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DVD X Copy doesn't even work anymore
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Junior Member
22. June 2004 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After using alot of the free DVD backup software I learned about here i figured i would give Platinum a try again since some folks here still swear by it. I recently had to reboot my hard drive after a bad crash so I slowly began installing my software after doing a full system restore. Well I installed DVD Xcopy platinum version 3.2.1 and restarted my PC. I clicked on the Icon and the main title box came up. Then it asked me for my Lisence ID and Password. I entered them. It started to log onto the web or whatever it does to verify this info. Then it stopped. I sratched my head. I double clicked on its icon again. The Box that says DVDXcopy Platinum came up. Then nothing. Tried it again. Nothing. Restarted my PC. Double Clicked again , nothing. I went to 321's site to try and download the Ripper Free version thinking that may help since I could never get Platinum to work right until I downladed the RF Version and found out I cant get it anymore. 321 No longer supports this product. Im guessing that I have a 149 Dollar coaster since Version 3.2.1 never worked for me anyway. I finally had to uninstall this software because after trying to register it my PC began freezing up and the software would stop running though it never opened to begin with. Remember this is a FRESH PC, absolutely everyhthing else running fine. I have a feeling that i have some usless software on my hands. Anyone have an Idea??? Anyone want to buy a copy of DVDXcopy, only registered once!
Senior Member
22. June 2004 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Try here:

supposedly they are the acting 321 support website.

I have about $200 worth of their stuff I don't use any longer.


NEC-2500A - Sony DVD-ROM
WinXP Pro w/ SP2, DVD Shrink - DVD Decrypter - Nero 7.x - CloneDVD2 & AnyDVD - DVD Fab - RipIt4Me
Senior Member
22. June 2004 @ 20:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah...a couple of weekends ago I was doing a fresh install of all my software, and when I got to DVDXCopy, I couldn't get the online verification thing to work. It said it couldn't connect to the site. I tried 321's phone-in customer support, and then got a recording and was told to hold. No one ever answered, and after awhile I completely gave up. I never got an answer to my email, either.

I then read somewhere that 321 was transferring to Canadian servers as a result of more relaxed regulations than they had in the USA. This might offer some explanation for their downtime, but as it is, I am happily getting by with DVD2One and Shrink, and likely won't ever return to 321 products.
Junior Member
23. June 2004 @ 09:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So basically we are bumming then. Im glad ive been using other software with great results but some people on these forums kinda flamed me when I bashed 321 products. Now I cant even use them. How ironic. The other funny thing is I was going to sell my copy of Platinum on Ebay because there are used copies going for over $100 there. Those poor schmo's that buy those are out of luck I guess. I did check the link RWG left and it seems i can download the RF version there but I cant get the Ripper Free version to install anyway.
Senior Member
23. June 2004 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If it is any consolation, the owner has been spending an enormous amount of time in Washington D.C. lobbying against the DMCA and similar legislation. I somehow got on the 321 mailing list, and get regular updates. They have even provided links where I can easily weight in on my support of anti-DMCA type legislation.
Senior Member
23. June 2004 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The other funny thing is I was going to sell my copy of Platinum on Ebay because there are used copies going for over $100 there. Those poor schmo's that buy those are out of luck I guess.
I didn't expect there to be a market for 321 products and I didn't want to install it at this time. I only want to be able to download all the products I've paid for and be able to rgister them in the event I do want to install 'em. I'm still hunting for a place to get DVDXTREME. I'm glad I have some alternative solutions.


NEC-2500A - Sony DVD-ROM
WinXP Pro w/ SP2, DVD Shrink - DVD Decrypter - Nero 7.x - CloneDVD2 & AnyDVD - DVD Fab - RipIt4Me
Junior Member
23. June 2004 @ 17:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Same here. I just wanted to re-install my copy of Platinum. I sent an email to NY Software who supposedly is taking over for 321. We shall see what happens. But yeah, go to ebay and type in DVD Copy. There are alot of new copies but here and there are used ones being bought up for $80 plus! Poor folks.
Suspended permanently
24. June 2004 @ 19:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just reinstalled the platinum version 321 today, and registered it on line at their support site and it has worked fine. I have just backed up a new DVD that I bought today. Hopefully you can try it again and it will work. I have used it for the last six months with no problems.

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