Okay, first thing is first: I have correctly forwarded ports 6881-6889 in my Linksys router settings. I forward to my internal IP which ends in .103. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to forward to that or .100. I do not use the Windows XP firewlal. I have ensured it's off numerous times. I use Zone Alarm Pro, the newest version. Okay, I am on the second newest Azureus client. I heard the newest one isn't good, so I'm not using it. I have tried it though. At first, on the older client, I was still getting yellow faces even without the NAT error. Do the yellow faces come up when there are 0 seeds? I doubt it considering one of my current downloads is green with no seeds and currently downloading at 0kpbs. At first, when I forwarded the ports yesterday, I was getting great download speeds. A constant 180 mostly. But I still had the yellow face. So I tried updating to the newest Azureus. The face went green, but the download speed dropped. So I reverted back to the older version. This brings me to where I'm currently at. My only download has 0(1) seeds and 90(177) peers. It has a green face but the download speed is staying in between 0-12ish. I have my upload speed set to a max of 25, btw. I have also just tried disabling ZA Pro, but it doesn't change anything. The thing I don't get is: from an hour ago, on the older version, with yellow faces, and high download speeds, to now, older version, green faces, and LOW download speeds - what happened? Did I actually forward a port wrong? Are there other ports that need forwarding? Should I get the newest version of Azureus? Should I have certain options set in Azureus, like, max download or upload speed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.