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HOW TO: Upgrade your Xbox HDD (Super Tutorial)
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13. April 2009 @ 21:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
scratch that, i must have had a bad boot on that run, cause now its reading the disc....but when I try to load the softmod installer, it just restarts whatever game i'm using, tried all 3. So now i'm trying a new installer and transfering the files over again (i'm kinda typing this as I go)
14. April 2009 @ 02:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, so, still couldnt get the softmod installer to work, but then it occurs to me....i have a X2 mod chip in there, I downloaded the AID and i've been messing with it, and everytime I try to put the dash on there, it either boots into the MC dash, or it just does this boot loop at the XBOX logo screen.....once again, i'm stuck...
14. April 2009 @ 04:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry im stumped never used a mod chip before and from what i understand if ya got a mod chip in the machine ya dont need to softmod thats the whole point of softmodding is that ya dont need a mod chip to get pretty much same result?
Hardrive wont lock, probably coz when it says it dont support the ata security thing it means ya cant lock the drive with xbox key. i had a fe wdrives like this even same models that apparently suppose to lock but firmware was of a difrent revision, once updated it then locked.

juts softmod with ndure lmao:P and dont forget the jumpers if ya put dvd drive and hardrive on same ide cables. some people report problems in cirtain configurations but iv never had problems doing it.
14. April 2009 @ 08:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
true, true, I do realize this, so I gave up on the softmodding part since I dont need i'm just trying to get a dash on there. I've followed chunkhead's tutorial on installing a dash, the only thing is that its softmod based, and so instead of choosing the "Install to E (Softmod)" choice, I've been choosing the regular option (with no (Softmod) thing next to it).....when I do that and i'm all done, it still boots to the MC dash. So, I started fresh once again and chose the "Modchip One Click Install" feature, just to see...and when that was done, I just go into this bootup loop where it displays the XBox logo and says XECUTER2 under it, then the screen flashes, then displays the XBox logo and says XECUTER2 under it, then the screen flashes, then displays.....well, you get the picture, lol. Anyways, The way I has it set up before on the stock HD was that if you hit the eject button, it pulled up the MC dash, and when you hit the power button, it pulls up the EvoX dash. (not that i had a friend mod my xbox originally), i'm trying to set up that same dual boot, and the only option like that I can find on the AID disc is a "Dual boot MC dash / hacked dash Softmod" selection....I think I'm gonna try it, i've tryed everything else, lol
14. April 2009 @ 14:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Funny how hard things are still after so many years of it working. i had xbox 1 and it was softmodded so i just unlocked the xbox drive coppied files to new drive after creating correct partition table and locked it to the xbox. If ya dont have the key for it make a eeprom reader for under ten quid i did :D worked a treat. but like i said earlier i blew one xbox up in practicing lol thank god they only 20 quid now...
Hope ya figure out how to get it done way ya want it to..

P.S with mod chips and pressing the eject tray. was this not a udae thing or what ever it was? where the box ran normalfor xboxlive purposes until you did certain controller combination to make it boot. And even if mod chip working would you not still need moddified files on hardrive for it to work using the modchip as the point of exploit? i dunno.
14. April 2009 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not entierly sure what the mod chip even does, thus why i payed for a friend to do it like 4 or 5 years ago....but, i was able to boot to the AID disc with just a stock MC dash on there....i didnt softmod it at all, i just booted up the MC dash via the power button, so it would boot through the X2 chip, and it read the disc like normal.

My current problem is installing a new dash onto it, which i know is straying from what this topic is originally, we're one page 14 of a almost 3 year old thread, come on? =P ......anyways, its come down to 2 things really....if I have the MC dash on the C partition and the EvoX dash on the E partition, for some reason, i'll boot into the MC dash everytime, no matter what.....and if I just erase the MC dash all together and install the EvoX dash to the C partition, my xbox goes into a booting loop showing only the XBox logo over and over and over.....

....there are a few other things i'm going to try, but in the mean time, does anyone have a link to a dash install tut when using a modchip instead of softmod.....evening googleing is a fail because all i can find are softmod tuts ='(
14. April 2009 @ 20:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

After trying the dual boot thing, I was able to make it to where when I hit the eject button i'd boot to the MS dash, and when I hit the power button i'd boot to a blank screen....yay....a step in the right direction I suppose. Well, since it kinda didnt work, I reformated as started from scratch. Here's the steps I took to finally get everything working:

1. Followed the XboxHDM tut. (Basically making a stock Xbox with 40 gig hd)
2. Booted to the MS Dash, inserted the AID 4.41 DVD, turned off console.
3. Booted the Xbox by pressing the powerbutton (so it boots into my X2 modchip), which inturn booted AID.
4. "Prepared" the E and F drive. (prolly didnt need to do the F, but did anyway)
5. Backed up the MS dash and the EEPROM using the Advanced Options in the AID disc.
6. Under Softmod Options, I selected "Single Boot Softmod" - "Standard with HD", and chose the EvoX dash.

Now, when I press the eject button, I boot to the EvoX dash, which from there I can select the MS dash when I need it. However, if I press the power button, I boot to a blank screen. Granted, its not the result I was looking for, but, it works.

On a side note, I installed XDSL as an app, but I get a I/O error when trying to load it....but frankly I dont care, i'm just glad I finally got this working....wo0t!

thanks again chunkhead for your tuts....and thank you all who have posted in this thread for the past 3 years!!!
13. June 2009 @ 23:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
recently the hard drive that was originally in my xbox was dropped onto a concrete floor, and now it clicks and doesnt boot, so im assuming that the hard drive is dead. luckily, i just made a backup about a month ago. i tried the tutorial, and followed it closely, but when i plug in the hard drive at the cd's main menu, i wait about one minute, then press one and enter, the cursor moves down one line and my question is how long should it stay there? it seems like its not doing anything, it does the same thing on two hard drives, a WD and a seagate, both of which are on the compatibility list

any advice would be greatly appreciated

14. June 2009 @ 10:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sqrlslyr:
recently the hard drive that was originally in my xbox was dropped onto a concrete floor, and now it clicks and doesnt boot, so im assuming that the hard drive is dead. luckily, i just made a backup about a month ago. i tried the tutorial, and followed it closely, but when i plug in the hard drive at the cd's main menu, i wait about one minute, then press one and enter, the cursor moves down one line and my question is how long should it stay there? it seems like its not doing anything, it does the same thing on two hard drives, a WD and a seagate, both of which are on the compatibility list

any advice would be greatly appreciated
I had that problem with my computer...its supposed to hang for a little bit, but not too long....try on a different computer.
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19. July 2009 @ 22:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great, easy to follow tutorial and I'm at the brink of greatness. But, when I complete the job on my 500G Western Digital Drive, I have partitions C, *D*, E, F, *I*, X, Y, and Z. I think I oguht to have C, E, F, G, X, Y, Z. Also, the format menu is refusing the "xbox" password.

Alos, the password "xbox" still gets me through to FTP. There, I see partitions C, E, F, I, X, Y, Z.

Is there a procedure I'm missing for 500G hard drives? When setting up the structure I write to the CD, do I need to create a folder for each partition I want made?

Thanks for your help!
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20. July 2009 @ 22:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

read that...

Plus partition I could be your memory card

You should have
C: (system)
E: (saves)
D: (Dvd Drive)
F: (Extended partition)
G: (Extended Partition)
Q: (Xbox Media Center Temp)
X: (Temp)
Y: (Temp)
Z: (Temp)

When the memory card is inserted it shows up after G and before your best guess is as good as mine.

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21. July 2009 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Memory Card! Ofcourse! Thank you! I later realised I was being a dimwit and D was the DVD. I'm guessing there is no G because the entire 400G+ was addressable as F so, no need to divide it between two partitions. Thanks very much!
31. August 2009 @ 17:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Can I ask a question, where it says make two folders UDATA and TDATA can I just place all my C:\ and E:\ back ups which I've FTP'd off the Xbox into the linux folder and overwrite the folders already there.

Would I still need to copy the Eeprom.bin into the eeprom folder which you state.

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22. September 2009 @ 21:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Multipost removed

..already posted here ~

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. September 2009 @ 04:45

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11. October 2009 @ 14:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Excellent tuttorial i've spent the last week looking for most of this info and this is by far the most detailed and helpful
24. October 2009 @ 03:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
having problems trying to lock the new hard drive for xbox it hangs up then i try to run the locking utilities
31. October 2009 @ 14:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the tutorial! However, before I begin, I have a question. I have a softmodded xbox. When I switch out the HD, will I need to re-softmod it all over again, or do I just start adding files to the new HD?
31. October 2009 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I might be wrong, since my xbox is hardmodded....but I would think you could just copy the files over to the new harddrive, since the xbox has to boot to the harddrive anyway, modded or not.
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4. January 2010 @ 22:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so i got a free 360 from a buddy and it only came with a 20GB samsung SATA HDD so i want to switch it with my laptops 300GB Fujitsu SATA HDD... so my question (have been looking for the awnser fot the last few days) do i need to soft/hard mod my xbox to do this?? or should it work fine if i just make the 300GB in to an xbox HDD with the xboxhdm v1.9 and UnleashX tools?

oh and here is the info for both HDD's...

DC+5v == 0.85A
LBA 39,179,952

DC+5v == 0.55a
LBA 586,072,368

i love boobs...
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5. January 2010 @ 02:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
xboxhdm is for the original xbox, it will not work for the 360. Aslo the largest hard drive available for the 360 is a 250gig, your 300 will not work.

If you had a 250gig drive you could use the ss.bin file floating around to make it work in your 360, but sadly you're sol because there is no ss.bin for a 300gig drive.


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5. January 2010 @ 18:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so i also have a 250gb HDD its a westers digital, wd2500aajs (full sized out of a spare desktop, i dont care if it has to sit ontop of my xbox i just want more space..)or if i did try it on the 300gb HDDwould it only show up as 250GB usable?

i love boobs...
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5. January 2010 @ 18:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oops i forgot to ask if the WD HDD will work?
its specs are as follows:

RPM 7200
Model: WD2500AAJS-75B4A0
5VDC == 0.65A
12VDC == 0.50A

i love boobs...
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7. January 2010 @ 08:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
why the hell are we continuing to have a 360 discussion in TOTALLY the wrong place?

7. January 2010 @ 13:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
RobTapps, try posting in the xbox 360 forum as this is for the xbox not xbox 360 as they are 2 different machines made by the same company.
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13. March 2010 @ 21:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im having trouble with xboxhdm. I put the disc in and it loads up just fine. I connect my new HDD and press 1. I hit enter and I get a message that says:

"You passed an undefined mode number. Wait 30 sec."

afterwards I get redirected to the correct menu where I type "xboxhd" (without the quotes of course). After I hint enter I get a message saying:

"This script assumes /dev/hda is the device to be used for creating or rescueing an xbox harddrive
No disk drive found on /dev/hda (primary master)!
Shotdown, connect a drive and reboot"

I have my new HDD set as the master with the jumper, and I have the master cable plugged into the back of the HDD. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > how to: upgrade your xbox hdd (super tutorial)

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