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Incoherent thread award
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AfterDawn Addict
9. May 2008 @ 15:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ddp is that being that makes you wake up in a cold sweat screaming in the middle of the night. He is the physical manifestation of fear, hurling bolts of lightning at the unsuspecting.

Ok I am done :p

Suspended permanently
9. May 2008 @ 15:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ddp:
goodswipe, why do you think i'm a robot?
Because of the heartless wrath of fury you bring down on people. Maybe it's because of all the BS you have to put up with everyday - yea maybe so. ;)

Most of your responses are so quick and short that it's like aD has you automated.

Originally posted by ddp:
goodswipe, drd dealt with it so leave it alone!!!
Originally posted by ddp:
i would like it
Originally posted by ddp:
it's ddp not ddt you dummy!!!
The list goes on...

Ddp is that being that makes you wake up in a cold sweat screaming in the middle of the night. He is the physical manifestation of fear, hurling bolts of lightning at the unsuspecting.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. May 2008 @ 15:51

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
9. May 2008 @ 16:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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9. May 2008 @ 16:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sammorris:
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10. May 2008 @ 08:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
errrrmmm.. it doesn't know.. and neither do I from what it has tried to explain.

Must be from the psp forums.. I can't see any other way for somebody as intellectually challenged getting to member status.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. May 2008 @ 08:51

10. May 2008 @ 11:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

alot of run-ons and fairly poor grammer. nevermind the fact that only like 5% of it make sense... but i'll try helping her anyways...

Laptop- AMD Athlon X2 64 @1.9ghz, 4gb ddr2 @667mhz, 120 gb hdd, nVidia GeForce 8200m, 8x DVD-DL Burner, 15.4" widescreen, Windows 7 Ultimate
V9 PS2 with clear blue fliptop& swapmagic 3.6
iPhone 3G 8GB OS 3.0 Jailbroken w/ MMS and Tethering Enabled
30gb Black Video iPod
Suspended permanently
10. May 2008 @ 17:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do these people steal the fekkin things?? Do they not have remotes with them?? or a manual or anything?????

1 product review
10. May 2008 @ 20:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm suprised you didn't nominate this one varny ~

Suspended permanently
11. May 2008 @ 09:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm just pleased to see our mate Sam L Jackson can have the desired effect on the use of English...

I think the thread has served it's purpose.. It's a thinly veiled attempt to get private tracker invites.
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
19. May 2008 @ 22:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How about this one? Anyone that can translate:~)?

Piss me off, and I Will ignore You!
AfterDawn Addict
20. May 2008 @ 03:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user


i use AntDVD (latest version) to rip to hd then shink then imageburn works grat

AfterDawn Addict

Originally posted by Mar000:
i use AntDVD (latest version) to rip to hd then shink then imageburn works grat


let me correct that for you

I use anydvd (latest version) to rip to the HDD then dvd shrink then imgburn works great.

is that better ^^^^ lol

Antec 1200 Full-Tower Case/Thermaltake 750-Watt PS/ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 Mobo/Western Digital Black WD500 500GB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache/NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express Video Card/CORSAIR DOMINATOR PLATINUM 16GB DDR3 /Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo)/CORSAIR Hydro High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler/3-Asus DRW-24B1ST Sata Drives/Samsung 2493HM 24" LCD Monitior 1920x1200 resolution,5ms respone time/OS Windows 10 Pro SP1 64-bit

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. May 2008 @ 03:26

20. May 2008 @ 04:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh dear, I have one, not incoherent but just plain scary; my attempts at sarcasm failed and only seemed to gain me a friend, groan.. -

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
AfterDawn Addict
20. May 2008 @ 05:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
He looks like one of the dudes out of the movie "Deliverance"!!!!!!!!!


guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

New RipIt4Me + DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guid <==== Rip any DVDs Guides by bbmayo.....
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
20. May 2008 @ 08:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow he turned from a sour apple to sickly sweet pretty quickly!

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
PC Specs page --
updated 10-Dec-13
20. May 2008 @ 09:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Exactly, and i've got a new best friend. Eeeekkk..

edit- it reminds me of Misery - "I'm Your Biggest Fan"

/me runs away very briskly before that hammer breaks my legs...

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. May 2008 @ 09:44

20. May 2008 @ 10:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, I'll admit that he switched quickly on you there... I just don't get all the insults from everyone... We just asked for a for a room for a piece of hardware that didn't fit into anything else properly, even dRD said that was the only reason he opened it, and then all you guys give us is s***. I know its not going to be the most popular section out there, but it will be there when someone needs it. Enough said, now can we please stop with the insults?

Laptop- AMD Athlon X2 64 @1.9ghz, 4gb ddr2 @667mhz, 120 gb hdd, nVidia GeForce 8200m, 8x DVD-DL Burner, 15.4" widescreen, Windows 7 Ultimate
V9 PS2 with clear blue fliptop& swapmagic 3.6
iPhone 3G 8GB OS 3.0 Jailbroken w/ MMS and Tethering Enabled
30gb Black Video iPod
20. May 2008 @ 10:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Aww come on, it's all in good fun, that's the point of this thread...

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
20. May 2008 @ 10:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nah, I know this thread is all about the personal insults... I'm guilty as charged there... Don't worry I won't tell Mike... Keep doing it, its interesting to read...

To be honest... I was the one that got him all pissed off to begin with... Simple misunderstanding of words. LOL!

Just think of it this way Creaky, if its not that popular. Its one thing less you gotta look at. I'll keep an eye on it and yell at everyone myself for you...

But in defense of Mike, if you read some of his posts... YEAH they're wicked freaking long and never seem to end, but they are well thought out and precisly detailed... Now if only the rest of the people insulted in this thread could do that...

Laptop- AMD Athlon X2 64 @1.9ghz, 4gb ddr2 @667mhz, 120 gb hdd, nVidia GeForce 8200m, 8x DVD-DL Burner, 15.4" widescreen, Windows 7 Ultimate
V9 PS2 with clear blue fliptop& swapmagic 3.6
iPhone 3G 8GB OS 3.0 Jailbroken w/ MMS and Tethering Enabled
30gb Black Video iPod

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. May 2008 @ 10:47

20. May 2008 @ 14:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
creaky, better you then me!!!!!
AfterDawn Addict
20. May 2008 @ 16:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL @ MikeAdams. Intelligent no doubt, just a creepy tone in my opinion. No qualms from me, I appreciate proper English once in a while! And to top it off, Aus, Goodswipe and Creaky have a new buddy ^.^

20. May 2008 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by svtstang:
LOL @ MikeAdams. Intelligent no doubt, just a creepy tone in my opinion. No qualms from me, I appreciate proper English once in a while! And to top it off, Aus, Goodswipe and Creaky have a new buddy ^.^

I know a guy that I'm good friends with in real life (as in person, not that this isn't real life) who speaks the way Mike writes.It is nice to read proper English once in a while. Hell, he's even gotten me to use proper capitalization now, something I majorly lacked in previous days...

Laptop- AMD Athlon X2 64 @1.9ghz, 4gb ddr2 @667mhz, 120 gb hdd, nVidia GeForce 8200m, 8x DVD-DL Burner, 15.4" widescreen, Windows 7 Ultimate
V9 PS2 with clear blue fliptop& swapmagic 3.6
iPhone 3G 8GB OS 3.0 Jailbroken w/ MMS and Tethering Enabled
30gb Black Video iPod
22. May 2008 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

apparently people have already picked up on it too

Laptop- AMD Athlon X2 64 @1.9ghz, 4gb ddr2 @667mhz, 120 gb hdd, nVidia GeForce 8200m, 8x DVD-DL Burner, 15.4" widescreen, Windows 7 Ultimate
V9 PS2 with clear blue fliptop& swapmagic 3.6
iPhone 3G 8GB OS 3.0 Jailbroken w/ MMS and Tethering Enabled
30gb Black Video iPod

1 product review
23. May 2008 @ 23:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
23. May 2008 @ 23:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Loco, sorry to be a party pooper, but as I recall, some nominated your thread b4 here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6

"The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
Ferengi 82nd rule of aqusition


1 product review
24. May 2008 @ 01:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Deserves a second nod since it's recently been revived. > forums > general discussion > safety valve > incoherent thread award

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