Using Action Replay Codes on your R4/M3 Simply
19. May 2008 @ 18:59 |
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wher do I find the folder,and where do I find the xml?
19. May 2008 @ 19:10 |
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i mean this file
C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
where do I find the XML?
Junior Member
20. May 2008 @ 00:03 |
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Originally posted by Timothy00: He i really folowed every step but it did't work for me i downt even get the Y cheat option on my R4ds maby i did something stupids but can some1 help me out plz tell me what do you need to have cheat.dat or usrcheat.dat or both and where do you need to put it in _system_ folder right plz maby i need to download something first or do i need to remove something but plzzh help me.What do i did wrong i have downloaden the newest kernel v.1.18 that the as firmware or not .. mmmhhhmm
Refer to this screenshot.
And yes, you can only use one DAT file. At least, I've been merging both lists into one DAT file so far and the codes work perfectly for me...
Originally posted by Neku1236: i mean this file
C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
where do I find the XML?
You can't find the XML files unless you load some subscriptions from the AR Manager.
20. May 2008 @ 02:31 |
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Originally posted by Timothy00: He i really folowed every step but it did't work for me i downt even get the Y cheat option on my R4ds maby i did something stupids but can some1 help me out plz tell me what do you need to have cheat.dat or usrcheat.dat or both and where do you need to put it in _system_ folder right plz maby i need to download something first or do i need to remove something but plzzh help me.What do i did wrong i have downloaden the newest kernel v.1.18 that the as firmware or not .. mmmhhhmm
Your supposed to put the usrcheat.dat in the system folder.Just the system folder.
20. May 2008 @ 09:58 |
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Originally posted by burner562: Originally posted by Timothy00: He i really folowed every step but it did't work for me i downt even get the Y cheat option on my R4ds maby i did something stupids but can some1 help me out plz tell me what do you need to have cheat.dat or usrcheat.dat or both and where do you need to put it in _system_ folder right plz maby i need to download something first or do i need to remove something but plzzh help me.What do i did wrong i have downloaden the newest kernel v.1.18 that the as firmware or not .. mmmhhhmm
Your supposed to put the usrcheat.dat in the system folder.Just the system folder.
Downt put it with cheat,But why if you just downloaded kernel and open the map there is a cheat.dat file in.But anyway i have done that to but it didnt work for me im gonna make a video taday or tomorow about my problem plz i send the link but add coment here or by the video plz i show every step of my work there
Go visit it has great download all cheats for r4 and m3 simle ..
22. May 2008 @ 14:13 |
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I have followed your instructions and I see the Cheat button but when I say Save and Exit it goes back to the directory of games on the r4. How do I know if its working? Also while I'm on the cheat list and say Select All, it doesn't select anything. Did I miss something? I have both cheat.dat and usrcheat.dat on the system folder. One thing though is the cheat file is in chinese (my ds in english) but this is what they have on the r4ds site (i emailed them bec it says english but when you open the file its chinese).
23. May 2008 @ 10:21 |
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Originally posted by jumpstart: I have followed your instructions and I see the Cheat button but when I say Save and Exit it goes back to the directory of games on the r4. How do I know if its working? Also while I'm on the cheat list and say Select All, it doesn't select anything. Did I miss something? I have both cheat.dat and usrcheat.dat on the system folder. One thing though is the cheat file is in Chinese (my ds in English) but this is what they have on the r4ds site (i emailed them because it says English but when you open the file its Chinese).
The first question is really silly.Well DUH it's gonna sen you back to the games directory on the R4.How else are you gonna get back?For example: For pokemon pearl,there's a code that gives you max poke dollars.It tells you to press L+R.Press L+R then see if it worked.Now for your second question.You must've downloaded the the Chinese kernel.:-\
23. May 2008 @ 10:41 |
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So after I chose CHEAT, ENABLE GAME (it won't let me do SELECT ALL, the codes are not highlighted on the top screen is this normal?) and SAVE and EXIT. I go to the directory of games and START the game. However, at any point during the game I don't see any indication on what to press thats why I wasn't sure if its working.
I did download the English.rar kernel seems like the cheat.dat that came with the English.rar is in Chinese characters when you open the file but maybe it doesn't matter bec the CHEAT Button does show. I emailed r4 to confirm because they have 2 download buttons but only one works (with the supposedly English.rar) haven't heard back yet. I also read on another thread that the new version kernel doesn't work well with some games such as Pokemon Pearl. I downloaded v1.18 and created the usrcheat.dat with Pearl but the Cheat button doesn't pop up like the rest. Thanks for any tips (no need to say DUH thats why its called a help forum!).
24. May 2008 @ 18:56 |
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Hello Every1
I Tried everything but rushed .. My DS keep saying ''The Hardware is not compatible'' when i chanhe CHEATS.dat with the cheat data i did (renaming as CHEATS, data still .dat )
I Downloaded R4 firmware, v 1.11
Code Manager from Datel (opened and find cheat codes but Didnt managed to DS, always writing waiting for NDS)
and R4 Cheat code editor (i created my codes and saved as usercodes.dat renamed as CHEAT later)
Im trying to cheat in Pokemon Pearl (Game ID APAE 31d0afde )
Now, Where did i made a mistake?
25. May 2008 @ 15:46 |
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Can some1 give me some cheats for pokemon mystery dungeon Quick lvl up or press .. to go next stairs or a cheat for final fantasy 3 for weapons press L R or something my cheat doesnt work when i press L and R the game just stop and i can do anything i only can press power of.
And for the animal crossing cheats doesnt work never work so downt go to every forum and ask how to put in animal crossing cheats
Go visit it has great download all cheats for r4 and m3 simle ..
Junior Member
29. May 2008 @ 10:12 |
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Ok guys this is doing my nuts in!I have M3 DS Simply real,i have followed the tutorial to the letter,i have usrcheat.dat file and cheat db in system file,i have latest firmware on card,can anybody point me in the right direction before i crack up!
29. May 2008 @ 16:29 |
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Originally posted by Timothy00: Hello,
Can some1 give me some cheats for pokemon mystery dungeon Quick lvl up or press .. to go next stairs or a cheat for final fantasy 3 for weapons press L R or something my cheat doesnt work when i press L and R the game just stop and i can do anything i only can press power of.
And for the animal crossing cheats doesnt work never work so downt go to every forum and ask how to put in animal crossing cheats
Hey man go to there oyu would find many codes.
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31. May 2008 @ 23:34 |
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Ummm... I was wondering if anyone can help me with the pokemon diamond: wild pokemon modifier cheat. It was suppose to go to arceus, but instead it went to hitmontop only , plz help me...
If anyone knows a good rom website plz tell me
2. June 2008 @ 10:22 |
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I got stuck with your guide dude. I will post the part I got stuck on.....
4. Once it has completed go this folder:
C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
Find the XML, it should say something along the lines of customcodelist.xml
Open the Code Editor and go to file and press Import XML file.
Import the one you just made and then go to file and Save As cheat database. Save it as usrcheat.dat.
Now open the card again and navigate to the system folder. Copy the new usrcheat.dat file to that folder and you are done :)
If you have any question, post here and I will help you ;)
Okay so I found the file and imside it had 2 XML documents. ONe was all those codes I just got, and the other just said default codelists. I opened the cheat code editor and went to 'file' but nothing said import xml file.
Junior Member
2. June 2008 @ 14:34 |
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In my own personal opinion, GBAtemp is a most reliable download source. Try finding your English download there.
As for the cheats file, it has nothing on it that can use, right? Do an update with the cheat editor and overwrite that.
As for everyone trying to be helpful, let us all keep trying (and improving).
3. June 2008 @ 16:57 |
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Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? I donwloaded everyintg and then imported all the codes(although I didnt really want all of them just Dragon Quest MOnsters lol)
Anyway I get to the part where you need to import xml file and I'm not sure what to do. The "file" options on the cheat code editor and the folder you poated dont have anything that say "import xml file". And there are 2 xml files in that folder, one that says codejunkies us, and the other says default codelists.
There is an option on tools which says import/export but I dont know which to use and where to copy it to
3. June 2008 @ 20:48 |
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Originally posted by nezkeys79: Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? I donwloaded everyintg and then imported all the codes(although I didnt really want all of them just Dragon Quest MOnsters lol)
Anyway I get to the part where you need to import xml file and I'm not sure what to do. The "file" options on the cheat code editor and the folder you poated dont have anything that say "import xml file". And there are 2 xml files in that folder, one that says codejunkies us, and the other says default codelists.
There is an option on tools which says import/export but I dont know which to use and where to copy it to
hey man dont use the program that r4 created use this:
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. June 2008 @ 20:49
6. June 2008 @ 09:57 |
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Thanks man but I still dont know what to do with that file you linked me to. I just downloaded it and dont have a clue what to do.
All this for a "fast level up" code on DQM:Joker!
PLease help me. It seems this site is quite slow compared to other ones I visit for getting replies.
7. June 2008 @ 07:06 |
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Dude I'm going crazy with this. I follwed the guide up to this part....
4. Once it has completed go this folder:
C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
Find the XML, it should say something along the lines of customcodelist.xml
Open the Code Editor and go to file and press Import XML file.
Import the one you just made and then go to file and Save As cheat database. Save it as usrcheat.dat.
Now open the card again and navigate to the system folder. Copy the new usrcheat.dat file to that folder and you are done :)
From here on I have been experiencing problems. Okay so I go to that folder and there are 2 documents (codejunkies EU games) (default_codelists)
I then opened up the code editor and went to "file" but nowhere does it say import XML file. The only thing close to that is import/export on "options", and going to that leads to equally confusing options.
So I tried something....dragged the default codelists XML file into the cheat code editor and then saved it as usrcheat.dat. It saved to the desktop for some reason. I then opened my card up and dragged the usrcheat.dat into the system folder. Now in that system folder I already had a cheat file and a cheat code editor.
Anyhow that didnt work so I am now dragging the usrcheat.dat into the cheat code editor file.
I need some guidance guys
7. June 2008 @ 07:19 |
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its still saying "waiting for ds" on the left hand side of the cheat code manager. I thought you didnt need to buy an action replay for this?
Junior Member
7. June 2008 @ 09:29 |
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Originally posted by nezkeys79: Dude I'm going crazy with this. I follwed the guide up to this part....
4. Once it has completed go this folder:
C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
Find the XML, it should say something along the lines of customcodelist.xml
Open the Code Editor and go to file and press Import XML file.
Import the one you just made and then go to file and Save As cheat database. Save it as usrcheat.dat.
Now open the card again and navigate to the system folder. Copy the new usrcheat.dat file to that folder and you are done :)
From here on I have been experiencing problems. Okay so I go to that folder and there are 2 documents (codejunkies EU games) (default_codelists)
I then opened up the code editor and went to "file" but nowhere does it say import XML file. The only thing close to that is import/export on "options", and going to that leads to equally confusing options.
So I tried something....dragged the default codelists XML file into the cheat code editor and then saved it as usrcheat.dat. It saved to the desktop for some reason. I then opened my card up and dragged the usrcheat.dat into the system folder. Now in that system folder I already had a cheat file and a cheat code editor.
Anyhow that didnt work so I am now dragging the usrcheat.dat into the cheat code editor file.
I need some guidance guys
Download this screenshot video I made and watch it. Ignore the blue-base software I used to record the video.
After saving the file, just follow the rest of the directions.
Originally posted by nezkeys79: its still saying "waiting for ds" on the left hand side of the cheat code manager. I thought you didnt need to buy an action replay for this?
You can ignore the DS side - it can permanently stay waiting without any side effects. All you need is the subscription and my codelists side because that's where you get your codelists from.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. June 2008 @ 09:30
8. June 2008 @ 12:09 |
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thanks I'll download it tomorrow. But 1 thing I just went to the site and watched the video and it was too small to see anything. maybe when I donwload it tomorrow I will be able to see it larger?
It also looked like your operating system was different. I hope I can find what to do from the import XML file part
Junior Member
8. June 2008 @ 19:53 |
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Originally posted by nezkeys79: thanks I'll download it tomorrow. But 1 thing I just went to the site and watched the video and it was too small to see anything. maybe when I donwload it tomorrow I will be able to see it larger?
It also looked like your operating system was different. I hope I can find what to do from the import XML file part
My operating system is WinXP.
9. June 2008 @ 11:57 |
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hello i got an m3 card i did what you said but when i turn on my ds there is no place that i can selcted the cheats from.
9. June 2008 @ 12:00 |
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help. i really want some cheats. all i want the cheats for is to get a shinny stone but i can't if it don't work could somebody please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!