Any Sales This Week July 20 - July 26
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23. July 2008 @ 18:37 |
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Any good sales this week? I'm low on Verbs again...
Senior Member
23. July 2008 @ 19:29 |
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No brick and mortar sales found, no great deals at supermedia store either, a dry week I guess.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
23. July 2008 @ 19:41 |
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I've been looking for them too, as i was surprised there was no post announcing anything.
Like BlivetNC stated, must just be a dry week.
Retailers must be under the assumption we're all stocked up.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 09:21 |
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The best thing I've seen with Verbatim is from, .35¢ per disk for white inkjet printable DVD disks, not a great bargain at all.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 10:05 |
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I saw vaerbatim dvd-r 100pk on for $29.99 w/rebate for $9.99 and free shipping.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 10:45 |
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AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
24. July 2008 @ 10:51 |
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That's not such a bad gig.
May have to pick some of those up.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 11:04 |
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If you get some, let me know if they are MIT or MII variety please.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 11:07 |
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Thanks for posting the link Blivet. I'm on my cell at work and couldn't post the link.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
24. July 2008 @ 11:22 |
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Originally posted by blivetNC: @7thsinger
If you get some, let me know if they are MIT or MII variety please.
No problem Blivet...if i pick some up i'll post back with the MID.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 20:13 |
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I went to my local Walgreens to buy a new watch since my old one had died. While there I looked at the media & noticed they had four Maxell -R (coded out as Ritek F1) 25 packs on sale for $9.99 each. Have about 2200 blank DVD's here (mostly TY with a little bit of CMC & fake MCC Windata) but I bought the four packs anyway which is 40 cents per disc before tax. Not a good deal but usable.
If you like Ritek Maxells you might want to check some nearby Walgreens & see if they have the same $9.99 25 pack deal as I found today.
An even better deal for Maxell is Office Depot. They have + & - R 100 packs for 19.99 each or if you want the CMC Memorex they are $14.99 per 50 pack
Also checked Office max since they are just down the street from Office Depot. Sadly no Verb sale but they have the same $14.99 50 pack sale for Memorex.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. July 2008 @ 21:11
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 22:02 |
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Ah, great work foot soldier, nothing beats an inperson recon mission with nothing but the facts. (Makes us Couch potatoes feel left out) Unfortunately we have had too many Verbatim sales recently and it may be mid August before we see one again.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 22:08 |
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Originally posted by blivetNC: Ah, great work foot soldier, nothing beats an inperson recon mission with nothing but the facts. (Makes us Couch potatoes feel left out) Unfortunately we have had too many Verbatim sales recently and it may be mid August before we see one again.
Thanks. All it took was a short drive down the street after I left Walgreens. Hey I was out there so why not drive by & see if anyrhing was on sale?....
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 22:10 |
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Better than me. I'm too lazy/tired to walk across the street to the mall and check out radio shack.
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 23:20 |
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Originally posted by rtm27: Better than me. I'm too lazy/tired to walk across the street to the mall and check out radio shack.
I would have walked the whole trip (about 2.5 miles) since I take my 11 year old Golden Retriever on his daily walk anywhere from 5 to 8 miles round trip every day. He loves it and I don't mind the exersize. However the remains of hurricain Dolly have left some rain for the last 2 days. I still walked my Golden both days carrying an umbrella of course.
Radio Shack had 25 packs (or was it 50 packs?) of Gigabyte DVD's on sale for $7.99 each. +R was Ricohjpn & - R was Ritek F1. Don't know if they are still that price though.
Want to walk over & check then let me know?
Senior Member
24. July 2008 @ 23:55 |
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I would, but the mall closed at 9. Will have to go and check tomorrow. I know they have Memorex 25-pk's for $6.99. Only got the edge of Dolly here. The storm was rolling in while I was at work.
Senior Member
25. July 2008 @ 00:20 |
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Originally posted by rtm27: I would, but the mall closed at 9. Will have to go and check tomorrow. I know they have Memorex 25-pk's for $6.99. Only got the edge of Dolly here. The storm was rolling in while I was at work.
Well I'm glad that Dolly didn't bother you much. Didn't affect me much either in northwest Houston. Just a few days of on & off rain. By the way, where are you located?
Senior Member
25. July 2008 @ 05:30 |
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A couple hours south of you in Corpus Christi. Had a few tornado warnings and some tornado watches....and 1 tornado struck a small town, but luckily no one was hurt.
Senior Member
25. July 2008 @ 14:46 |
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Originally posted by rtm27: A couple hours south of you in Corpus Christi. Had a few tornado warnings and some tornado watches....and 1 tornado struck a small town, but luckily no one was hurt.
The Weather Channel ran a few reports from Corpus Christie & plenty from South Padre Island & Brownsville that were interesting to watch. I tuned in after Dolly made landfall. Lots of blowing wind & rain!!
Senior Member
25. July 2008 @ 15:34 |
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Brownsville & us, to an extent, are gonna get hit by the aftermath, flooding. All the rain inland comes back down and floods us.
Senior Member
25. July 2008 @ 21:21 |
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Originally posted by rtm27: Brownsville & us, to an extent, are gonna get hit by the aftermath, flooding. All the rain inland comes back down and floods us.
Well all I can say is I hope you make out well with it.
Senior Member
25. July 2008 @ 21:45 |
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Once hurricane season ends in december, we will see how this year was.
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27. July 2008 @ 18:02 |
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vaerbatim dvd-r 100pk <-on ebay for $20 and free shipment
but i dont know if i would get it. looked kinda
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Senior Member
27. July 2008 @ 18:04 |
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E-bay equals a crapshoot for media at times, go ahead and give it a shot and then report back to us with the results.
Senior Member
27. July 2008 @ 19:19 |
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A few stores do have an e-bay account. I had bought some paper sleeves from e-bay that were from ebay store.