HD basic cable?
15. January 2009 @ 20:42 |
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so i have a pc with this TV tuner http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815260007
and my question has a few parts:
1. if i split my cable that goes to my cablevision tuner, to my pc will i get basic cable on my PC
2. will it be digital and HD or will i need to get something else for that
3. will this be legal and not abuse any TOU
4. is this thread in the right section
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16. January 2009 @ 06:39 |
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1. Yes you will
2. Depends if you have an HD box or digital cable.
3. Not sure
20 Years ago I saw you yesterday, Youre looking at the picture now.
We Are, What We Are - Sepultura
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Junior Member
19. January 2009 @ 19:28 |
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If you split the cable before the cable box and run a coax to the PC, you will only get the analog channels (if there are any) from the cable provider. This PC card only has the NTSC (analog), and ATSC (digital) OTA receivers (according to the Newegg link you have posted). To get digital from the cable provider you need a QAM receiver. If the PC card is capable of decoding HD signals then you will have HD.
19. January 2009 @ 20:21 |
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well i tried it out and i got 60 channels none of which where hd even though card says it should be able to decode it and my service is io from cablevision btw
the channels didn't even look digital
Junior Member
19. January 2009 @ 21:19 |
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To get digital channels from your cable provider it would need a QAM receiver.
You are probably only seeing the analog channels for Basic/Extended Basic none of which are digital.
The PC card can only receive digital channels from an antenna, not from cable.
19. January 2009 @ 22:04 |
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well then those things are pretty expensive, so what antennae should i get if i live in 10533, also will i still need the qam reciever after feburary also how does it know tht the input is cable and not antena, if i just switch it to antena will it get all of the digital and hd
Junior Member
19. January 2009 @ 22:34 |
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How far are you from the TV tower (towers)? All of the current digital (ATSC) broadcasts (over the air using an antenna, not a cable/satellite provider) are using UHF frequencies (after the switchover next month some may use the VHF (2-13) frequencies).
So you can use any normal TV antenna that has been used in the past for analog TV signals as long as it has a UHF (the V shape on it's side) component, or if you are close enough rabbit ears will work just fine (some adjustment may be necessary after channel changing). Also things may change after the switch next month as TV stations find they need to use more power.
If you have a lot of big trees between you and the TV stations you might have trouble with reception.
Here is an explanation of the different receivers
NTSC: receives and decodes (understands) analog signals.
Analog signals are the same over the air, or on a cable TV provider.
ATSC: receives and decodes (understands) digital over the air signals.
Digital signals can be different.
QAM: receives digital signals on a cable tv provider.
19. January 2009 @ 22:37 |
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aaaahhh this is so complicated i want to see both my options, so what is a good affordable qam
Junior Member
20. January 2009 @ 10:22 |
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20. January 2009 @ 14:56 |
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i feel like i am waisting the tv tuner i already have, but if it comes down to it i will get one of those, what format wire do most antennaes use?
Junior Member
20. January 2009 @ 17:50 |
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I thought you were going to connect your cable tv to the computer?
If you connect an antenna your current pc card will receive digital tv signals. You only need a different pc card to get the cable tv signals. Remember that there is no guarantee that your cable tv is sending you digital channels.
Most antenna/cable inputs are coax to the 'RF' connection (Antenna In, or From Antenna). If the antenna you decide to use has 2 wires you can get an adapter to change it to coax cable.
20. January 2009 @ 19:01 |
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okay well i am close to positive that cablevision is providing digital cable, as i have a digital receiver from them, and it has to be by February anyways, so i am gonna wait a few weeks before i take any action, but here is a simple breakdown of what i want to do
i want HD DIGITAL basic cable without any monthly fees and as efficient(low cost high quality) as possible
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20. January 2009 @ 19:21 |
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The only wait you will get HD for free is with a HDTV antenna so you can get OTA (over the air) stations.
The card you have does support over the air signals, go pick up a HDTV antenna, they are inexpensive.
Other than that you will have to subscribe to HD with your local cable supplier.
20 Years ago I saw you yesterday, Youre looking at the picture now.
We Are, What We Are - Sepultura
Say what you want, Time will always tell the truth.
20. January 2009 @ 19:41 |
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o yeah i forgot to mention that as part of my cable package the customer service rep said that me splitting the cable before the cablevision box would supply my other tv with digital and hd channels
Junior Member
20. January 2009 @ 20:33 |
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I have a basic digital programming package from Comcast with NO HD. I connected the cable with out a box to a new TV with a built in QAM receiver, and it gets all of the local channels (ABC/CBS/FOX/NBC/PBS)in HD, if they are broadcasting a HD program. The same programs that I receive OTA in HD. The cable companies don't want you to know this so that you will pay them more for HD.
All of the other digital/HD channels (ESPN/Food Network, etc.) will be scrambled so that you need their HDBox to see them.
20. January 2009 @ 21:01 |
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ya that is what i knew i just am having trouble deciding to get a qam or an antenna or an all in one pc card i am sort of leaning towards the qam/all in one
Junior Member
20. January 2009 @ 21:05 |
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I hope that I have helped you with this problem.
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18. February 2009 @ 02:47 |
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The PC card can only receive digital channels from an antenna, not from cable.
18. February 2009 @ 12:02 |
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that is weird thanks for thew help though