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I can't get Saw 3 to copy on my!
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14. February 2007 @ 05:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, I am not getting anywhere, the Saw 3 has caused problems with windows users, and it seems it is the same with Mac users.....anybody been able to get it to work? If so, how and what did you use? it won't even go past Macthe ripper!! HELP! thanx!!
14. February 2007 @ 10:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try dvdfab decrypter and shrink saw 3 went thought just fine..
14. February 2007 @ 10:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Was this mac os dvdchick, that would be great news. Most of my family are macheads. I have both. You have a mac version of shrink or are you running some windows emulation????????
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!
Senior Member
14. February 2007 @ 11:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Use Anydvd and believe
DVDFab HD Decrypter (free)...

Dont Worry Be Happy:)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. February 2007 @ 11:59

14. February 2007 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used Mac The ripper, but it wouldn't go through. Also, I don't think that DVD Shrink will work with Macintosh.....from what I have heard. anyone have any other help to offer would be soooooooooo much appreciated!! I am getting frustrated! this one and Open Season (the kids movie) neither one will rip with Mac the ripper. There is a new encryption on these discs that it won't open.....has anyone cracked it????
14. February 2007 @ 12:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
one more note DVDFab is only for windows users, not Macintosh that and DVD Shrink won' work.
14. February 2007 @ 13:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can you use a movie only option on Mactheripper? If so you may still be able to rip this. I think most of the bad sectors are not in the main movie file. I know with Saw3 people were able to get movie only when they were having problems before the biggies updated??? Just a suggestion, I don't know Mactheripper, but I knew those others were windows minions.
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!
14. February 2007 @ 17:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
unfortunately no...right after starting Mac the ripper, it shuts it down with an error. I don't know what to do at this point :-(
14. February 2007 @ 19:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK, someone has had success using MTR 2.6.6 Apparently there is a prescreen mode? This needs to be disabled in order to do this movie as I understand it. Then if it loads you are to do movie only (titleset 8). Also you may need to disable whatever movie playing software you have. Apparently this will work for open season and others of the like. Although they may have different title sets it seems. OK, and I think you must have to set the settings before opening disk in it.

1. Use MTR 2.6.6 (Very important the 3.0 beta will not work)
2. Disable anything that can be.
3. Rip it in Title Set only, choosing Title 8...main feature (takes a while)
4. Went at it with DTOX 2.0.6 movie only...deselected cells 1-36 and 62-73.
5. Burn it!

Also if you run into this error:

"The output vobfileset has reached its maximum size (9216mb/9Gb). Please decrease the destination size." This is the fix: Make sure you have Output set to User Defined, and make the value 4300MB (max).

Note: If you have problems use DTOX 1.4.2, not DTOX X2. Some have had problems using the newer version.

I sure hope this helps I have never used my mac for ripping before, but these are the instructions I could dig up. I will try it when I get home for sure!!!!!!!! apparently this is DTOX??? or there is a DTOX via mtr??? Don't know, like I said I don't have a mac here! Rats!

Also, Will this play on your mac?

This apparently makes a diff too. Many conflicting reports. No macs to test on here! Let me know.
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. February 2007 @ 19:14

AfterDawn Addict
14. February 2007 @ 21:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Edit: ddp moved the thread.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. February 2007 @ 10:37

15. February 2007 @ 10:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
moved to correct forum
16. February 2007 @ 03:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, it plays on my macintosh, but even if I uncheck all the mac the ripper things, it still won't there any other mac ripping software out there? I know for windows users you had to use rip4me before using the decrypter and then use shrink...I had that mastered....but now, I bought a mac and am stumped!!
16. February 2007 @ 13:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Are you sure this is quitting. I am reading that it laggs big time and it is taking MTR somewhere around an hour or so to do this. Apparently there is a HUGE pause at about 11mb into it...??? Like 20 minutes or so. It is trying to get through all the bogus files.

OK, will it run if you just have the pre-screen unchecked? Try this, I am still researching. I lent out S3, but I have open season here (very close encryption). You are using the 2.6.6 and not the 3.0 beta? Do you still have your PC? I love both. I keep both. I recommend keeping both.

Are you getting an error message, what is it? Has it changed at all from the first error message (if there was one)? Is the disk clean? Greasy popcorn fingers can sure mess things up??????

If I have issues in windows I always uninstall and reinstall my software after a reg clean but mac makes that kinda not possible or necessary. Try just uninstall and reinstall of MTR, I would make sure a fresh install is done on 2.6.6 first.
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. February 2007 @ 13:51

17. February 2007 @ 13:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what happens is this...I go into Mac the ripper ( I have version 2.6.6) , and have disabled everything...when it is scanning the disc, and get this message....
READ ERROR!! Can't open IFO.

Also, not to sound dumb, but what is the prescreen mode??? I am new to ripping with the mac, so not familiar with the software real well...How do you disable that? also, how do you rip the movie only with title set 8?
17. February 2007 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
NO PROBLEM! I researched this whole shebang mostly for you but also a lot for my own curiosity. Apparently you can not change prefs until it errors out in scan, just say OK. File Size Calculation Method is where you disable pre-screen. I had to pop in and out of MTR several times. My movie player likes to wreak havoc with the ripper access. If you have to kill the app and start it again and immediately go to prefs under MACTHE RIPPER at the top of your screen by the Open apple.

Here is how it works:

1. Use MTR version 2.6.6

2. Download the trial version of DVD2OneX here (you will have to pay for it after 30 days :(, could not find a freebie that worked, but still looking!

3. Go into MTR and set your preferences Un-check the box that says extract DVD-ROM content (FULL DISK ONLY)

4. Now load the disk, if your dvdplayer eats it cancel the player (I had to force quit on mine)

5. It may give you an error here until you get to the next step just say OK. This is fine.

6. Now click the MODE box on MTR Choose Title Set EXtraction in the first drop down menu. Then underneath it you will choose Title Set 8 (main feature) (You can use this for other hard movies too, just select the title set with (main feature) next to it.

7. PRESS GO - Select folder to save in. I automatically use movies. Now go do something, my mac took an hour on this part. It grunts and whirs and makes all kinds of noise getting though the bad sectors.

8. At the end of the mac rip it will tell you that there is some bad data or some other error, just say OK.

9. Now open DVD2OneX, wait a few secs and then hit the trial button and it will start. Click on Make a Movie Only Copy or Join multiple titles.

10. Go to the folder where you saved the file. It will be called Saw 3 Unrated (if it was) TitleSet 8. Mine was in movies. Click to open it. It will then show the files, click choose.

11. Go to the bottom of your window and you will see Cells, click on that.

12. Uncheck all cells with 0.00 duration even if it has data.

13. This was 1-36 and 62-73 for my unrated version.

14. Click the green button. Under output type you want to choose burn. I always choose 8x for burning. It gets me better quality. Use fixed destination folder until you are sure of yourself then you can use the temp. Just be sure to go trash the files later. I selected eject media as well. Then hit OK

15. If you have make a mistake or have to try again DVD2One will ask you to overwrite files...choose ok. This part took about 1/2 hour or so.

11. Now choose OK, this will code it then burn it. It will prompt you for a disk.

Let me know if this works I am routing for ya! I am posting this to your thread as well.
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!
AfterDawn Addict
17. February 2007 @ 14:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Curiosity may not kill the "kitty", but it makes her a busy girl. ;) Good job with the Mac. I'm the other side of ignorant on those.
17. February 2007 @ 15:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks pac, I couldn't let it go. I have a couple of minimacs hanging around so I gave it a shot. Plus I know lots of macheads in trouble with new stuff...

How are you doing sjpierson? Better, did it start the rip at all??? Let me know I want you to be able to back this up!
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!
19. February 2007 @ 15:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thank you so much!! I need to go get the disc again. I will keep you posted, ok? again, thanx sooo much!!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2007 @ 16:49

Junior Member
10. March 2007 @ 21:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have the excact problem with the same saw3 movie and my mac with mac the ripper. I am going to try my PC with dvd fab.
11. March 2007 @ 16:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I FINALLY got this to work....follow the instruction in this email to a t and it will work from you...Kitty knws what she is doing!! You need Mac the riper and the full version of DVDx2one. Any movie will then work.
11. March 2007 @ 20:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am glad you got this working...but in the mean time the newest Sonly and Lionsgate are giving 2.6.6 a little trouble. The new beta will do them though so it is worth the donation. DVD2One2 should be updating soon as well to do these newest ones. The battle continues...
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!
12. March 2007 @ 03:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanx Kitty!! how do I get the new beta one and give a donation?
12. March 2007 @ 05:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh one more question kitty....I was reading on the new beta version and found this.....

MacTheRipper 3.0 R14 - A Quick Overview

Let's look at the most significant big change in MTR R-14, Main Feature Extraction in a little more detail than the above post, though I will caution everyone one, more time: DO NOT run an R-14 Main Feature Extraction Video_TS file through DVD2OneX (DTOX)! It's complete, ready to burn, as is in Main Feature Mode. It reconstructs the VOB's and Navigation Packs, eliminating all 0.00MB Cells and any other garbage, presenting the user with a perfect Movie Only backup.

how do you burn it if you don't go through DVD2OneX? sorry for this question, but getting ready to get the beta and didn't quite understand how I was going to burn that if I don't use DVD2One x with it......
12. March 2007 @ 10:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Unfortunately it looks like Toast 8 is the one that is burning most of these files. I think you can still burn a file using just the popcorn by roxio I don't think you need the full toast. I am still looking for a good freebie burner only option for mac that will handle the big new encryptions. I will let everyone know when I do.

I can still get most things to work on my 2.6.6 with dtox but there are a few troublemakers coming.
"Whatever the next best thing is, it better not suck."
Ripper ROCKED this sig for me!
14. March 2007 @ 21:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First of all thanks for everything Kitty. I just got Casino Royale and wanted to make a back up and I ran in to the same problems that i did trying to back up Open season and Stranger than Fiction.

sjpierson if you want to burn it you don't have to use Toast 8. Just use
dvdimager and then use your disk utility.
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