Using Action Replay Codes on your R4/M3 Simply
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29. March 2009 @ 22:25 |
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i followed all the steps as said but when i try to click y to enter cheats for a game, it does nothing. not even the icon to click y comes up. there is a CHEAT file already in the system folder and i move the file usrcheat there next to it. im guessing the ".dat" part naturally disappears cause ive types in "usrcheat.dat" like that a bunch of times and the .dat falls off. im useing a chneat editor v1.01 and oddly my sonic rush game is the only 1 that has cheats for it but its in i think chinese words.
2. April 2009 @ 22:05 |
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3. April 2009 @ 00:35 |
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Im frikken pissied off right now!
for the last 2 years the i could input hacks now a of the sudden i get the new pokemon game and wadda ya know it doesn't work.
ive tried all kinds of stuff now im resorting to the place where i learned how to input Ar into my R4 in the forst place............
please reply back..............
4. April 2009 @ 12:32 |
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when i open Action replay code manager i cannot find any subscriptions and it wont let me add any i need help plz
Junior Member
4. April 2009 @ 14:54 |
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do anyone know of any codes to get mario party multiplayer mode to work
chris thacker
6. April 2009 @ 18:16 |
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When i try to download the Cheat Code Editor, it says it's a music file and tells me to save it in itunes.
what's wrong?
7. April 2009 @ 01:01 |
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Originally posted by Phuzzzz: When i try to download the Cheat Code Editor, it says it's a music file and tells me to save it in itunes.
what's wrong?
It shouldnt be a music file. Where did u download it Phuzzz?
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4 product reviews
7. April 2009 @ 01:31 |
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8. April 2009 @ 17:37 |
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How do i get Pokemon Pearl/Diamond to work? When I placed it into my R4, Everything works except for Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. What happened?
13. April 2009 @ 16:33 |
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I know this is for the R4 or M3 but is it possible to do AR for the DSTT?
Their site is here
Thanks for any help!
13. April 2009 @ 17:25 |
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ok so i have a R4 SDHC, and i cant get this to work the cheats only show up for a few games
14. April 2009 @ 05:12 |
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i dled the code manager but there no subscriptions there. eg Codejunkies US Game. how do i get one?
14. April 2009 @ 05:18 |
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Originally posted by Zack18: Hi
when i open Action replay code manager i cannot find any subscriptions and it wont let me add any i need help plz
^^ i have teh same problem
14. April 2009 @ 06:05 |
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I found out how to fix the No subscriptions problem!
all u need to do is dl another version of the code manager ;P
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20. April 2009 @ 07:43 |
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I need Help. I cant seem to download from rapid share and the other website is down -.- Help please...
I am, Zonn, Shadow of Darkness. Ace of Avenger.
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20. April 2009 @ 10:03 |
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Never mind, i found a account, Btw, i didn't understand the instruction when u said u wan to import. How to import?
I am, Zonn, Shadow of Darkness. Ace of Avenger.
22. April 2009 @ 01:40 |
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i followed all steps and placed and usrcheat.dat in the sysytem folder wiht the cheat.dat that came in the r4, i used the latest firmwall. when i put it in the ds the cheat (Y) did not appear, plzz help.
Junior Member
23. April 2009 @ 20:48 |
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Originally posted by sphp: i followed all steps and placed and usrcheat.dat in the sysytem folder wiht the cheat.dat that came in the r4, i used the latest firmwall. when i put it in the ds the cheat (Y) did not appear, plzz help.
Use either cheat or usrcheat. Not together.
24. April 2009 @ 18:57 |
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Okay, around this time last year i downlaoded the cheatcode editor and the manager and minus the fact that i hadn't installed winrar, everything worked fine. Now, a year and a new computer later, i am trying to re-download all of the things i need to put more cheats on my R4, but when i download the Code Manager i have no subscribtions, If anyone has had this problem as well and know how to overcome it, i would appreciate some help. Thanks.
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24. April 2009 @ 20:44 |
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hi. I just want to learn to download cheats and to put them and use them on the games i already downloaded or r4. how, with exact steps do you download firmware and where do you download cheats,.
24. April 2009 @ 21:10 |
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I did everything but the usrcheat.dat file doesn't appear in my local_cheatcode folder thingy majig!
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25. April 2009 @ 22:42 |
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same thing happens to me but i think it is because i dont have a micro sd card
26. April 2009 @ 05:56 |
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i downloaded the latest firmware and put it and did everything correct placing the usercheat.dat in the system folder without the cheat.dat but it still didnt work
30. April 2009 @ 17:46 |
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Works great, thanks!
I'm surprised it only recognizes the cheat data as usrcheat.dat and does not recognize cheat.dat. I thought they were interchangeable.
But yeah, great step by step instructions!
30. April 2009 @ 22:06 |
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Hi just wondering if i have both EUR and US versions of the games on my r4, can i just use the US list or does it ahve to be the specific game type?