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Using Action Replay Codes on your R4/M3 Simply
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12. January 2008 @ 16:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BTW The Codejunkies native files are in XML format. Once cnverted they are then saved into the *.DAT format.
Junior Member
12. January 2008 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
XML file uploaded. It's the exact same file I used for the converted AR NDS Codes As Of 12 Jan 2007 zip previously. Consolidated below for easy access.

1. AR NDS Codes As Of 12 Jan 2007

2. AR NDS Codes - XML

Can anyone help me with conversion of NDS CBS codes to AR format?
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14. January 2008 @ 17:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can some1 please answer my question from last page?
17. January 2008 @ 02:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There seems to be some type of anomalie in the creation of the *.dat files. On 1/12/08 I downloaded the US and Europe XML cheats and coverted them to *.dat files. On 1/14/08 I attempted to open the *.dat file with the R4 Cheat editor and the application locked up. I attempted to open the the cheats four times and each time the app locked up. This was only on the US cheats the european cheats opened just fine after the conversion.

In addition I noticed that there is quite a change in file sizes for both the US and European XML/DAT files. For example the file that was bad was a large 3,486 KB in size. larger than any other US file downloaded previously or since.

The European file that I downloaded on 1/15/08 was only 903KB in sized compared to a 2,680KB file that was downloaded on 1/13/08 I re-downloaded and converted the 1/15 file again and got the same 903KB file size. Every European file prior to 1/15 was larger then the 1/15 file.

I am not sure what the anomaly is and if it resides on the Code Junkies website or the conversion of the R4 code editor.

Questions is has anyone experienced this issue?

Filesizes are as follow:

US file date and sizes:

112907(2,549)KB, 122207(1,680KB), 010408(2,572KB), 011308 - bad file(3,464KB), 011508(1,689KB)

European file date and sizes:

112907(1,772)KB, 122207(2,567KB), 010408(1,791KB), 011308(2,680KB), 011508(903KB)
17. January 2008 @ 06:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, I finally got it working.
20. January 2008 @ 05:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay,I have A LOT of questions

1. What do you mean by "update MicroSD card with the new firmware "?I'm using winRAR and I don't understand how to.
2. When I copy the codejunkies US games to my custom code list,I check it and it says: "load failed"
3.When I go to C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists ,I can't seem to find customcodelist.xml
4.I don't understand what you mean by: open the card again and navigate to the system folder. Copy the new usrcheat.dat file to that folder and you are done :)
Sorry for making it so long.I just want to get cheats on my R4
Junior Member
20. January 2008 @ 10:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by burner562:
Okay,I have A LOT of questions

1. What do you mean by "update MicroSD card with the new firmware "?I'm using winRAR and I don't understand how to.
2. When I copy the codejunkies US games to my custom code list,I check it and it says: "load failed"
3.When I go to C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists ,I can't seem to find customcodelist.xml
4.I don't understand what you mean by: open the card again and navigate to the system folder. Copy the new usrcheat.dat file to that folder and you are done :)
Sorry for making it so long.I just want to get cheats on my R4
1. Download the .RAR file from the first page of this thread and extract it to a new folder. If you open your MicroSD and find no files inside at all, copy all files INSIDE the new folder (and NOT the new folder itself) into your MicroSD card. That will update the firmware.

For questions 2 and 3...

2. Technical issue, please get support from Codejunkies.

3. I'm too lazy to explain this, especially since I'm going to upload the new updated files that I've just done.

For question 4...

Here are the updated .DAT and .XML files for all US/EU codes as of 20 January 2008.

a) AR NDS Codes - DAT (for people who just want a quick update)

b) AR NDS Codes - XML (for people who would rather customize)

4. Once 1 is done, there should now be a "_system_"folder in your SD card. Open that and you should see a usrcheat.dat file. If you just want a quick update, just download the a) link and extract the files from there. Overwrite the usrcheat.dat file from your MicroSD file with the new extracted .dat files.

I personally use the Ultimate Zip application myself because I'm too lazy to use two different clients just for zipping. Happy downloading! And tell me if the files don't work.
20. January 2008 @ 15:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Question 2 - Codejunkies appears to be haveing some issues that just started happening in the last 12 hours. I assume that you are getting the "Load Fail" either while copying the codes to your local system or because the XML file(s) do not reside in "C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists" which is most lkely the reason.

Question 3 - The files that you are looking for is not the customcodelist.xml file, but should be either "Codejunkies US Games.xml" or "Codejunkies EU Games.xml" the name depends on if you are downloading the US and/or the Europe code set. These files should reside in "C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists" unless there was a failure during the copy process or the files were somehow deleted/renamed.

If you downloaded Covenant8 files make sure you put them in the correct directory for the code editor: "C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists"
22. January 2008 @ 20:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry if this has been asked before, but...

I just added cheats to my R4. However, the only ones that appear are the ones that already had cheat files to begin with, and then I get to buttons at the bottom saying 'cheat'. How do I get the cheat option to appear on the other games?
Junior Member
22. January 2008 @ 21:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by LankyJon:
Sorry if this has been asked before, but...

I just added cheats to my R4. However, the only ones that appear are the ones that already had cheat files to begin with, and then I get to buttons at the bottom saying 'cheat'. How do I get the cheat option to appear on the other games?
As long as the .dat file doesn't contain cheats for any particular game, the cheat option won't show up. I hope that answers your question.

T_T Mine still isn't being answered though...
25. January 2008 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you covenant8.In the DAT AR codes,can you still add more codes like for pokemon pearl,Arceus event?
26. January 2008 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay i just updated the firmwire of my M3DS Simply to v1.11 i have copied the cheat to system folder but it still does not show up, can anyone help me out, i had it working on v1.04 but i had to update because when i tried to use v1.04 it says loading then nothing happens.
27. January 2008 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by melenor:
Okay i just updated the firmwire of my M3DS Simply to v1.11 i have copied the cheat to system folder but it still does not show up, can anyone help me out, i had it working on v1.04 but i had to update because when i tried to use v1.04 it says loading then nothing happens.

Melenor,you probably put in a file that shouldn't be there.Like if you put a folder like English 1.11 .So plug in your SD into the USB and check if only the necessary files are there.
Some on please answer mine!
Junior Member
27. January 2008 @ 09:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by burner562:
Thank you covenant8.In the DAT AR codes,can you still add more codes like for pokemon pearl,Arceus event?
I just came back from work. I hate my customers.

Just FYI. As long as Codejunkies (CJ) does not have the codes as per their website, the .dat and .xml files I created will not have them.

Therefore, the answer to your question is no.

I'm not sure if Codebreakers (CBS) has them or not. But even if they did, you would need a code converter to convert CBS codes to AR codes. Which is why I'm asking if anyone can teach me to convert codes.
Junior Member
1. February 2008 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Updated as of 2 February 2008.

1. AR NDS Codes - DAT

2. AR NDS Codes - XML
5. February 2008 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay i got 1.04 to work but for some reason the codes didn't work still, and 2 of my games wouldn't play so i just went back to v1.11, i am trying to either get the action replay codes to work with v.1.11 or find a NDS emulator that supports pokemon action replay codes, or get the R4 frimware to work on my M3 DS Simply
10. February 2008 @ 06:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi there. I was wondering how you get all the codes from the codejunkies site because there is an incomplete list of games that will show up. Also, how can you subscribe to other sites?
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11. February 2008 @ 20:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First all to those who are M3 ds real users like myself this guide doesnt work for you. Why? cause they file they use is .dat and we use .xml or .db. Second is they're any way to convert the .dat to .xml or .db?
Junior Member
11. February 2008 @ 20:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Niko23:
First all to those who are M3 ds real users like myself this guide doesnt work for you. Why? cause they file they use is .dat and we use .xml or .db. Second is they're any way to convert the .dat to .xml or .db?
... I believe I stated quite clearly in my post on the new list of code downloads available that an XML file was available. Please refer to it. It's just maybe 3 or 4 posts max above this one.
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11. February 2008 @ 21:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes but what im trying to do is put a custom cheat on it. More specifically in pokemon diamond; have all starter pokemon. I know the code and all but the only way to do it is a guide on this very site but you have to save it as a .dat file which M3 ds real doesnt support.
12. February 2008 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Question since you host the firmware as a download could you not just add the cheat files into the firmware package?

opps i just noticed that, it was for the R4 and it was linking to another site i am sorry.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. February 2008 @ 19:47

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14. February 2008 @ 11:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So R4 doesn't support Animal Crossing cheats AT ALL? Most other sites confirm this. :( Shame.

Any ideas if they'll be a fix for this at any point?
19. February 2008 @ 09:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have gotten the cheat.dat to work but i am unable to add codes to the cheat.dat or add codes to the xml file and then export it into the cheat.dat and i am unable to get the usrcheat.dat to work even if i just renamed the cheat.dat to usrcheat.dat, all i am trying to do is get come of the pokemon diamond cheats will work they have worked on a regular Action Replay, and i have down graded to v1.04 just to see if that helped with pokemon codes and cheat codes. thanks for any help
21. February 2008 @ 21:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have m3 Simply v 1.07 (M3DSS English Version) and i have the customized usrcheat.dat in my SD card. I went to the Game option, the option at the menu with the controller as an icon. Currently i get an error message saying

"This types of files currently
not allowed to operate [OK (A)]" < that was a button it led me to.

I did everything correctly and v 1.07 is the lastest firmware for m3 Simply... isn't it? Any suggestions?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. February 2008 @ 21:30

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21. February 2008 @ 21:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Dragon132:
I have m3 Simply v 1.07 (M3DSS English Version) and i have the customized usrcheat.dat in my SD card. I went to the Game option, the option at the menu with the controller as an icon. Currently i get an error message saying

"This types of files currently
not allowed to operate [OK (A)]" < that was a button it led me to.

I did everything correctly and v 1.07 is the lastest firmware for m3 Simply... isn't it? Any suggestions?
Actually the latest firmware is actually v1.11 you can get it here [url=][/url]

Download the English Chiness or whatever version you need but as for the Actionreplay problems I don't know

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