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problems with Nero/ DVD burner
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Junior Member
9. November 2004 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried to burn a DVD and found the write speed in Nero locked at 2x. My TDK Burner can do 4X. I tried to burn anyway but attemps so far failed. Now when I enter a blank DVD it it nero reads the drive as empty. I used Nero toolkit to try to fix but nothing. I even uninstalled and installed again, but the write time is locked at 2X.
I don't know if the problem is my burner or Nero. I've burned TONS of DVDs but i've never had this problem before. Any help is appreciated.
Junior Member
9. November 2004 @ 22:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the problem is with my DVD Burner. The last 6 DVDs burned are all defective (skipping, freezing, & pixelation after 20 minutes -tested on multiple players). Nero is still locked on 2X write speed but aborts on start up claiming blank disc is not empty. Tried using DVD Decryptor and get same results. Bottom messege reads "device not ready" even though blank disc is inside. PLEASE, any help is again greatly appreciated.

Also -the folder i hold my ISO images had something weird happen. About a hundred files saying "CTFF".IDX popped up out of nowhere. I've never seen that happen before.
Senior Member
9. November 2004 @ 23:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

What media are you using ?
What model burner do you have?
Have you tried updating the firmware?

Sounds like it is a media problem.
The only detecting as 2x is not actually a Nero problem, but a media.

Junior Member
10. November 2004 @ 09:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a TDK All format burner (don't know the model #) and have recently been using Prodisc grade-A inkjet printable DVD-R disc. I have never had a problem with prodisc though i also use Ritek DVD+R (gone through 300 or more Prodisc without a problem). No I haven't upgraded the firmware. I'm sure it's a stupid question but how do i do that?
Senior Member
10. November 2004 @ 12:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well before you can update the Firmware, you will need to know the model number of your burner.

Best way, download DVD IDENTIFIER from then install that.

It will have the model number and firmware version at the top. Type that here.

Have you tried burning on Ritek's recently to see if its any differnt.

Junior Member
10. November 2004 @ 15:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Haven't burned any riteks because i recently ran out. I have about 30 prodisc left, but if you're correct about it being the media they're all useless.

The info i got from the DVD Identifier is:
Firmware 1.08
Junior Member
11. November 2004 @ 14:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just tried with brand new media (TDK 8X DVD+R) and results are stll the same:

1. Nero locked at 2X write speed
2. reads burner as empty when blank disc is inside
3. DVD Decryptor continues to read as "device not ready (medium not present)" even after new disc has been placed.
Junior Member
12. November 2004 @ 17:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Burner continues to not recognize DVDs. Even using DVDIdentifier reads the burner as empty even with a disc inside. The Burner does play CD-Rs and CDROMs. This is really weird. I've upgraded firmware and drivers. Checked BIOS IDE and Jumper settings. Reinstalled roxio (came with Burner bundle) and that didn't help.
Could it be I need a DVD Decoder? I don't think so because my MSI DVD-Drive plays without any problem. If its a decoder i need where do i get one?
No Error mesage pops up. Simply says Drive empty.
AfterDawn Addict
12. November 2004 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Hi there dusty107, welcome to aD,

One problem is Roxio - It doesn't play with Nero at all - Our forum is littered with Roxio problems - Search for yourself - Roxio needs to go when you're up to your armpits.

The exceptions are only when Roxio is shut down in msconfig. In your case, ditch it - once your problem is solved, try to sneak it in BUT most likely, with the trouble you've had so far, I would bet that it will crop up again -

I strongly suggest you uninstall it straight away - you'll have to rip it out be the roots, Uninstall it from Control panel then use this -

Roxio Zapper

Remove all types of Roxio tentacles and tendrils with Roxio Zapper -

Find it here:

Once you've done that, reboot your PC to "flush everything out of your PC's system :)

Now, since Nero has been screwed up by Roxio you'll need to uninstall it (do a "clean" uninstall - If you are going to uninstall Nero you must do a "clean" uninstall.

You must use all of Nero's Clean tools in order to do the job correctly.

They can all be found here:

General Clean tool
Registry cleaner and driver cleaner
InCD Clean tool

When you reinstall Nero 6 DO NOT install InCD OR if you do, turn it off in msconfig (better to not install it) it can and does cause problems with other proggys.

When installing and uninstalling programs it's a good practice complete the operation with a PC reboot. It only takes a minute, help it can, hurt it won't.

Whenever you're uninstalling a program, it's a good practice to reboot your PC (even if it's not called for) to help "Flush" the program out. By the same token, when you install a program, it's a good practice to reboot your PC (even though it doesn't call for it) to help the "New" guy "Settle" it in.

Now that we've done that (I know it's a "Pain" but when it's done correctly the first time and all the steps are followed then we don't have problems AND we don't have to do it all over again.

Then let's checkout some of your basics - There are some things we should check as they have a direct influence over how our drive behaves -

1. Let's check for up-to-date Firmware for your burner.

"OK, so what is this "Firmware" garbage?" Fair question. Firmware is a "tutor" who's job it is to "introduce" all the different kinds of media to your burner and to tell your burner a little bit about it. What type of media it is and at what speed to burn it. As new media in introduced OR, as the Mfgrs of your burner find new ways to use it, new Firmware updates come out to "school" your burner, keeping it up-to-date.

At the bottom of the page look for "What's my firmware? - Try this little tool I found," Download this tool and check out your Firmware's health (up-to-date wise). You can probably get a current upgrade there also -

Firmware page -

Now we need to see if we have a working ASPI Layer.

"Yea right, and ASPI stands for Another Stupid Piece of Insanity, right ?" No, not quite, it stands for "Advanced SCSI Programming Interface". "Well that tells me nothing, what's it do ?" That's a much easier question to answer. It is kind of a "translator" allowing your software to talk your hardware in a manner that your hardware will understand. Let's imagine an Earthman trying to talk to a rock. Now, think of a sledgehammer as being the interface. With the interface in play, the Earthman can tell the rock to disperse into gravel no matter what planet the rock is from, OK ? Good, let's see if we have a sledgehammer -

2. Check for your ASPI Layer. If one isn't present, we'll need to get one and reinstall it, then reboot our PC to allow it to "settle in".

ASPI Checker -

Force 1.8 ASPI Layer -

If you've found you need an ASPI layer OR would like some additional information about it - here you go -

Finally, we need to check your DMA. "Ooohh, no you're not ! Only my husband or my Doctor checks my "D", "M" . . whatever . . ." No, no, it's OK, DMA stands for "Direct Memory Access" transfer mode OR as we say in the computer field, it's a really, fast way to move stuff. Many PC's today are using UDMA or "Ultra Direct Memory Access transfer mode, or as we like to call it, a really super-duper fast way to move stuff as opposed to the PIO mode. The PIO or Programmed I/O mode, is a technique whereby the system CPU and support hardware directly control the transfer of data between the system and the hard disk since shortly after the beginning of PC's up until the mid-1990's. So we want DMA (fast) more than we PIO (slow).

3. Let's check your Drive's transfer mode. It should be DMA-4, not PIO.
Windows XP downgrades the Ultra DMA transfer mode after receiving six CRC errors and drops it down to the much slower PIO mode.

To enable DMA mode using the Device Manager
1. Open Device Manager
2. Double-click IDE ATA//ATAPI Controllers to display the list of controllers and channels.
3. Right-click the icon for the channel to which your burner is connected and select Properties. Now click the Advanced Settings tab.
4. In the Current Transfer Mode drop-down box, select DMA if available if the current setting says, "PIO Only."
If the drop-down box already says, "DMA if Available" but the current transfer mode is PIO, then the user must "toggle" the settings. That is, change the selection from "DMA if available" to PIO only, and click "OK".
Then repeat the steps above to change the selection to "DMA if available".

OPTION: Right-click the burner and select "Uninstall" and then "OK" all prompts until the PC reboots. Upon rebooting, the PC should "find" your burner and reinstall it setting it by "Default" to DMA.

Now let's see if everything will work together the way we want it to, OK ?

Give it a test run and let us know how you make out - thus far -

Lastly, I know I haven't been easy on you BUT I'm addressing all of your issues -

The last thing is your media -

Yes I know, you've done 300 burns with no problems BUT Prodisc isn't in the top ten on the quality media chart -

Switch back to your Ritek - Ya had a good one there -

Try with your Prodisc but if you still have trouble (I sure hope your don't) consider a change -

Keep us posted on your progress and we'll try to work you through the bumps -



The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. November 2004 @ 20:20

Junior Member
12. November 2004 @ 23:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First off, thank you Pete & CJC for trying to help.

I already knew about INCD and Roxio and its problems with Nero and other programs (learned it all here at Afterdawn.Com!) and got rid of them long ago. I only reinstalled Roxio to see if it would help. It didn't.
Just the same, Pete I did everything you listed step by step. Did the Roxio zapper, cleaned out Nero & reinstalled, checked firmware (already upgaded), checked ASPI and upgraded with Force 1.8. The DMA part i coudn't do because there was no "advanced settings" tab after going into the "channels" properties section. I did disable the burner and after rebooting the system the computer did find & reinstall it.

Sadly, it didn't help. The Burner is still reading as empty even though a DVD or DVD-R is inside. Turned on Nero express and put in a blank TDK 8X DVD+R and hit burn. Disc ejected and error message popped up stating device empty. Its as if someone flicked a switch from CD/DVD to CD only.

MY fear is that if i go out and get a new burner, i'll save problem as soon as i install it as i'm having right now with this burner.

13. November 2004 @ 08:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dusty i had the exact same problem an
i installed a new dvd burner and it was slow as honey
i removed the older burner and used the new burner as master and it seem to solve the problem
i also use dvdxcopy and i also have nero6 they dont seem to conflict (not yet)

Junior Member
13. November 2004 @ 10:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The troublesd DVD Burner is the master (my MSI DVD drive is the slave). If it was slow i'd be happy.
Whats going on is the burner/ computer doesn't acknowledge the presence of any form of DVD media in the burner. It does everything else.

The MSI Drive has no problems at all.
AfterDawn Addict
13. November 2004 @ 14:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


I need to take you back a bit farther, stick with me, OK ?

Where did the files you want to burn come from -

What proggy, did you use and what format were they in - this might be very imporant -

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
Junior Member
13. November 2004 @ 23:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The files came from DVDs i ripped with DVDShrink. They are iso files which i still have in my hard drive. I attempted to burn with Nero 6 burning Rom (no roxio or incd on my computer).

I had burned the files previously with DVD Decryptor. Upon viewing them i found that the dvds all suffered skipping, freezing, and breaking up of picture about 20 minutes into play (4 DVDs in total tested on 3 dvd players and 2 PCs). Was attempting to burn files again when everything got screwed. One of the DVDs failed during burning. I tried again a couple of hour later (with a different blank). It was at that moment when my burner/computer refused to recognize DVD media of any kind in the burner

14. November 2004 @ 11:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dusty have you tried unplugging one of the dvd's
and just use one that is giving you trouble
i had two dvd players on my computer and an IT tech told me unplug one and use the other and it worked!
but what work for me may not work for someone else
just my 0.02 good luck
AfterDawn Addict
14. November 2004 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


What I'd like you to do is to "Pick up" those ISO files from your HD with DVD Shrink (Files, Open Disc Image) then go to Edit, Preferences, then General and change your target size from DVD-5 to Custom and set the size number to 4300MB then click OK and process as usual in cluding all of the Quality settings in Backup then burn to disc with either DVD Decrypter (ISO mode) OR Nero in VIDEO_TS folder mode and see how that plays - (use a RW disc so you don't make a coaster -)

Also, why not try what JRinTN suggested, un-plug a drive and uninstall one drive from your Device Manager and use just the one burner after your reboot.

If you need Decrypter, or Nero settings, let me know, and I'll send'em along -

HINT: Remember to either "tick" or "Un-tick" the "enable burning with Nero" box in the I / O tab in DVD Shrink's Preferences before burning -



The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
Junior Member
14. November 2004 @ 15:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I followed both suggestions and nothing........

Did what Scubapete advised but result was the same. As soon as burn should have started Decryptor stated "device empty (media not present).
I then did what JRinTN suggested. I unplugged my MSI DVD drive, and switched its plugs with the troubled TDK Burner. The TDK remained the master. I turned the PC back on and attempted to burn the ISO file made with Pete's last tips. Burner continued to read DVD media as empty ans so refused to burn.
Again, it seems its converted itself into a CD only Burner

AfterDawn Addict
14. November 2004 @ 18:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Asking Neplilim to stop by and take a look -

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
14. November 2004 @ 19:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello all. It's a bit past my bedtime so forgive me for any redundant questions :)

Are we sure the jumper settings for the drives are correct?

Have we tried the burner in another PC? (important!)

Are we using an 80-pin IDE cable or have we tried a new cable?

You mentioned there was no Advanced setting tab for checking DMA, correct? If this is the case you may have Intel Application Accelerator installed for which you'd go to Start > All Programs and it should be listed there. You can check your DMA settings with it.

The TDK4040N is an OEM NEC-1300A for which the latest firmware is 1.0C - is this the one we installed?

How old is the burner? Can you give us a rough estimate of how many burns you've had through it?

That's it for now :P

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. November 2004 @ 19:20

Junior Member
14. November 2004 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I do have Intel Application Accelerator. I check the settings in relation to my troubled TDK burner. Below is a portion of the report i thought would be relevant to my problem:
PIO mode support: 0-1-2-3-4
DMA SW support: no support
DMA MW support: 0-1-2
UDMA support: 0-1-2
default transfer mode: UDMA-2
current transfer mode: UDMA-2
PIO PPE: enabled
UDMA control register: Ultra DMA enabled
UDMA timing register: C = 2 CLK / RP = 4 CLK
Base clock: Ultra DMA 33 timings

Please forgive my ignorance, but i have no idea if there is something there that needs to change or how to do it.

I did check the jumper settings and they were fine. I have another cable and will test tomorrow. When i go to the TDK support site they list the newest firmware for the 440N as 1.0A (which i downloaded the other day). I purchased the Burner in Feb of this year and have done about 300 to 400 DVD burns.

I never thought to try the Burner on another PC but i'll try to do that tomorrow as well. Will it work properly if i just plug it into a another PC or will i have to something first. I can test it on my brothers PC but i don't want to mess anything up on his Comp.

I had a buddy test the left over Prodisc dvd-rs and they were all BAD causing a lot of frezing of his PC and stand alone DVD players. Could the media have been so faulty that it caused something to shut-down or change in the burner itself? And if thats the case how do we reverse it?
15. November 2004 @ 07:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Your log lists this for your drive: current transfer mode: UDMA-2 so we're good there, that's what we want to see.

Firmware 1.0C is listed here but let's keep that in our bag of tricks for the time being. We should try some better media before we flash.

The burner should plug right in and be ready to burn - nothing to install.

Could the media have been so faulty that it caused something to shut-down or change in the burner itself?
Absolutely. Quality media is the foundation of a good burning experience. The easiest way to reverse is to use quality media. For testing purposes we may want to shoot for the best stuff available such as Taiyo Yuden which usually has to be ordered online or Verbatim DataLifePlus which can be found in some electronics stores. The Verbatim "Movie Reel" media uses the same quality dye that we're looking for and I've seen them being sold in Target, Wal-Mart and the like so those may be the easiest to find quickly.

Let us know how it goes :)

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. November 2004 @ 07:55

AfterDawn Addict
15. November 2004 @ 12:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


TY has some media on sale, the dye identified as "G02"

Problems reported with TY G02 -

15. November 2004 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Problems with true TY or the fakes that have been circulating?

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
AfterDawn Addict
15. November 2004 @ 18:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Could be a fake - sometimes it's hard to tell -

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
15. November 2004 @ 18:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's a damn shame too.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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