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I know it was a Nintendo's big failure, but....
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20. December 2006 @ 10:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone know of a good reference for information on the Nintendo Virtual Boy? Yes, I am seeking out information on that decrepit piece of equipment.

I am having a hard time finding any community that is active... And I'm specifically hoping to find a VB user who has, or would be willing to make a flashable/writeable cart... I've been toying around with the idea of development, because it seems like a fun place to start.

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22. December 2006 @ 03:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know about making them, but I found this...

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22. December 2006 @ 18:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ahh virtual boy.. peoples eyesight has been suffering since then.. i never want to EVER see one of those tripod looking things again.. hah honestly, ive never used one, but i heard REALLY bad stuff about them.. like.. no one wants one anymore.. like people on eBay. .will Pay YOU to take them.. haah that last part was a joke.. but it wouldnt surprise me..


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7. January 2007 @ 10:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used one once at a Toys R Us and while using it got a bloody nose. Ick.
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8. January 2007 @ 12:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually, they're going for more than most sega saturns(A system received much better by the general public). But, for collectors, bigger flops become bigger collectables faster. :D

Only a hand few of users actually got dry eyes from them, but there was a warning against users under seven, due to underdeveloped stigmas, or something, I don't know the technical medical reasonings and whatnot.

As for a bloody nose, I can't even fathom how a game system, dry eyes or not, could actually be to blame for a bloody nose, lol.

That seems about as believable as certain other activities making you go blind. lol.

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. January 2007 @ 12:22

28. February 2007 @ 10:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My buddy had one. They were a trip. You can check out the wiki page on them...

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28. February 2007 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's uh..... Great. I was still hoping that someone might have had an answer to my actual question, but I've given up hope on that; I don't think the thing I'm looking for actually *exists*; if a mod wants to close this, I'd be happy with them for doing it.

Thanks for your replies guys!

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim
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4. March 2007 @ 19:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That thing I cant even call it a console its a piece of shit.
If that was Nintendo's only console they would be the worst company on this planet I tried it in 1995 was so close to buying it and then the Monocrome destroyed it and I really knew they hadnt have put abnything in this thing "Gimmick" I really thouyght that the SNes looked better stuff 3D when its just one colour and you can see the MOvement lagging due to the poor response rate so I waited for the the Known "Ultra 64" and it was the Smartest choice I had made.
Ultra 64= Nintendo 64's going to be name back in 1995.
I never really thought it dmaaged your eyes I doubt it would if a person has poor eyes they will always have poor eyes but I really havent had trouble with my eyes maybe cause im still a teenager owell we will see.
But dont buy that thing 100% not worth it.

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5. March 2007 @ 03:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ROFL; yes, it's easy to look back now and talk about bad lag, response times, etc. But at the time it was released, it was cutting edge. The only color portable at the time was the Game Gear, a miserable failure that sucked down six AA batteries in about one hour... What an ironic connection between them.

What I'm saying is that color was NOT the portable standard at the time, far from it. As for graphics, it was able to do a very unique kind of 3D; the kind of 3D that keeps companies on the tech floor at E3 striving to bring in those crazy visors you see every now and then. Why? Because if you sit down and try a 'virtual reality' product that isn't so dependant on the 'stupid effect' as I like to call it, it's about the most engrossing way you could ever play a game.

Did the Super Nintendo look better? YES. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS A TV SYSTEM. That's like trying to compare a GBA to a N64, and saying that because the GBA doesn't look as good, it's a stupid system.

As for eye damage, there was a warning for children under 7. Not to mention the standard "We're not responsible if you play for more than one hour" line. But that's true with any video game. I think people just took it way out of proportion, because I never heard of anyone having lasik reconstructive surgery from their Virtual Boy. lol.

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim
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8. March 2007 @ 18:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I still think in 1995 they could have done better then that I mean the E3 that year they showed Super Mario 64 and it looked maybe 89% like the Proper thing that got released so you have ot think that Nintendo wasn;t really tryign at all with that thing it was a shot at it like as if they tried to go for a fluke where if it sells it will make up for the N64 costs but it didnt.
Do not say they didnt have the technology then take this:
Pc graphics cards in 1996 could do up to 1680x1200 at 24bit colour and some even did 32bit.
Windows 95 was out.
Pc's were 133-333mhz in speed in 1996
DVD'd came in 1996 and by 1998 most of us were using them I started using them in July 1997.
One good example is Digital Cameras I recall a 3mp camera in 1996 for about 999au and it had a 1.5inch LCD colour display if that can do it then why didnt nintendo use it it anyway costed around 320au which i think is a rip off my experience with it i would give it a 2/10.

13. March 2007 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I bought my VB a long time ago when it has first flopped. Paid only $25 for it brand new at EB. The games were going for $10 so I picked up 3 or 4 of them too. Warioland VB still remains as the best game on the console and the best Wario game ever!
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13. March 2007 @ 13:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I still like Red Alarm and a bit of the ol' Teleroboxer, not to mention V-Tetris. But that's just me.

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim
13. March 2007 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by handsom:
I still like Red Alarm and a bit of the ol' Teleroboxer, not to mention V-Tetris. But that's just me.
Teleroboxer was great. I never did get a chance to play Red Alarm though.
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14. March 2007 @ 14:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL; I would so love to see a re-release of Teleroboxer on the Wii. It could be fun.

Rumor has it that Nintendo is considering doing 'updated' releases of older games on the Virtual Console. I could really enjoy a colorized version of teleroboxer. Heck, if they wanted to get gimmicky, they could even put in an option for stereoscopic glasses with it, to get the original effect from the first title, much the way that Sly Cooper 3 and a few others have. Yeah, it'd be kinda cheesy, but I think old VB fans would probably download it for a few bucks to give it a try. Not to mention that controlling a game that feels (Even if it is in a cheesy way) like it's coming at you, by physically moving your hands, could be really fun; it's a potentially great formula for a sim... So long as it doesn't cause severe headaches, migraines, and blindness. lol!

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim
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8. September 2007 @ 17:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My virtual Boy is at my parents house, in the basement in a box somewhere.....suprised others no of this failed hardware.

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11. September 2007 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think it was a good idea just not made properly :P > forums > archived forums > resource center > i know it was a nintendo's big failure, but....

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