I am using zonealarm pro and I noticed that my speed in bittorrent has dropped dramatically. I am on a Netgear WGR641v4 router with 3 workstations connected. I have green lights in all bittorrent clients that I have used, but I have really slow download speeds / upload speeds. When I mean slow I mean slow as in 3kb dl and 1-2kb ul. I was wondering if zonealarm pro installed on the workstations that are not using bittorrent will make my connection slow and block off my bittorrent.
If you have any ideas or suggestion please help !!
The latest stable release of Zone Alarm (in conjunction with P2P software) is 4.5
The newer versions cause all sorts of problems if you use P2P networks. Also make sure the correct ports are opened
I merely reiterated the port issue, after i informed him of the fact that the newer versions of Zone Alarm cause problems with P2P.
So why dont you stop being such a prick and chill, if you've got nothing better to do than post saying "U Sad"
Yes, the ports are opened in zonealarm. I found out that windows xp2 has only a certain amount of connections opened and that i needed to update the file.