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MY Experience with Clone DVD!
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19. November 2003 @ 23:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wanted to know if anybody copies the main menu when they back up a dvd? or just copy the main movie only. I wanted to know if CloneDVD would do it, if I selected it in the first menu when u open CloneDVD up. clone a dvd including all tittles and menus.
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20. November 2003 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Go to my website SimpleGuides (Link below) for a CloneDVD Guide.

As for RiteK G03 and G04, get it here: or

Flash DVD Guides:
Junior Member
20. November 2003 @ 12:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
koola, Excellent, Excellent guides you got there. Thanks for all your help. I recently bought some dvdr+ from
wanted to know what u thought about these disc. for some reason the fastest they burn is at2.5x and my burner is 4x max. I used dvdshrink to put the movie on my hard drive, then I used Nero 6 to burn it. The problem is that it toke about a 1h 10min to burn @ 2.5x and 20 min of that time it was tying to finalize the drdr+. but It just ended up make a coaster. It didnt finalize. I think it is the kind of disc im using because when I just use CloneDVD to copy a dvd to drd+ it burns fine. What do u think?
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20. November 2003 @ 22:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the feedback Green1975, much apreciated.

It sound like they are Princo manufactured discs. These are not the best DVD media, but it does ok at 2x.
I hade some Datawrite v2 Red top which were Princo and they never could burn at 4x properly. At 2x they were perfect. I would buy some quality media like Ritek which have also been excellent for me and burned at 4x with great results.

Flash DVD Guides:
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21. November 2003 @ 16:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm new too backing up DVD's and editing/authoring vcd's also. I have a Phillips DVD+R/RW and will soon be attempting to backup over 200 vcr tapes from tv shows I taped for personal use. All the tapes have no commercials as I edited them out as I watched and recorded them. I also have all the vcr movies I bought that will need backing up. The ones I recorded where all taped in 6 hour mode. Some are kid shows that I want to put on VCD and others I want to put on DVD's.

I have purchased DVDXCOPY and also have DVDXCOPYXPress. I also have DVDXCOPY Plus. My version of Nero is and was wondering if the version you have on your website is the full version. Mine came with my DVD player and I'm sure that because it came with the player there may be some options not available too me.

Will I need any other software to backup my vcr tapes to VCD or DVD? By the way my capture card is the ATI AIW 9700 Pro w/128mb of memory on it.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can provide me with.

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21. November 2003 @ 23:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi alleng1,

You need to first convert your VCD file into a DVD compliant MPEG before you can author the MPEG and make DVD files.
The tool which you will need are: MainConcept MPEG Encoder, TMPGEnc DVD Author and Nero.

DVDXCopy and DVDXCopy Xpress are only used for DVD>DVD and not for VCD>DVD. If you any DVDs that you would like to back up, then DVDXCopy and Xpress would be perfect for this although I don't like them.

For conversion from VCD to DVD MPEG, you will use the MainConcept MPEG Encoder, which will produce a compliant DVD MPEG file within 2 Hours (Very Quick).

TMPGEnc DVD Author will be used to convert the DVD compliant MPEG in DVD VOB files etc, which you will burn to your final DVD.

Nero will be used to burn the final DVD files to DVD +/- R(W).

I you get stuck or need any further advice, just post here or privatly and I will help you through the conversion process.

PS Use the guides on my site also as it will help too! Good Luck :D

Flash DVD Guides:
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22. November 2003 @ 01:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Koola,

I guess that I'm still lost. Once I capture my VCR tapes {each movie or kid show} what do I need for the ones I want to make VCD's out of? I was under the impression that XCOPY Plus would let me make convert VCR tape to VCD's.

The shows that are 30 to 60 minutes I was told would fit on a CD-R so I assumed that these would be better converted to VCD rather than convert them to DVD's.

The shows that are movies I definitly want to convert and backup to DVD's. Also the movies I purchased I want to convert to DVD'. Of course the DVD's I bought I intend to backup also.

I have been reading the XCOPY forum for quite some time and also been reading the forum here on VCR capture/authoring to VCD. I also got the impression that it was better to backup my DVD's to +R/RW discs. Since my burner is a Phillips DVD228 +R/RW I will not be able to burn to -R discs. My stand alone player is also a Phillips Model 724 which will play + or -R/RW so I can watch other movies which are burned using -R/RW that I can borrow from friends to watch.

I have read that TMPGEnc is the software to use for reauthoring VCD's to DVD so do I need that for authoring VCD's from my VCR captures? When I got XCOPY PLUS I assumed that this program would allow me to convert my VCR tapes to VCD. Also will I end up with the 321 disclaimer on my VCD's that I author using 321's program or would I be better off using a different software program? If so what?

Thanks again for your help. Most of my tapes date back to 1980 and I hope they are still playable and not rotted. I imagine that I have over 1000 shows that I want to convert before my tapes are garbage.

I'm going to copy and paste your reply to this and my other post to notepad so I have it available for reference.

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22. November 2003 @ 03:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First of all, DVDXCopy Plus will allow you to convert your tapes to VCD/SVCD but you will get the 321 disclaimer on each backup that you make!

Burning to DVD+R is fine for you as you have all compatable hardware.

TMPGEnc will convert VCD/SVCD to DVD compliant MPEGs but it is quite slow. The MainConcept MPEG Encoder does just as well, but in a fraction og the time TMPGEnc does it. MainConcepts MPEG Encoder normally takes about 2 hour to fully convert a VCD/SVCD disc.

Make sure that you utalise all of the 9700 AIW power and that you have a VCR for playing your tapes. I had a old two head VCR for backing my tapes up and the quality was shit. Then I got a six head VCR and it was excellent.

Good luck and let me know if you have any more trouble. :D

Flash DVD Guides:
Junior Member
22. November 2003 @ 12:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What is the best software to burn DVDr+? When I use Nero 5.5 I dont get the DVD Burner Option, so I had to use Nero 6.
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22. November 2003 @ 13:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Koola,

I guess that I'm going to have to buy a new VCR if I can find one. All my tapes were taped on a old Nec DX1000U VHS. The record heads went out, but the play back still works fine. I ended up getting a cheap Symphonic so my daughter could tape her shows.

I went to Best Buy a few weeks ago to purchase another VCR but all they had was three different brands. Toshiba, Sony and Panasonic. All the other VCR's were dual DVD/VCR's.

I purchased a Phillips dual model and when I tried to play back a adult movie someone gave me on CD it would not play. Gave me a unsupported disc format and said remove disc. My stand alone Phillips however plays it. It saw the CD as a MP3. I returned the player and tried the movie in their other models but it wouldn't recognise it. Since my burner was a +r/rw I could not understand why it would not play it.

Do you think that my old NEC would still give me a quality capture picture? If not do you know where I might find a good 6 head VCR that I can use strictly for transfering my tapes to my pc with? I don't feel that I can get good quality capture from the Symphonic.

Also the adult VCD will play on this new system, but the picture is jerky and the sound is out of sync. I believe this my be due to a missing codec. I have not updated Windows Media Player since I put this system together in January as I don't like the idea of giving Microsoft the right to scan my pc and see what programs I have on it. I believe thats one of the license agreements you accept when you install Media Player 9. I do however still have a full download version of MP 8 and will probably install that.

The CD did play fine on my old system so I guess I need to find out what codec's I need too install. Could you provide me with a list of codec's that I will need for authoring and converting VHS to VCD and any others you feel will be needed and where I might get them at?

Thanks again for all your help.



This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2003 @ 14:36

Junior Member
22. November 2003 @ 15:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
alleng1, I too like to put my VHS video's on my PC, I bought a Dazzle 180 and it works great. I record cartoons for my daugther from the tv and then I put it on My computer. I then make a Video-CD. but it doesn't do so good when I ripp a DVD movie to my PC, because I get lines with fast action seens, I called Dazzle to see if they had a patch or something to fix the problem, and they told me that Pinacle had bought them out. So I waiting for Pinacle to make a patch for the Dazzle 180. Make VCD is much easier then burning a DVD I have had lots of problems with DVDR. Read next message for examples of my problems.
Junior Member
22. November 2003 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When iI first got my DVD burner I started useing DVDR-. I switch to using DVDR+, because the DVDR- would have errors when playing back on my DVD rom and my DVD player. The DVDR+ would burn with no problem, and I still don't have any problem on my computer DVD rom with DVDR+. At first my DVD player would play my back-up movies fine, but after a couple of time of watching the movies the pixcel on my DVD player would get mess up or freeze,
these are the DVDR+ that I am using
and this is the dvd player that I have
I going to buy a DVD cleaner disk, Hopefully that will fix the problem with the pixcel. It play vcd's and regular DVD's fine it just has a problem playing DVDR.
Has anybody else had any problems like this?
Backing up your own collection of DvD, you fix one problem and other one comes up. It was easier to make vcd's...............
22. November 2003 @ 17:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Jesus, I didnt even know that VCR's could have 6 Heads, I been using 2 head since , umm forever.. I got to go get me one.. thx for the technology update. (*_*)
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23. November 2003 @ 00:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Before your buy new hardware alleng1, you should make sure that it is compatable for the media you wish to use. In your case, it is VCD/SVCD/DVD-R/DVD+R etc. The duel player which you bought must of not been VCD compatable.

Your NEC burner will be fine. You should get a 6 head VCR as it will provide much better quality that your current VCR.
It saw the CD as a MP3.
Are you making correct VCDs as mine show up as CVD on my DVD player. If the VCD plays on your old system, then your current hardware must be incompatable so I would either change it or make a correct VCD.

Use Nero to make your SVCD/VCDs and get all the codecs from SimpleGuides. (Link below)

Flash DVD Guides:
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23. November 2003 @ 00:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Green1975 and genkidama,

I am a total newbie in regards to converting my VHS tapes to VCD or DVD. I too was unaware they made a 6 head VCR til Koola left that responce to my post.

I really need to read my manual for my AIW 9700 Pro as I tried tonight to capture a fifteen minute segment of Stargate SG1. The picture captured fine as far as quality is concerned, however the pic and audio on playback sucked. The picture was jerky and the audio was out of sync.

I currently have Media Player 6, ATI File Player, Power DVD and Quick Time on my system. After playing around with the audio on each player I was able to get a smooth picture and clear audio without the sync problem. However, as I corrected for each player the problem would return.

My system is a KG7 non raid MB, 1.4 Athlon Proc., 1 Gig Crucial DDR Memory, AIW 9700 Pro Video Card, Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Sound Card, 80 Gig WD Hard Drive, Memorex DVDRom/CD-Rom Player and a Phillips DVD+R/RW-CD-R/RW.

Hopefully I'll get this whole thing figured out soon so I can start saving all those hours of video I taped. Then I can convert all the Movies I purchased to DVD with confidence that they will actually play on both my PC and Stand alone player.

I really hope that its just some setting I'm missing that's causing the jerkieness and out of sync audio.

It sure seens like theres a big learning curve to both making VCD's and DVD's from VHS tapes as well as backing up ones DVD's that are bought.

Anyway goodluck Green1975 with fixing your problems in regards to DVD's.

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23. November 2003 @ 01:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Koola,

The adult CD was given too me about 1 1/2 years ago. It played fine on my old pc system without a problem. I'm not sure what the extension is, though I'll check it right now. The properties say it is a .mpg and it does play on my stand alone Phillips 724 player. The dual DVD/VCR player I purchased could not recoginise it and said unsupported format. My stand alone showed it as an MP3 so I assume it was seeing the audio as MP3.

In my last post I listed my new system spec's. On this new system it was jerky and the audio was out of sync. I have found that after playing with the audio properties for each player the short segment I captured on my AIW from TV tonight was also the same way. I openned the mpg up in ATI File player {That is what my system associated the captured file with} and it too was jerky with the audio out of sync.

I them tried it in the other players and the one that actually played it back the best was Quick Time. Quick Time converted it for playback on the QT Player and there was no problem with the pic or audio. I did notice that my 6-1 speakers were not shown, but the audio choices offered were AC3 or Stereo desktop speakers.

Also what I was referring too about my NEC DX1000U is that its a VCR and not a burner. I was inquiring what you thought my using this VCR to play my tapes on for capturing to my pc through the AIW TV Tuner would give me a better quality signal then using the cheapo Symhonic VCR.

Am I not capturing the playback from my VCR correctly. I assumed that one plays a tape on their VCR and captures the video and audio through the TV Tuner on their video card. Am I wrong in this assumption? If so how do I actually do it?

I know that once I learn what to do correctly I should be able to zip right along and get these all transferd over with out the problems I currently feel are frustrating me. It seems that once one gets frustrated everything seems to be harder to do properly.

Thanks again,


PS: The dual player I purchased should have played the CD shouldn't it. Since it was a .mpg and my stand alone played it. It did say it played VCD's on the box and I assumed that the CD being an .mpg would play. Also since my burner is a +R/+RW DVD - CD-R/RW I need to have a player that is compatible with my burner. My stand alone also plays MP3, CDRom, CD-r/rw and a few other file types.

I day I will know what I'm doing. I hope!!!


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2003 @ 01:14

Junior Member
24. November 2003 @ 08:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Koola, thanks for helping on what kind of DVDR+ to buy. You were right the DVDR that I bought the first time were a piece of SH**.
I used DVDX copy, CloneDVD, Nero 6 and Roxio 6 they all burned fine. The only thing is that they play in my DVD rom, but not my dvd player. They don't ever work in friends DVD player ether. I will just use these for Data.

I just bought
I notice that your website was located in the U.K. Is this website also located in the U.K?
I live in Los Angeles, California. U.S.A
Thanks again, KOOLA
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24. November 2003 @ 09:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No problem Green1975, I was happy to help!

As for AD, I think it is located in the UK, but I am not 100% sure.

Good luck in the future :D

Flash DVD Guides:
Junior Member
25. November 2003 @ 23:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
KOOLA, I just recieved the new DVDR+, so far so good. The other DVDR+ would take 1hour 20min to burn at 2.4x. These are also 2.4x and it takes no more than 20 min to burn with CloneDVD. These RITEK DVDR+ are great. Thanks again. By the way in your guides you have CloneDVD, What version is that? because I notice that u can select the speed you want to burn at. MY version I can't choose the speed. I have version 2003 My last question do u put labels on your DVDR? I have been reading that It messes up the movie, because of the extra weight of the label, and the laser of the DVD player can't read it. I have CDSTOMPER for labels.
Junior Member
26. November 2003 @ 08:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have Clone CD and Decrypter, AnyDVD, Nero 6 and the ImgTool..and Even ALcohol 120% But I can't figure out how to use Nero To burn DVD's since it don't have that option or is MiniDVD the option I have to choose? Also for DVD bigger that 4.7 like Terminator 3 Does clone DVD make 1 or 2 DVD-R's?
I'm a newbee here and have gone through $65 worht or DVD+R's and still cant get a backup copy!.
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26. November 2003 @ 19:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
djesusjay, I just finished burning T3 with CloneDVD and it only used one DVDR+. I even copied all the menus. DVDCLONE compresses the moives to fit on one DVDR. It makes the movie wide-screen but you can change that with your DVD player to full screen. At least my DVD player does.

Your 2nd question about using Nero follow KOOLA'S EXCELLENT, and I mean EXCELLENT guide for Nero that is all u will need. Just follow it and u will understand how to use Nero to burn DVD's
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26. November 2003 @ 19:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
djesusjay, I just check KOOLA doesn't have a guide for Nero, but there is alot of guide for Nero on this website.
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26. November 2003 @ 20:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, Green; now do I have to have a Full version of CloneDVD couse the Trial Version gives me option to have a #1 DVD and a #2 DVD, so It makes 2 or the trial doesn't compress it? and Also...Do I run ANYDVD while burning it with CloneDVD? I Found this on the net>? Is this the right procedure?
I have allot of DVD programs like I mentioned before and I want to know which one works best before I spend my dough($)
I would sure appreciate it Thank's
Junior Member
26. November 2003 @ 22:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
KOOLA, I not sure if u have done this before. If you have please help me. thanks!

I bought The Godfather dvd collection, and I wanted to back them up. For example Part 2 is a 2 disc and I want to put it on a single DVDr+. I know I have to use dvdshrink to compress both parts. But when it comes to burning them I end up with 2 Vedeo_ts folder. Im guessing do i have to change some of the files in the video_ts folder, and if so which ones. I change the files in the 2nd folder and Nero 6 wouldn't let me add them to the video_ts folder.

DO u know of a good guide that will show me how to do this? I think making a menu would work so I could select what Part of the movie I want to see for example Godfather 2 1 or 2 at the beginning of the DVDR.
Junior Member
26. November 2003 @ 23:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
djesusjay, Its always good to have the full version of CloneDVD its a very good program. I like better than those over priced (DVDX COPY SOFTWARE) yes, you do have to have ANYDVD running. Once you start your computer it should run. unless you ran MSCONFIG, and u uncheck it from the startup menu. DVDCLONE will compress the movie for you. Drink a beer and relax and burn you some back ups. > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > my experience with clone dvd!

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