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IfoEdit Problem stripping VOB IDs !!!
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23. October 2002 @ 23:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have IfoEdit v0.932 (Win XP Pro) and it works perfectly except when i try to Strip VOB IDs!
It just closes the IfoEdit and I have to open it again!
I need this option to reduce the size of my VOB Files. So if u know the proble or another program that can help me u can just post it!!!

Thanx !!!!!!!!!!!

Senior Member
24. October 2002 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What destination directory are you selecting? Create a new, empty folder and select that as your destination.

Other than that I need more info. What are your settings?
25. October 2002 @ 03:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Look I open a new folder on my desktop to put the stripped files in.Then I open the IfoEdit v0.932 and I open a VOB file the(VTS_01_0) and then I click on VOB Extras/Strip VOB-IDs .
In the new window I check in options the folowing boxes:Strip VOB-IDs,Correct VOb-Unit(Navigation Pack) pionters in VOB-files,Correct IFO tables with new VOB-Unit information.
In VOB file options I chose the folowing boxes:Remove P-UOps,Remove Macrovision,Adjust VOB-Unit pointers,Adjust Audio/Subp point,VOB Size=1GB.
I click OK and it just crashes so I have to start it from the begining!

But i think I have find the way to delete the VOB-IDs I don't need by opening the VOBrator and Demuxing the VOB files I wan't to reduce by deleting the VOB IDs. Then I just delete the unneeded VOB IDs and Remuxing them again to make a VOB file.
But there is another problem.
I can't install the VobEdit program as when I download it it only gives me an .php file that I don't know what to do.
I have tried remuxing in IfoEdit but when I try to do it it tells me that there is missing a soure .m2v file for input.

I hope someone will help me with installing the VobEdit as I need it to finish my work on "Panic Room".

Thanx again for trying to help me and i hope you will now find a solution to my problem !!!
Senior Member
25. October 2002 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Ifoedit edits .VOB files using the relevent .IFO file.

You can't edit .VOB files by opening them in Ifoedit. Open the relevent .IFO file and then strip VOBIDs and you won't have a crash.

I backed up PANIC_ROOM a few weeks ago. You can reencode at 90% instead of splitting it. Let me know if this helps.
25. October 2002 @ 09:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanx I'll try it.
But will it still be compatile with home standalone players?
And how can I install VobEdit?

Thanx again I'll try it and let u know what happened!
Senior Member
25. October 2002 @ 09:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, it will still play in a stand alone after you reencode and then remux in Ifoedit as long as you remeber 'get vts sectors'.

I don't know anything about VobEdit, I've never used it. Never needed to.

Good Luck
27. October 2002 @ 23:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanx a lot for your help till now.

But I have another question for you.

How to make a streamlist in ReMPEG2?

If you just could explain it better than a guide for IfoEdit I've read. i just don't get it how yo make that CFFL file (how to create, it what do do with it and where to make it)

Thanx for all your help !!!!!!

Senior Member
28. October 2002 @ 05:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In Ifoedit, open relevent VIDEO_TS.IFO. Click tools, create Rempeg2 .cffl list. Select a directory. Save.

In Rempeg2, drag the .cffl file you created over and drop it. Now Rempeg2 will read all .VOBs.
29. October 2002 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Please explain yourself better if you can.
What should I do after I create it in IfoEdit?
Do you mean that I should drop the .cffl file into the directory with my VOB files?
When I do that should I transcode the VOBs one by one or there is a way to transcode them all at once?

Thanx for one more time !!!!!!!!
Senior Member
29. October 2002 @ 16:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No problem, sorry to be vague.

When you click create .cffl file for Rempeg2 and then save it, what that does is create a file list in 'Notepad' on your pc. The list is all your .VOB files to be reencoded. Rempeg2 can read that file so it will read all your .VOBs consecutively. So, when you start up Rempeg2, click open and direct it to the .cffl file that you created in Ifoedit.

Rempeg2 will then read all the .VOB files and you'll be on your way. You will end up with one big file afterward which you will remux in Ifoedit.
30. October 2002 @ 02:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So you are sayind that i should load the .cffl file in ReMPEG2 and it will then reencode all of my vob files?
I tried it but when I clicked to load the .cffl file in ReMPEG2 it gave me the folofing message:
"Access violation at adress 00426AD9 in module 'ReMPEG.exe'.Read of adress800420" .
Also when I opened the .cffl file with my notepad I found the following iside:"CFFL".
Is that the right text inside the .cffl file?

Maybe I should try to reencode the vob files one by one?

Thanx again !!!!
Senior Member
30. October 2002 @ 05:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When you click the.cffl file it should open 'notepad'. You should see "CFFL" followed by a list of all your .VOB files.

Make sure that you have the relevent .IFO open in Ifoedit when you create the file list.
2. November 2002 @ 06:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If I encode only the VOBs contaning the main movie what will hapen after i burn them with Nero on DVD-R?
Should I create an image first and do I need to reencode the hole thing or it will work with just the main movie VOBs?
What about DVD burn program? Which should I use?Which is the most compatible media u know?

Thax again !!!!!!!!!!
Senior Member
4. November 2002 @ 04:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you use Rempeg2 to reencode the .VOBs, you will end with an .m2v file. You will need to remux this .m2v file in Ifoedit. You will then have smaller .VOB files which can be put on DVD-R.

If you want to use Ifoedit and Imgtool to create an image, you'll do that after remux and final editing.

I have never tried only reencoding the movie files and not the extras. It doesn't sound feasable to me because Ifoedit has to change all the navpacks upon remux. You'd have to ask someone with more knowledge.

I like to use Imgtools to burn an image and then DVDdecrypter to burn. However, sometimes it doesn't work(see post in software discussion) so in those cases I use Nero or Primo Prassi/Record Now. I find Nero much easier to use.

Media. I've used Fujifilm, TDK, and Memorex. All work fine. I am now going to try some cheap bulk DVD-Rs as they are much cheaper.
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5. November 2002 @ 20:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Rempeg will take you forever, it's better to buy a new DVD. or just split it and get the original DVD quality. Discs are less than $1 a piece...let me know if you need help on splitting....take care

9. November 2002 @ 01:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nope I am intrested in making a movie with just one disc.
Thats why I am asking for help with ReMPEG2.

Thanx anyway !!!!!
Senior Member
12. November 2002 @ 13:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Be careful with those cheap discs, I've been told that the same brand disc will work one time and not another, in the same player. Kind of leaves you wondering what you did wrong.
Junior Member
13. November 2002 @ 01:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate , to get ReMPEG to work , you have to create a cffl file, to do this you have to open up your main movie file in IfoEdit. try this
open up VTS**_0 (**) being the main movie , then go up to tools and select create ReMPEG2 cffl ,that will save it in your file that all your ripped files are in. open up ReMPEG press open and a dialog box will appear select the cffl file from your original ripped file and hey presto it should fire up ReMPEG into action

hope this helps :0)
Junior Member
14. November 2002 @ 08:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry mate I forgot to mention that you also need to save the Rempeg file as an ( m2v file)


I create a new folder in my C: directory and name it m2v and then save the rempeg m2v file to that folder .Once that has been done you then have to remux the finished m2v file back to the subsiquent vob files

check out the cretins guide at
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14. November 2002 @ 10:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a question headed in the same direction After I use ReMpeg2, I try to ReMux the m2v file and it only Mux the first 13 frames make the vob file 100kb and then it rewrites the ifo file. So to fix it, i have to re- copy the ifo and vob from the dvd. Please help me!
17. November 2002 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would firstly like to thank u all for your help!!!
I have made an m2v file in ReMPEG2 and then i remuxed it in IfoEdit.
Now I need to know if I have it done all as I should.
I reencoded only the main movie VOBs and then i remuxed the m2v file in IfoEdit. Do I need to create an Image for my DVD or not? I need to play it on standalone.

Thanx again!!!
Junior Member
18. November 2002 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
once you have remuxed your m2v file you will end up with the new vob files in your destination directory which I Call (VIDEO_TS)

open this up with IfoEdit and it should look like this in the open window


open up the video_ts( ifo)
then click get vts sectors

a window will pop up , click ok a few times then close .

start up IfoEdit again and open up the video_ts( ifo file )and click dvd play if the dvd player fires up and plays the remuxed dvd youve cracked it.
Now just burn a folder called

which will have the remuxed vob files and the subsiquent IFO files and BUP files

This is why I call my destination directory for the remuxed files VIDEO_TS

you will also need to burn a folder called AUDIO_TS but leave it empty

ie) VIDEO_TS ( vobs etc)
AUDIO_TS ( empty)

once burned you should be able to pop it in your dvd player and watch it

hope this helps
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