PS3 modding help
10. September 2011 @ 15:59 |
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Hi guys. I have been a member of this site for some time but haven't used it much at all. I have a PS3 with, I beleive, FW version 3.70. I would like to softmod it but I have no idea where to start. Please forgive me if I'm not asking the right questions or in the right place but as I said, I'm new to this.
What I would like to know is, is it possible to softmod my PS3 having the latest FW and what will happen if I do so? I know I will probably never be able to play online while it's modded which is fine for me as I do not play online anyway. But I have searched for this answer to no avail. What else will happen?
Will I no longer be able to sign into the chat? No more updates for anything? ever? Will I get banned from everything? Will my PS3 even sign on to the network anymore?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. September 2011 @ 16:09
Senior Member
10. September 2011 @ 19:44 |
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You did not search very well, if you tried to search at all, see 6 posts below this one!
11. September 2011 @ 02:02 |
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Originally posted by bigo93: You did not search very well, if you tried to search at all, see 6 posts below this one!
Great answer. A newbie can always count on people like you to sniker at their posts instead of helping them. How did you become a senior member? Did you have to donate for the title?
Forgive me for being irritated but I was looking for an answer. Not critisim. Now what you could have done was post the link to what you are refering to. That would have made more sense. I have said it many times in the past and I will say it to you as well. If you don't have the time or patiants to help other you don't belong on a forum.
Senior Member
11. September 2011 @ 06:04 |
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Oh I think you'll find that I am a very helpful person having made many posts in many threads, thats how I'm a senior member :P. But when a person claims they have searched high and low for info when there is a post just 6 posts further down on downgrading 3.70 to 3.55; it shows that they havent done a thing to help themselves.
Now if you are still looking for an answer, I actually gave you one! I told you to look 6 posts down! See you can count on me :D
Now all you need to do is learn how to count to 6 and find the post I was referring to. now if you are too stupid to read and follow someone's advice when they give it to you, I suggest you get used to being treated in similar ways in other forums and irl!
11. September 2011 @ 19:16 |
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I have done that and the only thing I can find that you may be refering to is the post for the E3 3.70 to 3.55. But that is talking about the new ps3 slim. I do not have a PS3 slim. I have an older 80 gig PS3.
And You still have not answered my questions and other posts also do not answer MY questions. Please refer to MY OP for MY questions. I can find many posts on hacking the PS3 but no one gives instructions on how to do it, What you need, what you system needs to be, etc.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. September 2011 @ 19:17
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
12. September 2011 @ 03:29 |
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There is no softmod for 3.70; it requires hardware. The hardware needed depends on what version of the 80GB you have. Unless you are into soldering, you are not downgrading from 3.70 just yet.
12. September 2011 @ 15:41 |
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Thank you killerbug. That's a real answer. Now at least I know I can stop searching, for the time being, because MY PS3 can't be softmodded just yet. And you're right, I'm not into soldering so I guess I will just have to wait till someone figures it out.
Senior Member
12. September 2011 @ 16:02 |
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And if you read the post I todl you to read you would have realised that. Instead you were too lazy to read that post funny as in it it clearly says:
With PHAT Consoles, some soldering will be needed So next time READ! And the fact this device is needed for those on 3.70 should have told you that you cannot softmod yet!
Originally posted by cougar214: Now at least I know I can stop searching, for the time being,
If that is you really did any searching at all! which was my point all along.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. September 2011 @ 16:04
Junior Member
13. September 2011 @ 00:55 |
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So Cougar,
You own an old PS3, that had a perfectly good old firmware.
You want to jailbreak, but decided to first upgrade your old firmware to the brand spanking new 3.70.
Not the smartest of moves.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
13. September 2011 @ 05:36 |
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Give Cougar a break...just knowing about hacking puts her ahead of 99% of the women in her age group.
Junior Member
13. September 2011 @ 09:36 |
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Yes, you're right Killerbug.
Good luck Cougar. I hope you sort it out.
If all else fails, you can purchase a 2nd hand PS3 off e-bay with an older firmware. That'll make your life easier.