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Intervideo dvd copy platinum 2 : problem
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Junior Member
22. May 2004 @ 06:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
one problem....

where do I get version 1.2 from?

can't you just upload the needed dll file
somewhere on the net and let us know the
adress for downloading it?

Thanks in advance
23. May 2004 @ 10:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Junior Member
25. May 2004 @ 08:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it works with the old vobtrans.dll from version 1.2
but the quality isn't the same as before, now it's
same quality like DVDShrink or CloneDVD

I definitly no more use DVD copy Platinum for them
moment and will give it another chance once version
3 will become available
26. May 2004 @ 17:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dowloaded version 1.2.It worked. There are no white blocks but quality and speed is far inferior as compared to version 2. I will also wait for V 3.
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30. May 2004 @ 17:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yo wowdancer,

Thanks for sharing your idea. What I suspected from it, was indeed true; bye replacing this file you are replacing the best improved feature of the program with the earlier release and its transcoding. The transcoding library in version 2 is way better then version 1.2 and it produsces amazing quality at that speed. The current transcoder of v2 has just to be fixed from the blocks and its absolute excellent!

I did a couple of movies with version 2 and was very enthusiast. I kept using it until i discovered the blocks one day on a burned movie. But it does not appear with all movies.

Illl still try to use the transcoder and if it fails on a movie i just use Instant Copy 8.05 after I prepared it with dvd-stripper ( and IFOedit to remove audiostreams

InstantCopy is also not bugless but when prepared with dvdstripper that uses dvddecrypter and ifoedit remotely to remove cells and vobs it will be compatible with IC8 should give not any problems.

Though IC8 produces topquality even with 50% compression on maintitle, I hope the v2 of intervideo
gets fixed soon, as this backs up (transcodes) your movies real quick with an almost even as good quality as Instant Copy as not better in some ways.

cheers all, hope this share helps anyone.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. May 2004 @ 17:13

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30. May 2004 @ 20:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah I can't wait till they fix it. I usually just do the movie only and have been using DVD Shrink for that. But I know that you get the white blocks if you use DVD Shrink with intervideo dvd copy 2. So when they fix it I can remove the useless audio and subtile languages and just burn with dvd copy 2.

PS2 v7
Magic 3.1
Gamecube (V. 26)
Cobra Bios 1.2
Lite-On LDW-411S

31. May 2004 @ 06:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a thought...which I am sure is wrong but still...

Did anyone tried to delete the .AX & .DLL files from the program directory?

I don't believe it will change anything, but I do find it stupid those files are being copied to both the common and the program directory.

By the way, it run those .AX and .DLL from the common directory.

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31. May 2004 @ 06:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
CLiPsEmX, the blocks don't appear due to the use of DVD Shrink; I tested this and did the same movie today with the latest Intervid 2.0B002.09C00 straight from original dvd and from hardisk ripping the dvd with dvddecrypter.

As the blocks do not appear on all movies, it is has probably something to do with slightly different coded mpeg streams that VOB sets contain. To fix this it will probably cost not much time and hopefully we'll see a updated IVI Dvd Copy with bugless transcoder soon.

By the way: You can remove unwanted audiostrteams with IFOEdit instead of running through Shrink:

-Open the IFO of the vobset containing the videostream you want to remove the audio from (mostly the maintitle)
-Click VOB-extras in the bottom of the window.
-Now in the left top of the new window, check strip streams but uncheck strip VOB-id's and click OK but Dont auto-save to the same location!
-Now in the next window check all the streams you want to keep and unckeck wich to remove. Now click "strip it"
-After IFOEdit has copied the modified vobs and ifo to a folder, cut and paste the to your original videofolder overwriting them.

Now your directory is prepared to load in Intervideo DVD Copy and this way you can both keep the director's comments and one or more main audio streams
but remove any other foreign language streams.
1. June 2004 @ 09:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just tried to transcode a trimmed down (6.35 GB) version of "Finding Nemo"

Instant DVD Copy (even on V2) was really poor, especially when it came to one scene, when Nemo is going to the drop-off from school.

When I compared the results to Pinnacle instant Copy V8.20 (version from the latest Instant CD/DVD) it's like a night and day...

The trnascoder of Intervideo DVD Copy is fine for a lot of movies, it fails for others...but doesn't they all? > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > intervideo dvd copy platinum 2 : problem

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