I just bought a brand new Mac Mini a couple of weeks ago and set it up using a 17-inch viewsonic LCD monitor. It was all working great until this morning when I woke it up out of sleep mode and the resolution was messed up. I went in to change it back and the native resolution, the one I've been using for two weeks (1440 x 900) wasn't even an option anymore! Apple support had me clear some type of ram (t-ram maybe, it was hard to understand), and also reinstall the OS. Neither solution worked. Any ideas?
My recommendation would be to not consult Apple again.
Try Viewsonic support. I don't mean to be discouraging, but if your native resolution is no longer displayed, there's likely a communication problem between your computer & monitor.
MacOSX has often had problems sleeping, awaking, or distorting video upon awakening. You're describing, however, a hardware problem. It is most likely with your Mac, which is still under warranty. If so, this would be experienced by others. Try using a search engine.
If the monitor's button corrects this, but Viewsonic warns you of a bug in Apple's hardware or software that could potentially damage your monitor, discuss the shareware SwitchResX that some Mac users (who can afford the USD$20 price) have apparently found necessary to use.
You can search the Apple Discussions from the above link, but certain problems I've found censored there, and those who respond biased toward Apple: 'MacFixIt' is excellent, requiring a fee; and it's (I believe) affiliated with the VersionTracker's archive of software & updates.