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23. March 2004 @ 03:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I downloaded this demo version today (after inadvertantly downloading version 1.2 on sunday).

I procssed the movie through shrink to remove all unwanted soundtracks & subtitles, then proceeded to process through Intervideo dvd copy platinum 2.

On initial viewing of the output i simply could not believe the quality of output..simply stunning!!, considering the (lack of !!) time the software took to process the movie.

I noticed a big problem with the software though. The movie (after processing) exhibits large white pixellation at regular intervals throughout the movie. They only appear when the movie skips to a new scene. They never appear mid scene.

I have checked the output file on my pc and the pixellation problem occurs on the file. I re-ripped & processed the movie again but the same problem occurs. This is not a "media" or "burn" problem.

has anyone else had similar problems to me ??

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. March 2004 @ 09:45

Junior Member
30. March 2004 @ 00:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried to copy Down with Love yesterday and I have
these white blocks/artefacts throughout the whole movie not only in particular scenes
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30. March 2004 @ 06:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for your contribution. This problem must surely be known to Intervideo now. The movie you backed up "Down with love", was the "ripped" file (before transcoding) on the large side?.I would be interested in your reply. many thanks in advance.
30. March 2004 @ 07:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had the same thing happen....used DVD Decrypter..then dvdcopy plat. 2 on The talior from panama....was the worst pix. ive seen, started at the very begining, watached about 10 mins of it and tossed it in the garbage....burned it with shrink and problems.
30. March 2004 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Also took much longer then shrink....for the encoding
these are the times
14.36 min's for DVD Decrypter to rip
61.42 min's for dvd copy plat.2 to encode and burn

33.27 min's for DVD Shrink and Nero to burn.

as you can see it took 1:16 mins total to rip and encode and burn...vs the 33 mins with shrink and Nero.
and on top of taking soooo long...the movie was un watchable
Junior Member
30. March 2004 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i was having a problem with intervideo similar to yours until i dicovered i was making a simple mistake.
when you switch from encoding to burning make sure you open up to the video_ts file for example:
i store my intervideo movies in a file called dvdcopy,
and i always name my movies so when it comes time to burn i set my source to dvdcopy/unforgiven/video_ts now i have perfect copies. i hope this helped
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30. March 2004 @ 20:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I dont see how your solution would work mate, if the artefacts are present on the encoded file. Any manner of burning the image would still exhibit the white artefacts..please explain further if I have misunderstood.
31. March 2004 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I did burn it out of a folder and opened the TS folder.
The burn went all the white artifacts in the picture that keep showing up...that made it un-veiwable.
They seem to be random...they are in diffrent spots on the screen, and they come and go.
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31. March 2004 @ 15:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my personal experience was with pulp fiction. i first burned it at the file before video_ts and suffered from random white blocky pixelation that came and went.
i then desided to give it one more chance at the video_ts file and everything was fine , same media same computer ect.
however i am in no way endorsing this product , in my search for the " perfect " software, i was hoping that this was the one ,after all that hype .
im not happy with the lack of a compression meter , i like to know how much compression is going on ,
im also not happy with the lack of info when it comes to which audio file to use.
no way to adjust the burn ie. 2x 4x ect.
overall the movies just dont look that great to me compared to using other software [ shrink DVD2One ]
in short be happy with the wonderful free shrink , bless the person who developed it , i just wished i gave my money to him[or her ] and not intervideo
31. March 2004 @ 16:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'll 2nd thatShrink is still #1....and Im glad Intervideo...Had a try it before you buy.
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1. April 2004 @ 13:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks all for your input. I am pleased i downloaded the trial rather than purchase the full product.

I sugest that all unhappy Intervideo dvdcopy users vent their splein to the owners & testers of the following "forum" (and i use that word in the loosest of all possible terms!!) :-

Undoubtably one of the most offensive misleading tests ever conducted on the net who's sole purpose is to mislead.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. April 2004 @ 13:34

Senior Member
3. April 2004 @ 09:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Brian100, I agree with you that the article was misleading. I have tried DVD Shrink, Nero Recode, Intervideo DVD Copy, and Pinnacle Instant Copy. This is what I have found. keep in mide, besides DVD Shrink, they were all decrypted first with DVD Decrypter, then burned with the encoders. Also, I was backing up the Family Guy series for these test, all of these dvds were about the same size, about 7 gigs each.

DVD Shrink- Yes its free and has lots of features, especailly for being a free product, but has a lot of flaws with pixelation and I used to use this program religiously. Also, if you are reauthorizing the movie, menus must be disabled

Nero Recode 2- UI almost the exactly the same as Shrink (from what i hear, it was developed by the same dude who made shrink). I think it has the coolest features when it comes to customizing, Menus can still be enabled and features that are disabled can be replaced with stills of your own to add your own touch to your new movie. as far as the picture quality, not bad, very little pixelation, better than shrink, but still some visable pixels at times.

Intervideo DVD Copy- I rushed and got the trail after I saw the article on, but was disappointed with the results. got that pesky white box throughout the movie. Granted, it was the fastest by far, and the picture that I did get was very good, but and a big but, that white box was too distracting to be considered a true "back-up"

Pinnacle Instant Copy- This was the best of the bunch, the back-ups came up clear and noticed no pixelation. The only draw back was that Instant Copy, by far, was the slowest. But the end product is what counts, and this is the best, hands down.

If I had to order the programs, it would go as followed:
1. Pinnacle Instant Copy
2. Nero Recode 2
3. Intervideo DVD Copy
4. DVD shrink

I hope this could help.

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5. April 2004 @ 10:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for the response

I totally agree with your findings, Pinnacle instantcopy is, by far, my preferred tool.

I have contacted customer support about this pixellation problem. I will re-post here with any news or update. Don't hold your breath though !!

Looking for my old AD

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. April 2004 @ 10:50

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12. April 2004 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I did the same thing with Shrink and dvd copy 2 together. I got pixelation marks going throughout the screen on the extras. I'm thinking it was because of encoding with Shrink first. I'm not sure though.

PS2 v7
Magic 3.1
Gamecube (V. 26)
Cobra Bios 1.2
Lite-On LDW-411S

AfterDawn Addict
15. April 2004 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There seems to be some problems with InterVideo 2 which the company has acknowledged. InterVideo 1.2 (which was used in the test) can produce very nice results indeed. To do a strictly 'Movie Only' (no menu) backup, first rip 'Movie files only' in Decrypter then go with ver. 1.2. Their normal (full rip with Decrypter or the use of AnyDVD) will leave the menu. On a long film the results are great. Both versions seem to have problems when you start deleting things (as does InstantCopy which may produce burns that are not compatable with all players).

InterVideo has some work to do, but their transcoding engine is excellent.

You should not process thru Shrink to test someone else product. There can be new variables involved when the files are encoded by Shrink... even if you choose no compression. I'm currently playing around with DVDRebuilder and the author specifically advised against using Shrink instead of one of the ripping programs to pre-process. Obviously this was not the way DVDBox's test was done and they did not or could not test for every conceivable burning combination.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2004 @ 00:16

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16. April 2004 @ 09:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You should not process thru Shrink to test someone else product
eeeeeeerm well i almost agree there..I can't see any problem at all in processing a "movie only" rip that needs compression, via another software transcoder of encoder. I fully appreciate that other "issues" may be introduced by DVDshrink, although I have NEVER encountered any such "issues" I have tried this method, through shrink, to prepare "movie only" rips for Pinnacle instantcopy, DVD2one etc etc for testing purposes & have encountered no problems whatsoever.

I am also testing DVDrebuilder and had a lot of problems removing extras, prior to re-encding, but NONE if i prepare a "movie only" rip, through DVdshrink. I have been using DVDstripper & Titlesetblanker for "extra" removal.

The dvdbox's test leaves a lot to be desired. Have you had a close look at the "samples" @ 300% for the "original" & "intervideo"???. To me they are the SAME sample. But of course this is a whole new argument & open for obvious discussion (on another thread perhaps)

I have looked on the intervideo web site for any news on compatibility issues with any other 3rd party sofware. I simply can't find it.

If anyone is interested in viewing the "pixellation" i, and others, have encountered take a look at this link :-

Looking for my old AD

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2004 @ 10:04

AfterDawn Addict
16. April 2004 @ 10:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
With so many variables (OS's/upadtes/codecs/hardware/drivers and all the associated version numbers of each, etc.) it's a wonder anything works at all. To figure out all the compatability problems of complicated software can be almost impossible. That's why lean, tight code, un-automated programs like Shrink and DVD2One seem to work for many people. Just like as many people like InstantCopy 8 (I for one), for many it's a POS.

But I do believe DVDBoxe's conclusions are accurate, when going for a major shrinking almost all of the commercial products (including 321 products) will produce better video than Shrink and Recdode. But for the pick and choose/reauthor crowd Shrink and Recode always produce highly compatable DVD's.... but notice they've chosen to not deal with menus, the Achilles Heel of most of the others when it comes to player compatability. I've done straight Movie Onlys with InterVideo 1.2 (leaving everything at default) and the results have been very nice.

I've now gotten setup with DVD Rebuilder (free)ver.39 and CCE 2.50 (took a little while), as have you. I'm sure he set it up as Whole Disc to aviod the problems that seem to plague the others. For those who like doing the whole DVD the results are simply amazing (I use 4 pass CCE encoding). I'm a movie Only type though and have no need for extras and menus so I will now try ripping first in Shrink. There is also a totally one step, Movie Only, free program out there which also uses CCE, DVDReasy. But I can't get it to work and I'm tired of trying or figuring out what on my system is causing the problem... I'll just wait for another update or two.

For anyone who wants to try Rebuilder, here's a pretty good guide. You can also use other freeware encoders with it.

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17. April 2004 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah I have the same problem as brian with the pixelation. It probably happened because I removed audio and subtitles from the dvd in DVD Shrink. Then I burned with Intervideo Copy 2.

PS2 v7
Magic 3.1
Gamecube (V. 26)
Cobra Bios 1.2
Lite-On LDW-411S

Junior Member
19. April 2004 @ 00:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i did only full dvd copies with intervideo dvd copy 2
(left nothing) and had the same pixelation problem with
various disc

i don't use the program anymore and maybe will go back
if version 3 should become available once.

InterVideo has much work to do, but their transcoding engine would be excellent
7. May 2004 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After previously using the "old" version (1.2) I'm having the aforementioed macroblock problem with DVDCopy2. Intervideo support told me to uninstall, then clean out the program file folder, and reinstall because remnants of the "old" version may be causing the problem. Has anyone has success with this approach? The support person said he'd never heard of the macroblock issue with DVDCopy2, by the way.
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7. May 2004 @ 23:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I would really like to try your suggestion, but my trial period for Intervideo 2 expired ages ago now! The software is expensive for what it is $70 approx.

I never got a reply from customer services, so I basically gave up with this product.

I am staggered that the chap who contacted you had never heard of this pixellation problem.

Keep us all informed if his solution to the problem rectifies the pixellation issues

Thanks in advance.

Looking for my old AD
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15. May 2004 @ 07:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
U have never mentioned anything about "DaViDeo 3 professional" ...

I have this program and I have not got any problems so far...

15. May 2004 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All

I found the solution the stupid blocking problems V2 generates.

I just contacted InterVideo and asked them to fix it, if they will not release it I will release the "fix".

Suggest me how much shell I charge them? ;-)

16. May 2004 @ 10:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have used different programs to figure out best option for back up. Here are my observations:


NERO RECORDO2/DVD43:Detailed audio choices.Fast operation-Total time 39 min.On normal viewing,more acceptable quality than Shrink, however strangly very little distortion on zoom view(Close to original).

INTER VIDEO DVD COPY2/DVD X GHOST OR ANY DVD(DVD 43 will not work)-I click operation-works smothly. No compression details/little choices. Fastet operation-Total time 16 min. Best Quality on normal viewing-closest to original, however strangly more distortion on zoom view as compared to Nero Recordo2.

So for me Nero Recordo2 is best choice, if you own Nero 6 ulta.Otherwise Shrink/Decrypter(all free) is best choice. I have noticed in my case, Shrink works fine but there are cases when it refuses to continue(Reading/Copy protection.Nero Recordo2 was 99.9% working with combination DVD43 or DVD X GHOST.

Intervideo DVD Copy2(Trial version)-Normal viewing Video Quality-real close to original but on zoom view more distortion as compared to Nero Recordo2(Whose normal viewing quality is a little inferior).

Inter video DVD copy2-As many peoples have noticed large white blocks, I also noticed random large white block in both full disk and movie only option.BUT THIS WAS NOT NOTICED IN KANGROO JACK MOVIE.Was noticed in long movies and Foreign language movies(more than 2 hrs movie) both in full disk and movie only options. Even in these cases, normal viewing quality was best-close to original.Nero recordo was even able to produce back up of these movies with acceptable quality with out any visible defect. So I think problem is with software(I have never insalled previous version on my computer).Stangly I Click DVD Copy, DVD ClonerII, DVD X Copy Express and DVD Shrink all failed to produce back up copy. Reading file failure or skiping bad sector was the message but original played well on PC and DVD player


21. May 2004 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Well, I tried to get the company to release a patch, but since I got 0 (zero) reply, then...let's party!

Here how you can remove the nasty blocks:

0) Remove V2.0 from your system
1) Get hold of Intervideo DVD Copy V1.2
2) Install it (don't worry, I know you want V2.0)
3) Go to the directory you installed the software in
4) You need to go to common\bin
5) get.... VOBTRANS.DLL (it's about 102kb)
6) now you can un-install DVD Copy V1.2
7) Install V2.0
8) Copy VOBTRANS.DLL to both common\bin AND on the directory you install DVDCOPY (i think the default is DVDCOPY 2)
9) If you want, you can of course back up the VOBTRANS.DLL from V2.0

That's it, no more blocky nights...and what a wonderful quality! The only drawback is that I can't see a preview, but that's for me a SMALL price for what I get.

Please tell me your resaults...

Love U All!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2004 @ 16:28

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