my 30 gig is locked... Thats whats odd.

Learning to mod his box
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
23. December 2006 @ 23:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yesm it seems to be locked, but it's just the unlocking that's the problem. What I suggest is to post your problem here -

And see if "Theridges" can help you, he's good with Xbox HD's, so let me know how you get on :)

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

24. December 2006 @ 01:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
as a matter of curiocity, is this how I can softmod a new Xbox? I do have a friend with an unmodded console and he needs some help. If I get a new HD and proceed according to this tutorial and replace his original HD with the new one, is that all? I am going to end up with a softmodded console?

thank you very much.


ps: Mike I have PM'ed you my MSN, thank you so much for your help!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. December 2006 @ 01:07

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24. December 2006 @ 03:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Mike, thanks for all your patience and assistance. I will let you know the outcome of this situation!

Learning to mod his box
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
24. December 2006 @ 03:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, as long as the HD matches the HD Key and the EEPROM is the same it will work. I've added you to MSN, so I'll see you next time I'm on.

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

24. December 2006 @ 05:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmm.. yes, but now that I am thinking of it, how am I going to be able to FTP to the original xbox and grab a copy of the EEPROM ? I guess that softmod needs to be done in another way. Anyway, this is not important for me atm. I am currently working on upgrading my console's HD into a 200GB one. I will let you know the outcome of my effords... :-)

thanks again,
24. December 2006 @ 07:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
additions for this tutorial.

your CD/DVD Drive has to be IDE. SCSI won't work (although you can manage to boot from it but later on you will get an error).


24. December 2006 @ 07:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
successful HD upgrade!

Hi all,

Well, I have to mention that Mike's tutorial is really cool and it worked for me fine! Following all the steps is not that hard.

Now, the only problem I have is that my HD is 200GB and I currently see only 137GB. I ve found out that I need to format my HD with UnleashX for the rest space to be available. What does this mean and how can I do that? Is UnleashX a dash? I have Evox. Can I format it with Evox? If yes how can I do that?

thank you for your help,

Giorgoc > forums > archived forums > xbox - software discussion > just successfully softmodded your xbox? great!.. now read this before you do anything!

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