Where are you sat?
Senior Member
24. July 2006 @ 04:00 |
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Good to see this thread active again, I'm surprised it's not been that much of a hit.......
I'd like to see this sticked, just like the "How old/young are you all?" thread.
24. July 2006 @ 06:28 |
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oh go on then, 'tis done :)
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
Senior Member
24. July 2006 @ 06:35 |
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Cheer's Creaky, now maybe we'll see some more pic's, get snapping. :D
Like I've said a few time's now, I'd definatly post mine but still need a digicam, keep spending elsewere :S
Its a great idea for a thread, keep 'em comming.
Senior Member
24. July 2006 @ 10:36 |
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wow, great timing, i was about to start a new thread to post comp pics, but since this has been stickyed as well as revived, I guess I dont have to, maybe we can have one for video game collections, im a collector my myself. Would be cool, but yeah POST YOU COMP PICS HERE!!!!
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7 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 08:33 |
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25. July 2006 @ 08:36 |
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Senior Member
5 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 08:53 |
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Image removed
Lol tv next to my monitor. Does that make me lazy?? lol
Soo untidy :(
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25. July 2006 @ 09:32 |
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Mine's changed a bit since the last one so here goes,

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
Senior Member
5 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 09:46 |
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Whooah Neph. Nice setup!!
25. July 2006 @ 09:58 |
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Thanks :)
I'm pretty fortunate to have it.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
Senior Member
25. July 2006 @ 10:40 |
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Goodness I'm jealous of neph's desk. He can look at 'mature' movies on one screen and ban idiots on the next. Just kidding nice setup especially the desk.
7 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 10:48 |
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sweet neph!!! that's nice :)
Suspended due to non-functional email address
25. July 2006 @ 10:49 |
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That is one sweet set-up you have there, but for the love of God man...Please lose the ironing board! LoL!
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. July 2006 @ 10:49
Senior Member
25. July 2006 @ 11:07 |
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Yea I love it, I think when I get my new setup I'm going to set it up similar to that. I still havent decided wether I'm going to get 2, 19" or 20" monitors or get 1, 22" or 24" though. I'll post a pic of my new setup when I get it, the one I've got now isnt good enough to post. BTW, how big are your monitors Nephilim.
Senior Member
25. July 2006 @ 11:35 |
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Very nice pic's from everyone :)
Neph, That desk is superb! its very hard to find them like that, an admirable setup overall, exemplary my friend,notice the ironing board in the background :)
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 12:36 |
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Poor photos but the following are a few photos of my recent new system. My desk is cluttered, and I have a CRT monitor. I love it, but not everyone wants to see it, so my PC is all you're getting!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 12:37 |
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25. July 2006 @ 13:00 |
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You have a definite pimp factor going there Sam :)
Lol, everyone's so into my ironing board! I'm borderline obsessive compulsive so all my button downs shirts and slacks have a nice crisp ironing job done to them :)
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
Senior Member
5 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 13:12 |
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Lol neph. Sam what a set up man. You think you could actually fit anything else in there lol!
Very impressed lol!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. July 2006 @ 13:44 |
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LOL yeah I could but haven't! :D Went for the CNPS7000Alcu over the 9500 due to weight concerns. It still cools admirably. Compare my slower single core XP idling at 62C in summer, this is at 57C due to having been folding on both cores for several hours, and is shoved under a desk without that much ventilation available, and to top all the room is well above 30C ambient. 57 is the highest I've seen so far, guess it's been hottest (31C outside today, very rare for UK).
Senior Member
25. July 2006 @ 19:25 |
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that comp is AWSOME!!!!!
why did my set up have to go <=(
anyway, KOOL
how much was it
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
26. July 2006 @ 01:46 |
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£1250. Thanks for the compliments guys, it seems odd to get such appreciation on a site where there must be so many computers like this one...
Senior Member
26. July 2006 @ 15:27 |
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That computer is sick!!!! How much is it in us? There's not that many computer that's like that. can you give me a full spec. very cool!
EDIT: found your spec on your sig.
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AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
27. July 2006 @ 05:33 |
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Yeah that's pretty much the spec in my sig, it only gets used from about 5:30 till midnight every weekday (because I work and don't leave it on when I'm out), most of the day saturday and just the evening Sundays (because I go out), but I love every minute!
5 product reviews
31. July 2006 @ 03:17 |
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I case your wondering what the hell is with the blue crap, that my beening bored! :)