DVD2one project size....
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20. July 2003 @ 23:52 |
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I ripped a dvd using DVD Decypter and then used DVD2one 1.2 to compress the project to 4.36GB.... I used 4.36GB and even 4GB and the project still turns out to be 4.45GB which Nero tells me i can't burn coz it won't fit on a single DVD+RW (Memorex DVD+RW).... anyone know why DVD2one won't compress to the size i select ???????? When i put 3GB the total project turned out to be 3.8 GB so i managed to burn that one.... don't understand why the other settings fail though.....
(i know that previous versions of DVD2one used to have this bug but has anyone had this with 1.2 so far ???)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. July 2003 @ 00:02
AfterDawn Addict
21. July 2003 @ 04:02 |
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I've had no problems with that. Try using the free 30 day trial of Record Mow Max, avaialable here:
Click UserGuides >> Record Now Max
See if you get the same problems. If you get the same problems when burning. If you do, it may be that its an RW disc. I havent used one yet. I will be soon though.
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21. July 2003 @ 04:38 |
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Thanks...gonna give it a try... the weird thing is that the project is already > the size specified in DVD2One, even on my HDD....
3 product reviews
21. July 2003 @ 06:24 |
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If you set 4472mb in DVD2One [which is the pre-set output filesize] then the project size should come out exactly 4.36Gb
I've used the
DVD Decrypter
..method for a long time & haven't encountered this problem since a well early version of DVD2One
I am confident it is not a Nero problem !: )
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22. July 2003 @ 03:55 |
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Really weird....i used decypter, DVD2One and Nero and i can't get the project onto 1 DVD+RW .... set the size to default as you recommended and the project still comes out as 4.45GB on my HDD (which Nero can't burn on a single DVD) ........ driving me crazy......
3 product reviews
22. July 2003 @ 04:02 |
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I am really surprised at this...
All I could suggest now is that you try at reduced size , ie; 4272mb
3 product reviews
22. July 2003 @ 04:03 |
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P.S. Have you got a multi or dual-format burner at all , thus giving you the option to burn on -RW ?
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22. July 2003 @ 04:20 |
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Yes Herbman....i got a Sony DRU 510A ... does DVD +/- R and DVD +/- RW ....
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22. July 2003 @ 04:23 |
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...but the problem already arrises on the HDD ... so it's not really so much a burning problem as a compression problem....even when i put the project size as low as 3GB is still get a total project size afterwards of +/- 3.6GB ....as i said: driving my crazy coz it ain't logic at all....
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2003 @ 00:10 |
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Are you getting the problem only with DVD2One? try a different compression tool, such as DVD Shrink. If you dont have it or need the user guide you can find it on the site i mentioned earlier. Go to User Guides >> DVD Shrink.
Senior Member
23. July 2003 @ 13:55 |
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What O/S are you running? I've seen this before with Win98/ME. Or if running 2K or XP if your hard drive is formatted using FAT32 instead of NTFS.
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2003 @ 15:24 |
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Yeah, my friend had a problem with this with his Fat32 HDD format. New HDD and NTFS and it was sorted. It had something to do with the way file sizes were allocated and counted using FAT32 i believe.
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4. August 2003 @ 04:53 |
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I run Win2k and my disks are NTFS ..... as i said: can't figure out what's happening....
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12. January 2004 @ 00:19 |
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as long as you don't use iso mode the fat32 problem don't exist as in file mode the files are split into 1gig files.