I used DVD Shrink/Nero to copy Amelie. I left off all menus and extras. When I play my copy it has the director's commentary overplaying the movie. When I copied Friends Season 3 Disc 1, my playback had subtitles (but I had kept the menus and could cancel it). Why does this happen? How do I avoid it from doing this?
When you used DVD Shrink, did you deselect all of the audio and subpicture options that you aren't using. If you didn't, this is probably your problem. If you did, then something must have gone wrong during the burn.
No, my guess is you have done it correctly. By deselecting all of the subtitle streams, this does not guarantee they will not be there. The wont you select wont, but what about the ones that are less than a MB? Huh i hear you say! Well DVD Shrink only shows Subtitle streams that are greater > than 1MB. To delete all subtitles go to the menu and select show all subtitles or whatever it is.
What about director's commentary? Amelie and Forrest Gump both wound up with directors comments, even though I always deselect directors comments when it comes up on the audio streams. I think there are sometimes two copies of the movie under the Movie branch of the DVD outline (and they aren't just FS vs WS). I assume one might be the directors comments movie, the other the one without - but without sound in Shrink, how do I know which to copy?