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19. April 2007 @ 12:48 |
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im not usually a fan of Nicholas Cage, but Next looks quite good. Even though i don't like him, he has been in some really good films such as The Rock, and, Face Off. I didn't see Ghost Rider, but i heard it was crap, so i didn't watch it.
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20. April 2007 @ 14:08 |
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Who's watching spider man 3 at the movies? This is the part he turns evil.
Junior Member
20. April 2007 @ 16:10 |
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He doesn't turn evil. The suit is a symbiote that fuels his more primal nature. But yes, I will be seeing it on the day it comes out. And if that's not geeky enough, I will be seeing it with my computer club. Whee...
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21. April 2007 @ 02:51 |
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yes i will be seeing spiderman 3 quite soon after the release. the date for uk rls is 4 may, what is the date in america?
also do you really belong to a computer club and let me guess you live in america because they don't do them sort of things in england.
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21. April 2007 @ 11:44 |
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may 4 in the U.S also. I can't belive shrek 3 is coming out.
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22. April 2007 @ 13:44 |
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Hello all. So what did you guys think about The Reaping? I thought the twist at the end was nice.
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22. April 2007 @ 17:33 |
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Thought thaat the reaping was pretty cool, can't say that I expected the twist at the end though, which maade it all the better. It will be interesting to see if they make a sequal as it sort of left it that they could (will not give away any more!!)
Went today to see Fracture which as I expected was damm good!! Nice to see Rosumund Pike again, I was watching the movie and could not remember what I had seen her in but it was James Bond" Die Another Day, she was a babe then & still is! She played Miranda Frost
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22. April 2007 @ 17:36 |
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
22. April 2007 @ 21:39 |
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Just got Back from Disterbia! It is a kick ass movie. All I can say is I am now officially broke! LOL!
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22. April 2007 @ 21:41 |
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LOL. I gotta check that movie out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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23. April 2007 @ 03:52 |
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Originally posted by Domreis: Just got Back from Disterbia! It is a kick ass movie. All I can say is I am now officially broke! LOL!
Yep, the price of popcorn is daylight robery!!
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23. April 2007 @ 13:32 |
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Originally posted by Domreis: Just got Back from Disterbia! It is a kick ass movie. All I can say is I am now officially broke! LOL!
Was it nice and bloody? I saw some splatter action on the previews.
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25. April 2007 @ 09:38 |
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Just watched die hard 4 trailer 2. Man, the movie looks good.
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26. April 2007 @ 00:16 |
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Last films I saw were 300, Blood Diamond, Gangs of New York and A Clockwork Orange. They were all really good, I want to see Spiderman 3 next, looks really cool.
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27. April 2007 @ 10:47 |
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I still haven't seen 300 or blood diamonds yet but I will soon. "A Clockwork Orange" is a great flick and an oldie...late sixties I think. When the movie came out, I was trying to read the bood but gave up; the "cockney" was really intense with a cockney dictionary in the back of the book; I couldn't deal with it but they toned down the cockney in the movie for the sake of those who aren't from London (or who understand it). It was actually a social commentary about psychological "aversion therapy" which was a big deal back in those days.
28. April 2007 @ 06:22 |
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A Clockwork Orange is '71.i have a weird skill of knowing the year of every film ive ever seen or read up on.yep,a great film.ive been meaning to read the book but never gotten round to it.the heavy cockney you mention has put me off a bit though.
300 is a terrible film.dont buy into the hype on that one.its very entertaining though if you let it be.its a love it or hate it film.youll either really enjoy it or youll be too distracted by how terrible it is to let yourself.i fall into the latter.
Gangs Of New York is the only Scorsese that ive seen and didnt like.didnt hate it though.ive got a feeling that id dislike The Aviator more if i ever saw it which i have no intention of doing.
forget Rear Window instead.youll have a much better time for a fraction of the price.
i must be the only person in the world who isnt hyped for Spiderman 3.everywhere i go people are talkng about it.i couldnt care less about it to be honest even though i quite enoyed the first 2.ill probably catch it on DVD somewhere along the line though unless it gets really crappy reviews which is unlikely.
i watched Oldboy a few days ago.amazing film
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. April 2007 @ 06:41
Senior Member
28. April 2007 @ 06:58 |
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@gerry1, Lol, I'm not even going to bother reading the book, heavy cockney is undecipherable even for me. You should see 300 & Blood Diamond when you can, I really recommend Blood Diamond, its such a great film.
Originally posted by 97bullock: A Clockwork Orange is '71.i have a weird skill of knowing the year of every film ive ever seen or read up on.yep,a great film.ive been meaning to read the book but never gotten round to it.the heavy cockney you mention has put me off a bit though.
300 is a terrible film.dont buy into the hype on that one.its very entertaining though if you let it be.its a love it or hate it film.youll either really enjoy it or youll be too distracted by how terrible it is to let yourself.i fall into the latter.
Gangs Of New York is the only Scorsese that ive seen and didnt like.didnt hate it though.ive got a feeling that id dislike The Aviator more if i ever saw it which i have no intention of doing.
forget Rear Window instead.youll have a much better time for a fraction of the price.
i must be the only person in the world who isnt hyped for Spiderman 3.everywhere i go people are talkng about it.i couldnt care less about it to be honest even though i quite enoyed the first 2.ill probably catch it on DVD somewhere along the line though unless it gets really crappy reviews which is unlikely.
i watched Oldboy a few days ago.amazing film
300 was great I thought, what didn't you like about it? Besides the fact that its not historically correct (I don't know why everyone's making such a big deal over that) its a good film, story could be a bit deeper but its an enjoyable watch.
28. April 2007 @ 08:26 |
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well it seems that we pretty much just use the word 'great' a lot more readily than i do.i simply cant use the word great for something that i find lots of flaws with and the only positive thing i have to say about it is that it is very each his own i guess
the historical inaccuracy doesnt bother not very knowledgeable on history because it doesnt really interest quote from The History Boys ( ),'its just one f***ing thing after another'.i wouldnt have even known it was historically inaccurate if it wasnt for so many people saying it was so yeah that doesnt bother me.i can see why it would bother some people though.
it was a very simplistic story with very simplistic and often cheesy dialogue (tonight we dine in hell was cringeworthy).
it used WAY too much slow motion which killed the effect and just made it fact when i came out of the cinema i joked to my friend that it would have only been on for an hour if it wasnt for all the slow motion.that might be a slight exaggeration but its not far from the truth.
it had some good special effects but nothing we havent seen before in lots of other better films than this one.
i dont blame people for finding it entertaining (in fact i wish i could have done) but thats all it has going for it.its an enjoyable time if you turn your brain off so you dont think about all the flaws but its nothing more than that.its just a popcorn flick that will soon be forgotten once the hypes died down
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. April 2007 @ 08:37
Senior Member
28. April 2007 @ 11:04 |
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Originally posted by 97bullock: well it seems that we pretty much just use the word 'great' a lot more readily than i do.i simply cant use the word great for something that i find lots of flaws with and the only positive thing i have to say about it is that it is very each his own i guess
the historical inaccuracy doesnt bother not very knowledgeable on history because it doesnt really interest quote from The History Boys ( ),'its just one f***ing thing after another'.i wouldnt have even known it was historically inaccurate if it wasnt for so many people saying it was so yeah that doesnt bother me.i can see why it would bother some people though.
it was a very simplistic story with very simplistic and often cheesy dialogue (tonight we dine in hell was cringeworthy).
it used WAY too much slow motion which killed the effect and just made it fact when i came out of the cinema i joked to my friend that it would have only been on for an hour if it wasnt for all the slow motion.that might be a slight exaggeration but its not far from the truth.
it had some good special effects but nothing we havent seen before in lots of other better films than this one.
i dont blame people for finding it entertaining (in fact i wish i could have done) but thats all it has going for it.its an enjoyable time if you turn your brain off so you dont think about all the flaws but its nothing more than that.its just a popcorn flick that will soon be forgotten once the hypes died down
I guess your entitled to your opinion and I definitely agree with the fact that it was too Hollywood. But still the film was great, lots of people agree with me (see the reviews):
My copy of The Departed arrived from Amazon a week back, anyone seen that? Still haven't had the chance to watch it, heard its good though.
28. April 2007 @ 12:06 |
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its far from great.its an absolute mess of a film.but you are entitled to your opinion just as much as i am i suppose
Quote: the film was great, lots of people agree with me
and lots of people disagree as well
like i say,its a love it or hate it film.people either love it despite its flaws or condemn it because of its flaws.
i like the fact that you were able to talk about it objectively and admit its flaws instead of just blindly defending it like most fans that ive discussed the film with have.
yeah,ive seen The Departed.its a decent film.lots of one liners and some pretty good performances.i prefer the original though.and it was an absolute insult that this is the film that earnt Marty his Oscar.thats not to take anything away from the film though.
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28. April 2007 @ 13:26 |
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Rav wrote:
Quote: its not historically correct (I don't know why everyone's making such a big deal over that)
I know the Iranians are all pissed off about something. So too, if they were to make it historically accurate, it would end up being a gay S&M porn flick LOL! They may have been the most kick-ass guys in history but they did have a ...taste for the bizarre? One of our educational channels had a special on the spartans when 300 came out and it was really great but it leaves you wondering how an entire society can be so "out there".
97bullock is certainly seems to be one of those movies people either love or hate. They said on the tube that it is the first movie with an entirely digital background (but I don't exactly know what they mean by that).
29. April 2007 @ 18:19 |
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who likes spider man...i heard toby is not going to be in part 4......but if hes not in part 4 then it will suck just like batman and 007 it sucks when the charecters are changed i just hope enough ppl post enough positive things bout toby and it then travels to him and convences him to stay
29. April 2007 @ 18:30 |
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this is for the spiderman fans...i heard spiderman will be made up to prt6 but as for toby prt3 is his last i just hope if enough ppl can spread the word to keep toby all the way through maybe the word will reach the right ppl....but if they are going to change char. then they should not even make anymore...just like 007 and batman good movies but ruins things when char. are changed...toby is the spiderman no-one else hes got the looks the voice and already knows how to play the part...plz spread the word to keep toby.
herd dunst said no to 4 but changed mind and will be in 4 hope toby stays as the one and only spiderman
29. April 2007 @ 23:34 |
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Quote: They said on the tube that it is the first movie with an entirely digital background (but I don't exactly know what they mean by that).
well the whole film was filmed in a warehouse and all the walls of the warehouse were greenscreened (well they used a blue screen instead of a green screen apparently.something to do with the bronze effect or something and blue worked better for that) and the actors flailed about around the warehouse and whatnot and then all the background shots were computer animated and added in place of the green later.all the clouds and buildings and fact everything that isnt the actor in the foreground or something that they are holding or sitting or standing on is simply a computer animation added in the trailer and youll see. some of the shots are ridiculously obvious.the shot with the water and the boat while he stands there facing the screen and the shot of the masked man standing with his back to the screen with all the others added in behind him come to mind
i watched the remake of Lolita today ( ).superb film.i haven't seen Kubricks version yet but ive heard from many people that this version is better anyway.
This Is England ( ) came out on limted release on Friday and i finally found a cinema thats playing it.its a bit of a ride away but should be worth it.Shane Meadows hasn't let me down yet.24/7,Once Upon A Time In The Midlands and Dead Mans Shoes were all fantastic.hes becoming one of my favourite directors.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. April 2007 @ 23:39
Senior Member
30. April 2007 @ 04:51 |
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I know the Iranians are all pissed off about something. So too, if they were to make it historically accurate, it would end up being a gay S&M porn flick LOL! They may have been the most kick-ass guys in history but they did have a ...taste for the bizarre? One of our educational channels had a special on the spartans when 300 came out and it was really great but it leaves you wondering how an entire society can be so "out there".
Lmao, theres actually a great YouTube video about that if I can find it.
This Is England ( ) came out on limted release on Friday and i finally found a cinema thats playing it.its a bit of a ride away but should be worth it.Shane Meadows hasn't let me down yet.24/7,Once Upon A Time In The Midlands and Dead Mans Shoes were all fantastic.hes becoming one of my favourite directors.
I really liked This Is England and Dead Man's Shoes. I need to get them on DVD.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. April 2007 @ 05:02