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Junior Member
6. October 2011 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everyone, I have been out of the PS3 scene for about 2 months as the new games don't work on cfw. I was just wondering if there has been any news with new games working such as some new eboots released? The last game I got working was LA NOIRE and that was because of an eboot I used. How come new games arent working? I know they require new FW but cant we just use modified eboots? I tried using a program to make your own eboots but I just kept getting the black screen. If anyone can let me know about this I would be grateful..Thanks
Senior Member
6. October 2011 @ 15:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cos they have new encryption keys, if you dont know the key you cannot decrypt to play any games with those keys.

LA Noire and a couple other games work because $ony, ever showing their greed, did not give the new keys to devs to add to game patches. So devs had to patch these games using the older, hacked keys.

Install LA Noire from the disc, v1.00 and it will ask you to update to latest firmware version, as the game has the new keys.
Install patch 1.01, which uses the old 3.55 keys and you can play LA Noire on cfw console.
Install patch 1.02 and you will be asked to install the latest firmware, as this patch uses the latest keys.

JFW-DH claim to bypass the keys, we dont know for sure yet as they have not released it yet. So until someone decrypts the new keys, you cannot play the latest games.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. October 2011 @ 15:44

Junior Member
6. October 2011 @ 18:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
Cos they have new encryption keys, if you dont know the key you cannot decrypt to play any games with those keys.

LA Noire and a couple other games work because $ony, ever showing their greed, did not give the new keys to devs to add to game patches. So devs had to patch these games using the older, hacked keys.

Install LA Noire from the disc, v1.00 and it will ask you to update to latest firmware version, as the game has the new keys.
Install patch 1.01, which uses the old 3.55 keys and you can play LA Noire on cfw console.
Install patch 1.02 and you will be asked to install the latest firmware, as this patch uses the latest keys.

JFW-DH claim to bypass the keys, we dont know for sure yet as they have not released it yet. So until someone decrypts the new keys, you cannot play the latest games.
Thanks allot that answered everything! $ony are a bunch of idiots! Don't the realize that using CFW will make the PS3 more attractable thus creating more profit. At least with the 360 you can use CFW and yes Microsoft does come out with ways to stop this, but it only takes a few weks or less before its hacked, no wonder the xbox is kicking $onys ass. I really hope someone comes out with a CFW for the PS3 as it seems like its been forever since 3.55 was hacked
Senior Member
6. October 2011 @ 19:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree, but I think $ony has scared some hackers away, and the rest who are trying to do something are in it for the fame, and so they are not sharing any of the info they find. They would rather see people talking about them instead of releasing one piece of info someone else may need in order to get the new keys which they are missing.

You never know, but from what I have seen, the PS3 hackers just cant seem to get along, which is why we get some good news one week and then everything goes dead until something else comes along.

tbh, with all the crap that $ony have done, especially with the new TOS in the USA which forces you to sign away your right to sue, and agree that everything you buy becomes a license rather than you actually owning the things; that almost every hacker would be knocking on the PS3's security walls as a big F You to $ony.
But still nothing; seems like people just dont care about the PS3

One thing I can say, is that the next console I will be buying is gonna be an Xbox unless someone brings out something to compete with it to fill in the void $ony has now made by alienating a lot of their loyal customers.
A lot of game retailers cashed in on people trading in their PS3s. If I was in charge of the Xbox department, I would have done the same, sure you lose out in the short term, but they could have recycled the PS3s they got. But then also made a tonne from accessory sales as people would need a 2nd controller, headset etc, and revenue from increased game sales. I am surprised M$ didnt do that.

Junior Member
7. October 2011 @ 00:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"seems like people just dont care about the PS3" I totally agree! I have lost all interest in the PS3 unless the hacking scene comes alive again. I remember when the afterdawn ps3 forum was overwhelmed with posts, and now its pretty much died down. $ony needs to take a hint and look at all the talk on Microsoft's side and realize what their missing out > forums > consoles > ps3 - modding & hacking > eboots

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