StepTo Joined IRC to talk quickly!! XBL Policy Enforcer!
AfterDawn Addict
9. November 2009 @ 10:34 |
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Stepto - Stephen Toulouse hopped on efnet to talk to the hackers. It was largely based off of telling people to stop calling his house, but there were questions asked of him. Here is the full transcript.
Again, if you guys want to get on the same network where it happened, you can do so by hopping in our live chat
Keep in mind this will be long
[00:45] * pockclyps is now known as therealst
[00:45] <Shamisen> oh nm
[00:45] <neopimp> #fw unable to join channel (address is banned)
[00:45] <Shamisen> banned after the kick lol
[00:45] * therealst is now known as realstept
[00:46] <realstept> sigh
[00:46] <realstept> hey
[00:46] <RennyC> Also one mod was yelling at a dude for stupid shit nobody would ever care about
[00:46] <Shamisen> but it was probably an auto ban
[00:46] <realstept> I am stepto, director of policy and enforcement for Xbox LIVE.
[00:46] <realstept> yeah yeah I know, shocking. but its really me
[00:47] <realstept> would love to be able to use Stepto here. :>
[00:47] <realstept> if you need proof, I can update my twitter
[00:47] <realstept>
[00:47] <gameking1> Do it
[00:48] <realstept> what would you like me to say? withing reason of course
[00:48] <realstept> cheesecake?
[00:48] <realstept> would that work?
[00:48] <@WhatDude> yes
[00:48] <realstept> ok in 5 seconds that link will say cheesecake
[00:48] * ore83 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:48] <realstept> ok?
[00:48] <gameking1> Holy crap
[00:49] <EMP1R3> RennyC are u talkin about that troll saying he works for MS or w/e
[00:49] <realstept> nice job calling me all night
[00:49] <gameking1> So what r u here for
[00:49] <realstept> several reasons
[00:49] <wwJFnet19> yeah whats ur catch
[00:49] <realstept> A) you can call me all night threatening to kill me or my wife or my dogs. that all gets sent to Law enforcement
[00:50] * [12] (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:50] * sMaLLz (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:50] * cmann (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:50] <realstept> B) I'm not going to tell you anything about what we know or what we are planning or have done already.
[00:50] <Golden|Wo> Why are u using mibbit?
[00:50] <Golden|Wo> mibbit is new
[00:50] <@WhatDude> realstept: your # was posted on 4chan
[00:50] * MAKAVELI9 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:50] <Golden|Wo> newb*
[00:50] * looood (*removed*) Quit ( )
[00:50] <realstept> C) I can answer questions about what you can expect from a ban but dont expect me to tell you anything else
[00:50] <EMP1R3> HAHAHA 4chan, what a nightmare
[00:50] <realstept> so
[00:50] <realstept> thoughts?
[00:50] * sooki3 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:50] <|p> wow, i'm honored that we are bothering you enough you felt you needed to join
[00:50] <DiGi91_> hmm
[00:50] <@WhatDude> I feel bad your # was posted there
[00:50] <EMP1R3> yea me 2
[00:50] <CobyKarl> so do i
[00:50] * dif3idfdk (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:50] <realstept> you should
[00:51] <EMP1R3> creeps ther
[00:51] <CobyKarl> unban me pleeze
[00:51] <ibelouis> so if weunmod and only play legit we no get ban?
[00:51] <realstept> I'm doing my job
[00:51] * cmann (*removed*) has left #360banned
[00:51] <nightblad> hahahahah its stepto
[00:51] <realstept> no need to threaten my wife
[00:51] <loop32> realstept!
[00:51] <Shamisen> any jasper rrod yet
[00:51] <loop32> whatdude: give me op
[00:51] * Q[--_--]D (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:51] <loop32> plz?
[00:51] <DiGi91_> realstept: taking an HDD from a banned to unbanned okay? ;)
[00:51] <[12]> damn someone threatned your wife?
[00:51] * Q[--_--]D (*removed*) has left #360banned
[00:51] * realstept is now known as Stepto01
[00:51] <[12]> thats weak
[00:51] <@WhatDude> yea that is sad realstept
[00:51] <[12]> and low
[00:51] <Stepto01> there
[00:51] * Phantisy (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:51] * WhatDude sets mode +o loop32 for #360banned
[00:51] <@loop32> :)
[00:51] <Golden|Wo> prove it
[00:51] <@loop32> it's him
[00:51] <@WhatDude> he already did
[00:52] <|p> he proved it
[00:52] <nightblad> he put cheesecake on his twitter
[00:52] <gameking1> Does putting a HD from a banned console ban a nonmodded one
[00:52] <|p> its stepto
[00:52] <CobyKarl> +m mode loop!
[00:52] <[12]> step, i gotta question.
[00:52] <Stepto01> banned from unbanned ok but you have to reformat in most situations
[00:52] * namespace (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:52] * loop32 sets mode +m for #360banned
[00:52] <@loop32> everyone shut up
[00:52] <@loop32> :)
[00:52] * |p is now known as voicestep
[00:52] <@loop32> argh
[00:52] * voicestep is now known as |p
[00:52] <@loop32> what is his name?
[00:52] * WhatDude sets mode +v Stepto01 for #360banned
[00:52] <@loop32> :)
[00:52] <+Stepto01> thanks whatdude
[00:52] <@loop32> SO !
[00:52] <@loop32> step!
[00:52] <@WhatDude> np
[00:52] * Netham45 (*removed*) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[00:52] * loop32 sets mode +o DiGi91_ for #360banned
[00:52] <@DiGi91_> ty
[00:52] <@loop32> how's it going step?
[00:53] * Absurd (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:53] * Junkdewd (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:53] <+Stepto01> I'm only here for a bit. a bit pissed about the threats to my wife and my dogs.
[00:53] * shard (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[00:53] <@loop32> so stepto
[00:53] <@DiGi91_> Stepto01: i only have 1 question taking the hdd from a banned to an unbanned unmodded kay?
[00:53] <@DiGi91_> okay*
[00:53] <+Stepto01> death threats have been recorded and have been sent to police
[00:53] * _GTX^ (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:53] <@WhatDude> ya thats sad
[00:53] <@loop32> stepto
[00:53] <+Stepto01> just want to make sure if people think doing that is some kind of joke that is ok
[00:53] * kbobrox sets mode +l 463 for #360banned
[00:53] * aHIGHguy (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:53] <@WhatDude> sorry to hear that, not all of us are like that :/
[00:54] * ozi3 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] * Netham45 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] <+Stepto01> its not, and you run the risk of ruining your life
[00:54] * Spider210 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[00:54] * Un0perv (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[00:54] <@DiGi91_> is that okay to do... taking the HDD from a banned to unbanned unmodded? :P
[00:54] * fatboy870 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] <@loop32> ^^
[00:54] * StOnE` (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[00:54] * Hustle (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] <@loop32> holy shit look at this chan go!
[00:54] <@loop32> ROFL
[00:54] * jayneo8 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] <@WhatDude> So is MS cracking down harder that before on modders?
[00:54] * CHuCKT461 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] * mastr323 is now known as bannedhd
[00:54] <+Stepto01> HDD from banned to unbanned is ok, but you might have to reformat to get full access to licenses
[00:54] * DJH250 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] <@WhatDude> than*
[00:54] <+Stepto01> etc
[00:54] * vid` (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] * NojumWe (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] <@DiGi91_> Stepto01: thanks! :)
[00:54] * Midgetman (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:54] * Devz (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:55] <+Stepto01> love the joined since I outed myself
[00:55] <@DiGi91_> haha
[00:55] <+Stepto01> oooo suddenly everyone wants to talk
[00:55] <@WhatDude> hehe
[00:55] <@WhatDude> you are popular
[00:55] <@DiGi91_> i just needed to know that 1 question :P
[00:55] <@loop32> stepto: so there's a new banwave?
[00:55] <@DiGi91_> indeed you are
[00:55] <@loop32> can you like unban my xbox?
[00:55] <@loop32> kthx
[00:55] <@DiGi91_> lol
[00:55] * kbobrox sets mode +l 483 for #360banned
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[00:55] * devSaturn (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:55] <+Stepto01> I will answer any question that I can. But to be clear I will not answer anything about ban waves, detection, or unbanning
[00:56] * virus897 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:56] <@loop32> well...
[00:56] * Seacrest (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:56] <@DiGi91_> Stepto01: taking the GT to a new console okay too?
[00:56] * Rayma| (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:56] <@loop32> im fresh out of questions.
[00:56] <@DiGi91_> so my GT and HDD are safe?
[00:56] * blahblahb (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:56] <@loop32> jesus christ look at this chan go
[00:56] <@loop32> we climbed 100 people in a minute
[00:56] <+Stepto01> DIG91: as long as you are not in violation of any of the other things that are violations : fraud, etc
[00:56] <@DiGi91_> that i am not :)
[00:56] <@DiGi91_> thanks
[00:57] <stepto> is playing backups of games you own fraud?
[00:57] ->> Can not send to channel #360banned :Reason (Cannot send to channel)
[00:57] * sk_m (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:57] <@loop32> Stepto: care to hook me up with some free xbox live stuff?
[00:57] <+Stepto01> in answer to another Q, using mibbit because its easy
[00:57] * iChicane (*removed*) Quit ( Quit: because )
[00:57] <@loop32> Stepto: care to hook me up with some free xbox live stuff?
[00:57] <@loop32> i is broke.
[00:57] * Gboon (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[00:57] <@WhatDude> irc noob hehe
[00:57] * Kona (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:57] * kbobrox sets mode +l 489 for #360banned
[00:57] <+Stepto01> ibelouis: if you have played illegitimate games on a modded console, I can make no promises.
[00:58] * pyr0path (*removed*) Quit ( Read error: Operation timed out )
[00:58] <@loop32> guys stop pmming me
[00:58] <@loop32> please
[00:58] * [X]nWo[X] (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:58] * Zephyrus sets mode +b *!*TheMan@* for #360banned
[00:58] * [X]nWo[X] was kicked by Zephyrus (*removed*) Reason (banned: requested)
[00:58] <@WhatDude> So you cant tell us if MS is doing any new checks?
[00:58] * Arny09 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:58] * WhatDude sets mode -b *!*TheMan@* for #360banned
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[00:59] <@WhatDude> Our buddy c4eva says there is no new checks
[00:59] <@loop32> he said he won't answer anything about detection/bans etc. :/
[00:59] <+Stepto01> Whatdude: checks? What? OMG what? checks? What? OMG. What?
[00:59] <@WhatDude> lol
[00:59] * dreamss (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[00:59] <@WhatDude> Is playing legitimate copies of games you own fraud?
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[00:59] <+Stepto01> yeah this isnt an engagement to talk about anything other than stop calling me and threatening my wife and dogs.
[00:59] <+Stepto01> :>
[00:59] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: can you give us a shoutout on your twitter :)
[00:59] * tannerpra (*removed*) has left #360banned
[00:59] * kbobrox sets mode +l 498 for #360banned
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[00:59] * DiGi91_ sets mode +v namespace for #360banned
[01:00] * test123 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:00] <@loop32> Stepto: so getting banned does not affect the hdd in anyway?
[01:00] <+Stepto01> no whatdude. no offense, but most people here do not deserve a shout out
[01:00] * alun (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:00] <@WhatDude> :(
[01:00] <@loop32> Stepto: so getting banned does not affect the hdd in anyway?
[01:00] <+Stepto01> not physically no loop32
[01:00] * Tatsu24 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:00] * warn (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:00] <+namespace> Stepto01, lol? your kidding right? your on mibbit for 1 for 2 i havent quite figured it out do to restrictions from my isp but i am taking a wild shot here your using a proxy
[01:00] * Q[--_--]D (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[01:01] <+Stepto01> you can take it to another machine and format it and if the machine is not modified it will work fine.
[01:01] * zefyx (*removed*) has left #360banned
[01:01] <+namespace> once i lift these restrictions to check to see if this is or isnt a proxy it'll be pretty much a dead give away
[01:01] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: could you put something else on your twitter for us? People still dont believe its the real you
[01:01] <+Stepto01> namespace what is your concern? that I am not who I say I am?
[01:01] <@loop32> omg
[01:01] <@loop32> its him
[01:01] <@loop32> get over it
[01:01] * lamerz69 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:01] * kbobrox sets mode +l 505 for #360banned
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[01:02] <+Stepto01> ok in five seconds my twitter at will say Beef. It's what *was* for dinner.
[01:02] <+Stepto01> ready?
[01:02] <@WhatDude> yes
[01:02] <@loop32> yes
[01:02] * [X]nWo[X] (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:02] * StealthRx sets mode +b *!*TheMan@* for #360banned
[01:02] * [X]nWo[X] was kicked by Zephyrus (*removed*) Reason (banned: requested)
[01:02] <+Stepto01> there
[01:02] * XLarge^ (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:02] * WhatDude sets mode -b *!*TheMan@* for #360banned
[01:02] <@WhatDude> thank you
[01:03] <@loop32> see
[01:03] * flaminpoo (*removed*) Quit ( Ping timeout: 370 seconds )
[01:03] <@DiGi91_> guys
[01:03] * chiiz (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:03] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: sad how people had th threaten you
[01:03] <@DiGi91_> hes 100% legit
[01:03] <+namespace>
[01:03] <@DiGi91_> Host Location (*removed*)
[01:03] <@DiGi91_> LEGIT
[01:03] <+Stepto01> I'm not saying I'm me, I'm just saying I'M me
[01:03] <@DiGi91_> :D
[01:03] <+namespace> stepto01
[01:03] <+namespace> why
[01:03] <+namespace> would you come in here
[01:03] <+namespace> on your home ip
[01:03] <+namespace> are you a fucking moron
[01:03] <+Stepto01> thanks dig91, its that type of info that results in my getting death threats
[01:03] <+namespace> ?
[01:03] <@WhatDude> namespace: chill
[01:03] * XLarge^ (*removed*) has left #360banned
[01:04] <@loop32> lol this is crazy
[01:04] <@DiGi91_> i had to confirm it
[01:04] <+namespace> :/
[01:04] <+Stepto01> yeah
[01:04] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: you know its a bunch of like 13 year old kids threating you
[01:04] <@DiGi91_> too many people thinking ur a fake
[01:04] <+Stepto01> isnt it?
[01:04] <+namespace> Stepto01, what exactly is your position at microsoft
[01:04] * KarateBob (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:04] <@loop32> Karatebob!
[01:04] <+Stepto01> Director of policy and enforcement for Xbox LIVE
[01:04] * mickdubs (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:04] <@loop32> oh shit
[01:04] * WhatDude sets mode +v KarateBob for #360banned
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[01:04] * LtHummus (*removed*) Quit ( LtHummus )
[01:05] * sameway (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:05] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: you and fourzerotwo are popular guys
[01:05] <@DiGi91_> just wondering why you would come here?
[01:05] * leonlai86 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:05] <+KarateBob> lol, hi
[01:05] * RUDIe (*removed*) Quit ( )
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[01:05] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: how did you know to come in this irc chan?
[01:05] <+Stepto01> digi91: mainly because tonight thanks to posts here peopl have called me and threatened me, my wife, and my dogs.
[01:05] * eden (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:05] * kbobrox sets mode +l 510 for #360banned
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[01:06] <+Stepto01> so I thought a little engagement might be warrented
[01:06] <@loop32> heh
[01:06] <@DiGi91_> Stepto01: i understand as i said had to confirm ur legit and not some random faker
[01:06] * werdplay1 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:06] <@DiGi91_> lP
[01:06] <@DiGi91_> ;P *
[01:06] <+Stepto01> to be clear, once again, I am not going to answer ban questions.
[01:06] <@loop32> ^^
[01:06] <@loop32> you hear that guys?
[01:06] <@DiGi91_> you answered my question and im happy now
[01:06] <@DiGi91_> so i wont lose my 120 :)
[01:06] <@loop32> stop pming me asking me to ask him why you got banned.
[01:07] * DogGunn (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[01:07] <+namespace> Stepto01, Intresting point
[01:07] <+namespace> seems you have a spelling problem?
[01:07] * darkr (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:07] * DiGi91_ sets mode +v Q[--_--]D for #360banned
[01:07] <+Stepto01> so, having shown I have the sack to come in here, I can assume we all are people and not going to take the internet route that what happens on the internet has no consequences and I'm not going to get anymore calls?
[01:07] <+Q[--_--]D> ty
[01:07] * kbobrox sets mode +l 520 for #360banned
[01:07] <+namespace> DiGi91_,
[01:08] <@DiGi91_> ?
[01:08] <+namespace> check other chn
[01:08] <+Q[--_--]D> youll still get calls steve
[01:08] <+Q[--_--]D> no doubt
[01:08] <@loop32> Yea, it won't stop.
[01:08] <@WhatDude> Stepto01: I would hopt the calls stop
[01:08] <+Q[--_--]D> but i dont think anyone would have the balls to do anything to you
[01:08] <+Stepto01> fair enough. But not from you guys right?
[01:08] <@loop32> not me.
[01:08] <@WhatDude> but with your info posted on 4chan, who knows when they'll stop
[01:08] * Locke-mob (*removed*) Quit ( Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
[01:08] <+Stepto01> 4chan removed it
[01:08] <+Stepto01> at request
[01:08] <+namespace> 4chan fails
[01:08] <@WhatDude> indeed
[01:09] * infinix (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:09] <@WhatDude> thats good
[01:09] <+Stepto01> so.
[01:09] <+namespace> anonymous ffs anondox had them down and out for a bit
[01:09] <@DiGi91_> how did 4chan get it?
[01:09] <@WhatDude> does MS know about our irc chans?
[01:09] * DogGunn (*removed*) Quit ( Client Quit )
[01:09] * Dezzimal (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:09] <+namespace> WhatDude, i can awnser that one
[01:09] <+namespace> and the awnser is yes
[01:09] <@loop32> damnit whatdude
[01:09] <@loop32> you beat me
[01:09] <@WhatDude> lol
[01:09] * Jefff (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:09] <@loop32> namespace: chill out dude.
[01:09] <+Stepto01> consider this a simple engagement to say: dont disobey the TOU and hey! you will never know I exist right?
[01:09] <@DiGi91_> people are still saying ur a fake update ur twitter again for the non believers
[01:09] <@DiGi91_> ;P
[01:09] <@WhatDude> hehe that is true
[01:10] <@WhatDude> he did it twice
[01:10] <@WhatDude> I think thats enough
[01:10] <@loop32> lol
[01:10] * infamous6 (*removed*) has joined #360banned
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[01:10] <+Stepto01> love the fact that since I came in here the phone calls stopped cold
[01:10] <+KarateBob> are there any sure-fire ways to get a console banned? playing backups seems to only be ~90% effective
[01:10] <+Stepto01> thats a good sign
[01:10] <+KarateBob> :P
[01:10] <@DiGi91_> thats good :)
[01:10] <@loop32> KarateBOB: he said he won't answer any ban questions.
[01:10] <+Q[--_--]D> why not just make it like xbox 1 stepto
[01:10] <+Q[--_--]D> that no one can play on live
[01:10] <+Q[--_--]D> with a modded console
[01:11] <+KarateBob> ah
[01:11] * LOLatYOU (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:11] * sooki3 (*removed*) Quit ( Ping timeout: 268 seconds )
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[01:11] * O________ (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:11] * KjmiR (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:11] * Invis (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:11] * kingkongx (*removed*) Quit ( Ping timeout: 480 seconds )
[01:11] * scrim (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:12] * opiv is now known as whatypeof
[01:12] * FuMan (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:12] * DCP (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:12] * whatypeof is now known as opiv
[01:12] * ntd2350 (*removed*) Quit ( )
[01:12] <+Stepto01> Thanks in advance for the stopping of the calls. even if it was just realizing that kind of thing has consequences. Leaving now. peace out.
[01:12] <+namespace> st
[01:12] <+namespace> wait
[01:12] * GGman (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:12] <@WhatDude> take it easy
[01:12] <+namespace> 1 more question
[01:12] <@WhatDude> please dont ban me -_-
[01:12] * mib_cxmku (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:12] <@loop32> or me
[01:12] <@loop32> console id is
[01:12] * Mr_jfrsn (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:13] <@loop32> 93827732638726826323
[01:13] <+Q[--_--]D> keep fighting the good fight stepto
[01:13] * crzyc (*removed*) Quit ( )
[01:13] <+Q[--_--]D> :)
[01:13] * tashpool (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:13] <@loop32> dont ban that console id
[01:13] <+namespace> Do you guys ban manually or do you have a program flagging?
[01:13] * drozek (*removed*) has left #360banned
[01:13] <@loop32> OH!
[01:13] * tillithz (*removed*) has joined #360banned
[01:13] <+jesuskill> I wish I didn't get banned
[01:13] <@loop32> i have a question:
[01:13] <+Stepto01> namespace: the answer is [SJAKJKJSDFKJ349872394876sad796 Carrier Drop]
[01:13] <+jesuskill> I'm not buying a new consol just for that.
[01:13] <+namespace> Ah
[01:13] <@loop32> Stepto:
[01:13] * kbobrox sets mode +l 528 for #360banned
[01:13] * infamous6 is now known as MJRNELSON
[01:13] * Stepto01 (*removed*) has left #360banned
<*edit by creaky - remove all the ip addresses*>
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 15:48
Senior Member
9. November 2009 @ 10:45 |
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So, let me get this straight... his number was posted on 4 chan (!!!) of all things, and he thinks the people calling him and threatening him are in that chat room. He seems like a very bright guy.
Then, he complains that somebody pastes his (publicly viewable) IP address and it's locational origin into the chat room, and says that it will get him death threats.
$38 on new discs -- Check
$15 on burn after burn that showed as a DVD -- Check
$11 on new laser -- Check
$28 on new multimeter -- Check
Knowledge from Leerage? -- Priceless
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 10:51
Junior Member
9. November 2009 @ 11:18 |
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It's not right that this guy gets threatening phone calls, but hey he took that job and unfortunately the mentality of a select few seems to make a blanket statement on the rest of us. Like I said he took that job and those are the risks you take. I'm sure he has no problem cashing his check each week. Sounds like a desparate move on his part to walk into that chat. What did he think was going to happen? It's like a stand up comedian telling a heckler to leave him alone. Makes him even more of a target. This is the job he chose, these are the risks he assumes. I dont feel bad for him.
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
9. November 2009 @ 11:22 |
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Originally posted by qwert99: So, let me get this straight... his number was posted on 4 chan (!!!) of all things, and he thinks the people calling him and threatening him are in that chat room. He seems like a very bright guy.
Then, he complains that somebody pastes his (publicly viewable) IP address and it's locational origin into the chat room, and says that it will get him death threats.
Agreed. Even though he is just doing his job as Director of Policy and Enforcement for XBOX Live, he should of never taken this step and come directly into an IRC Channel. Is it really that hard to just unplug your phone for awhile? If need be, change your number and get it unlisted. He is enjoying this and just wanted to add more fuel to the fire.
Yup, he is definitely a douche.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 11:24
Senior Member
9. November 2009 @ 11:22 |
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I do feel sorry for him getting these threats and stuff, even if he does have a high-profile 'bad guy' job.
However, the point I was trying to make is that 4chan is basically the sewer of the internet, and that is where his number was posted. But this guy thinks that the firmware modders in this chat room are the ones that are calling his house and making threats. Seriously?
$38 on new discs -- Check
$15 on burn after burn that showed as a DVD -- Check
$11 on new laser -- Check
$28 on new multimeter -- Check
Knowledge from Leerage? -- Priceless
9. November 2009 @ 11:29 |
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It come across that he was more concerned about the threats to his dogs than his biatch.
And going on that channel was hardly a smart move. It just goes to show that any gobshite can get a job at M$.
Senior Member
9. November 2009 @ 11:34 |
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Originally posted by apd06: It come across that he was more concerned about the threats to his dogs than his biatch.
And going on that channel was hardly a smart move. It just goes to show that any gobshite can get a job at M$.
Yeah, it does seem that way. He also didn't seem to have a great technological understanding based on his overly severe reaction to somebody copy/pasting his friggin' IP address, of all things. If he was so concerned about people not having his IP, and he knew anything, he would have made sure it wasn't available in that chatroom, as IRC users do every day.
He is the director, though. Probably the guy with the business degree who manages all of the tech nerds.
$38 on new discs -- Check
$15 on burn after burn that showed as a DVD -- Check
$11 on new laser -- Check
$28 on new multimeter -- Check
Knowledge from Leerage? -- Priceless
Junior Member
9. November 2009 @ 11:40 |
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Yeah that was a dumb move...shame on the idiot calling his house too. He has a crappy job but he's only doing what he's told. If it wasn't him doing it, it would be some other douche. To put this this wole thing into pespective, how much money have you saved playing modded games? I'm sure more than the $199 it will cost to get another box. Be patient...I'm sure someone is working on creating something to get around the current ban wave.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
9. November 2009 @ 11:43 |
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Its bang out of order threatening his wife & kids cos you cant play on live anymore, someone needs to get a life. Surely the police would be able to do something about it. Pretty Ballsy for him to log in to the Chatroom TBH.
To get instant assistance with Flashing / JTAG / Homebrew from experts for free! click me (Im not one of the said experts BTW)
Make poverty history, cheaper drugs NOW!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 11:43
9. November 2009 @ 12:19 |
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Originally posted by qwert99: I do feel sorry for him getting these threats and stuff, even if he does have a high-profile 'bad guy' job.
However, the point I was trying to make is that 4chan is basically the sewer of the internet, and that is where his number was posted. But this guy thinks that the firmware modders in this chat room are the ones that are calling his house and making threats. Seriously?
/agree. Death threats or things in that nature are just uncalled for. I see him and I see our competition (his job is to BAN our scene). As such we should respect his ability to find a way to catch many of our modders. Sun Tzu suggests we know our enemy.
He is still very brave to go into the channel with his IP now exposed. I am sure someone got it now. If he brings work home like many of us do, his PC is the key to end current ban wave LOL.
Told my wife about what happend and she said the same thing you guys said: "douche"
I just think it was a man that got pist off about whats going on and tried to take matters into his own hands. I would of just reported it. No need to expose the IP.
Suspended permanently
9. November 2009 @ 12:21 |
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Pretty neat. I would have done the same thing LOL
9. November 2009 @ 12:24 |
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well if this does show us one thing its that people at M$ know where to find us. And listen to what we talk about. It might be time to find a new more secure place of discussing thease things without a M$ spy in there, some idiot even named out c4eva.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 12:48
Suspended permanently
9. November 2009 @ 12:47 |
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Originally posted by manu07: well if this does show us one thing its that people at M$ know where to find us. And listen to what we talk about. It might be time to find a new more secure place of discussing thease things without a M$ spy in there, some idiot even named c4eva.
I know you're not calling c4eva an idiot?
9. November 2009 @ 12:49 |
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lol i ment some idiot named him
9. November 2009 @ 13:00 |
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Originally posted by gameover9: Originally posted by manu07: well if this does show us one thing its that people at M$ know where to find us. And listen to what we talk about. It might be time to find a new more secure place of discussing thease things without a M$ spy in there, some idiot even named c4eva.
I know you're not calling c4eva an idiot?
Read closer...he is saying some guy in the room is POSING as c4eva by using his name, thus the guy posing is an idiot.
9. November 2009 @ 13:07 |
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Originally posted by gameover9: Originally posted by manu07: well if this does show us one thing its that people at M$ know where to find us. And listen to what we talk about. It might be time to find a new more secure place of discussing thease things without a M$ spy in there, some idiot even named c4eva.
I know you're not calling c4eva an idiot?
nah, he is saying an idiot mentioned his name. Its like 1 thief saying to the 2nd thief: "dont use names, ok '#2'". and he replies: "Ok 'jack'".... get it?
LOL hope that helps.
1 thing is for sure, if/when C4eva finds key dump method for liteon v2 and a new way to stealth, he is going to be a legend for YEARS to come. I wouldn't be surprised if M$ tries to hire him...thats what they do right? if they can't beat you they will try to buy you?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 13:07
9. November 2009 @ 13:12 |
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Where ever we meet they will be there. Don't fool yourself and think they don't know where to find us and if you torrent don't think the MPAA/RIAA, SPA, and all the other acronyms aren't there no matter how private unless it's a tracker of one.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 13:12
Junior Member
9. November 2009 @ 13:36 |
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You deserve to get busted if you use torrents. SSL newsgroups are the pro's choice.
Junior Member
9. November 2009 @ 13:41 |
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Just goes to show we are not as safe as we thought we were lol.
Senior Member
9. November 2009 @ 13:47 |
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LOL i find it very surprising that anyone can think that MS doesnt know what IRC channels any of us use or anything. if we can find out what channels to join and where to get everything we need why wouldnt MS or anyone else be able to do the same. All the info is here and other places for the taking. its not like the IRC channels are locked away and only given out to people that send a blood sample to the admin for them to be tested and given access when M$ isnt found floating in their bloodstream. Anyone that thinks they are invisible on the internet are probably the same people getting banned and then wondering why or saying its unfair. Some people need to Wake up and Grow up. Im not directing this ar anyone but seriously think people THINK!
If you send me questions on Live about modding or anything related i will block you. Dont be an idiot.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 13:48
9. November 2009 @ 13:51 |
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Quote: <+namespace> Do you guys ban manually or do you have a program flagging?
<+Stepto01> namespace: the answer is [SJAKJKJSDFKJ349872394876sad796 Carrier Drop]
What the hell does this mean?
9. November 2009 @ 14:10 |
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I hope they catch the kids who been calling him. And duh to that guy asking if MS knew about irc. I bet they know about every site including this one also.
9. November 2009 @ 14:39 |
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Hey i saw someone pasted a log of the channel 360banned plz... in that logs are all the IPs, names, and personal info etc... of ppl visiting that channel...
so... PLz edit all that personal info, is not fair and ppl gave no rights to post that personal info on a free forum.
This is the link of the post...
Thx a lot!
In Advance.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. November 2009 @ 14:39
Junior Member
9. November 2009 @ 14:41 |
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Check your rights at the door when you enter a puplic chat channel.
9. November 2009 @ 15:20 |
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Originally posted by guessswho:
<snipped by creaky - knocking up a quick and dirty linux script to remove the ip addresses, will put it back when it's clean>
Thx Creaky :)