In other words you ordered the 8x valueline but the discs you recieved were 16x valuelines? Hasn't happened to me yet but I just wondered if it ever occurs to anyone else?
Never had it happen to me but I seem to recall supermediastore shipping 16x media when 8x was ordered. Granted this was quite awhile back and in their defense they did state on theur website that you may get 16x midcode TY media or 8x when you ordered 8x But if I recall correctly they stayed in the product line Valueline replacing valueline ! Whether it was due to a shortage of 8x or a surplus of 16x I was never quite sure ? I would vote for a temporary 8X shortage if asked my opinion ! I have personally always gotten the correct/exact item ordered from meritline & Supermediastore & while it's nice to get a Caddilac for a Chevy price as long as they keep the Taiyo yudens flowing I'm Happy
endo had it happen to him once, and they were not even the valueline, but the premium 16x inkjet printable kind.
How did he know that it was premium line? Testing a burned disc or some other way? Maybe the tape wrap wasn't marked valueline like it usually is?
Mr Bratcher,
the identification was quite easy, the wrapping was completely different. The valuline wrapping was not on the 100 roll of discs and the sent discs had a top cover that said Taiyo Yuden 16x inkjet printable identification on it.
endo had it happen to him once, and they were not even the valueline, but the premium 16x inkjet printable kind.
How did he know that it was premium line? Testing a burned disc or some other way? Maybe the tape wrap wasn't marked valueline like it usually is?
Thanks for the info. I'd say that he got lucky with his order!!
Mr Bratcher,
the identification was quite easy, the wrapping was completely different. The valuline wrapping was not on the 100 roll of discs and the sent discs had a top cover that said Taiyo Yuden 16x inkjet printable identification on it.