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New compression mode for DVD2One 1.50
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7. August 2004 @ 19:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I use DVD2One since 1.40 version with 'constant ration' and everything worked fine, but, with the new 1.50 version a new 'Compression Mode' was added, the 'Selective Ratio' with 3 options 'low' 'medium' and 'high'.
The question is: which compression mode gives better results for movie only (not full disc)?
1. Variable Ratio ?
2. Constant Ratio ?
3. Selective Ratio (low, medium, high) ?

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10. August 2004 @ 13:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

DVD2One tries to explain this on their website, but it is difficult to understand.

I will tell you what I have done so far, but more people need to report what they find.

I have found that I like the selective ratio mode. The default setting is "low" which works very well. I recently combined the Ben Hur discs at 12.6 GB total (for a 3:1 reduction), and ran it in variable at low. There is a 10 minute chariot race scene, and I didn't get any artifacts, freeze frames, or macro-blocking. It looked as good as the original on a 17 inch monitor. I think, however, you would see a loss of quality on a 36 inch TV. This was also an older movie, and some transcoders have a lot of problems with the oldies.

The "variable" ratio also worked well for me in the past, and is a good choice when the source isn't much over 6.5 GB's. I open the DVD with Shrink first to find out how space is used on the DVD, so this tells me how much "movie only" I have. I then use the "No compression" backup feature to prepare the files just as I would in Decrypter.
10. August 2004 @ 15:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you Doc for your reply, I don't know which program to use, between CloneDVD and DVD2One. CloneDVD is great 'cause you can select or deselect titles, menus and has a compressing bar which tells you about the quality loss and works fine for me.
So I don't know which one to use.
Did you use CloneDVD, did you like it?

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10. August 2004 @ 16:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Quality wise, I believe CloneDVD and DVD2One are about the same. There are always trade-offs to be made. You might also find the new Shrink 3.2 (freeware) has some nice options also.

Personally, I now use DVD-RB/CCE for my own movies because it produces better quality than any other transcoder. This is most important to me. While DVD2One used to be my favorite, I only use it on the kids movies now. They want "everything" on the disc, and don't have the eye for quality that I do. For me, DVD2One is the most convenient of the transcoders.


I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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13. August 2004 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
which compression mode gives better results for movie only (not full disc)
Back in the ole days, before I discovered Pinnacle IC & The "New" shrink, DVD2One used to be my prefered method of backing up.

In my experience, I would have used "Variable" ratio on movies requiring little compression or movies that were less than 90 minutes in length. Conversly I would use "Constant" on high compression & longer movies. There are "others" that have reversed this logic and stick by their methods. Remember though I am purely speaking from personal experience only.

I have dabbled with the new DVD2One version 1.5 & can see no advantage on using the new compression settings. The quality of output, in my opinion, is now 2nd rate compared with Shrink & IC. But if you value speed over quality, i suggest you use the "flimsy" examples I have listed above THEN experiment.

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13. August 2004 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
brian100 inadvertantly makes a good point ... a lot depends upon user preference. Our experiences differ, and I suspect part of the reason might be the type of movies we are dealing with. For instance, I am currently replacing a lot of old classics that were on videotape, which are now being released on DVD. I tried two other programs - IC8 and DVDCopy2. Both had problems with the older vintage movies. DVD2One had none. However, as I pointed out earlier, I've now switched to DVD-RB/CCE. This combo handles all types of movies equally well, and the quality is unsurpassed.

I would advise you getting some DVD RW's and doing some experimenting to see what you like best.


I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
13. August 2004 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Doc409, you're not the only one who recommends me using DVD-Rebuilder with Cinama Craft Encoder Basic, I'll try them.

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13. August 2004 @ 22:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

gonzalo76 ... if quality is your primary concern, then DVD-RB/CCE is the answer. RB is freeware, and Basic is a $58 purchase. Considering all the other expenses of backing up DVD's, it only made sense to me to spend a little more to get the quality this combo offers.

Here is a thread that helps people get started with this combo. Both brian100 and I are regulars there.


I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
14. August 2004 @ 06:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Doc, thank you so much for your help.

1. Just one question, can I select 'movie only' or delete extras, menus or subtitles with DVD-RB ? 'Cause when I use it I did not see any of these features like has, for example, CloneDVD, DVD2One or DVD Shrink.

2. I use DVD-RB 0.56 with CCE SP (with ECLCCE) but I did not finish the full process 'cause it was taking too much time so I aborted, but I played some .mv2 files and at the right buttom of the video screen appears a permanent advertisement of CCE in blue. (I mean, it's a permanet advertisement telling that the video was encoded with ECC) Is that normal? I don't think so.

Well, again, thank you for your replies.

14. August 2004 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, now I'm lost, I read the Big Movie Recoding Quality Test at and I'm really dissapointed of CloneDVD and DVD2One :(
InterVideo DVD Copy was the winner ??? I know that program but I never use it 'cause I thought it wasn't good.
So, now I'm lost, I really don't know which program to use.
Doc, is DVD-Rebuilder/CCE the best one concerning quality image ?
Help me please. I promise I'll not boder you again ;)

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14. August 2004 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all. :)

GONZALO, based on my own experience I'd suggest the following:
- for anything requiring a compression of 15% or less, use DVD Shrink.
- for anything requiring a compression > 15%, do some comparison tests.
DVD Shrink v3.2 has some new "Quality Options" that might suprise you.

I'd advise you not to take the test you mentionned too seriously. ;)

For DVD Shrink and related softwares guides and information, please visit
14. August 2004 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you ddlooping, but acording to that test, DVDShrink ended in last place with really bad quality video images. Anyway, the test was not made with the last 3.2 version.

- for anything requiring a compression > 15%, do some comparison tests.
Ok, comparsion tests with what programs ??

I'd advise you not to take the test you mentionned too seriously. ;)
Why is that?

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14. August 2004 @ 11:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you ddlooping, but acording to that test, DVDShrink ended in last place with really bad quality video images.
I could easily select other captured frames from the same backups that would yeld the exact opposite results. ;)
Ok, comparsion tests with what programs ??
Whatever you fancy trying.
DVD Rebuilder/CCE; DVD2DVD-R/CCE; Instant Copy 8; DVD Copy 2; DVD2One 1.5; DVD Shrink v3.2 with its new "Quality Options" and Deep Analysis; the latest Nero Recode...
I'd advise you not to take the test you mentionned too seriously. ;)
Why is that?
See first reply. :)

For DVD Shrink and related softwares guides and information, please visit
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
18. September 2004 @ 11:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The big question is did DVD Shrink win or did RB/CCE win?

"Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:

Help with development of BD RB: Donations at:
19. September 2004 @ 09:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, thank you all for your replies but I forgot about CloneDVD, DVD2One, DVD Shrink, Instant Copy 8, DVDCopy2 to encode my movies. Now, I use DVD-RB/CCE because it produces better quality than any other transcoder. This is most important to me.
Again, thank you all for your replies !!!

AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
19. September 2004 @ 10:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Welcome fellow RB/CCE user.

"Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:

Help with development of BD RB: Donations at:
19. September 2004 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you Sophocles, by the way... there's a new DVD ReBuilder Version 0.60a available at

AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
19. September 2004 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you but I have it. Go to the threads below and you might be able to ask jdobbs and occasional question. He drops by from time to time to give us news on updates and other important information.

The first one you might want to go to the end of, it's kind of long. We use it to brainstorm and share any information we have about anything.

The next one is a thread conceived as an archive of RD/CCE fixes.

"Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:

Help with development of BD RB: Donations at:
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19. September 2004 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gonzalo76...I too would like to commend you on your choice to go with RB-CCE. The threads that Sophocles lists are good ones that you might get some use from.

Also, if you aren't familiar with RB's batch mode, it is a feature where you can stack your movies for processing when you are away from your work or sleep. There are batch mode instructions in the FAQ section of the second thread Sophocles listed above.

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